At this moment, inside Fishman Island, it was already a sea of lightning.

Above, a lightning ball comparable to the size of Fishman Island was slowly falling. Once it fell, Fishman Island would be razed to the ground in an instant.

"This guy is really crazy"

"Ten thousand meters deep in the sea, once Fishman Island sank...He will die too."

"It seems that he intends to die with us."

Newgate said in a deep voice, holding the big naginata, the big golden sword standing upright.

Even in such a desperate situation, Newgate was quite calm. He is worthy of being the future [World's Strongest Man]】

"What should we do, Lord Lorne, Lord Newgate?"

"If this goes on, we will all be doomed, and this Fishman Island will really sink!"

Neptune was panicking.

First, Neptune was only about 20 years old, still very young.

Second, Neptune was not a pirate, and had never experienced life and death battles. This was the first time he had seen such a scene.

He couldn't help but feel a little bit unacceptable.

"Neptune, why are you panicking? There's no point in panicking in this situation."

"The reality is already like this, what we have to do is to accept it calmly"

"And... you have to believe in your brother."

Luo En put away the Tianyu Yuzhan, breathing steadily, his face as calm as a lake, as if he was not in a sea of thunder, but a sea of flowers.

"Mr. Lorne....."

Lorne's words may have made Neptune figure something out.

So he stopped panicking and calmed down.

"Hahaha....Now that you have seen the situation clearly, are you ready to give up resistance?"

Seeing that Lorne, Newgate, and Neptune were not panicking at all, Lei Long laughed triumphantly.

"very good!"

"A man of insight is a wise man. Enjoy the last moments of your life. Come with me and die in the sea!"

Lei Long swung his only remaining arm downward.

The sinking speed of Lei Ying above his head soared instantly and soon touched Fishman Island! The first thing to be defeated by Lei Ying was the tallest building on Fishman Island and the residence of the royal family, Ryugu Castle.

The luxurious Ryugu Castle, built with large coral reefs, shells and other precious materials, collapsed instantly as if it were made of paper the moment it touched Lei Ying!

Next...It is a hard shell tower that is lower than Ryugu Castle.....Prison Tower....

These seemingly indestructible buildings, when they touched Lei Ying, were shattered in an instant like paper!...Lei Ying descended to the Jilong Court Square where Lorne, Rocks and others were.

""Dark acupoints!"

Seeing this, Rocks shouted and immediately activated his fruit ability!

Behind Rocks, a strange dark smoke began to rise in the shape of a tornado.

The darkness took off and Lei Ying fell at a high speed.

Soon...The darkness came into contact with the thunder that fell from the sky! Zizi...

"What is that strange darkness?"

"Why does it feel a little strange?"

At this moment, the navy outside Fishman Island also observed the black smoke....It was really weird!

Many navy officers had a bad feeling in their hearts.

"Hehe, Rocks, even if you can absorb my lightning...But you will still suffer double the damage!"

Seeing this, Lei Long was not worried at all, and said confidently.

He had already seen through the weaknesses of Rocks' abilities!

Sure enough, when Lei Ying's size was reduced by one-third, Rocks' mouth began to bleed!

After all, the Dark Dark Fruit is different from other natural fruits in that it cannot completely avoid damage.

Sizzle, sizzle~

At the same time, the darkness still kept devouring Lei Ying.

As Lei Ying was constantly swallowed by the darkness, Rocks was also constantly hurt!

Puff~ Puff

After Lei Ying was absorbed to half of his original size, Rocks' nose, eyes, and ears began to bleed!

Crack, crack, crack, the sound of broken bones continued to be heard inside Rocks' body.

He had eaten the strongest move of a navy admiral, plus the characteristics of the Dark-Dark Fruit, which was equivalent to eating the strongest moves of two navy admirals!

The internal damage was too much for even Rocks' naturally strong body to bear.

In the end, when Lei Ying was only one-third of his original size, Rocks' legs could no longer bear it. He actually supported the ground with one hand and knelt on one knee on the ground with one foot!

Even the momentum......It also began to drop drastically!

"Hahaha...The struggle before death is really interesting!"

Lei Long has completely let himself go.

As long as he can take away the Rocks Pirates and Fishman Island here, his life is worth it!

"Haha, dead? Stop kidding, idiot!"

"The Celestial Dragons are not all dead, and I haven't seen my unborn nephew (niece) yet"

"How could I possibly die in such a place?!"

Perhaps he thought of his unfulfilled dream.

Or perhaps he thought of his unborn nephew (niece).

Rocks's will that was about to dissipate gathered again!

He pushed hard with his palm, and stood up straight from his kneeling position!

At the same time, the darkness devoured Lei Ying more and more quickly!

After just a few minutes, Lei Ying, who was as big as Fishman Island, was completely swallowed up by the darkness!

And Rocks, except for his face covered in blood, still stood straight in the same place, his momentum was not diminished at all!

"How...How could it be?!"

Seeing this scene, Lei Long seemed to freeze, and the smile froze on his face.

Then, the stiff expression was replaced by some fear!

That's right, it was fear!

It made the admiral of the navy feel fear!

"No...This is impossible!"

"You took the thunder and took multiple damages, how can you still be alive?!"

Lei Long roared hysterically!

He had already used up all his physical strength in the awakening move just now!

That power was enough to destroy a town or even an island, but it couldn't take away the Rocks Pirates?

No...Lei Long didn't want to believe it!

But the scene before him forced him to believe it!...After making a desperate decision to die together, they were unable to take the other party away?

Doesn't this mean that such a pirate group with huge potential will continue to grow?

"Haha, I told you, Thunder Dragon"

"I won't die in a place like this!"

"The only person who will die today is you!"

Rocks grinned, the slightly dried blood on his face making him look more terrifying than the god of death in hell!

"Then, die....Thunder Dragon!"

Locks' body moved violently, and he flashed in front of the Thunder Dragon in an instant!

At this time, the Thunder Dragon was completely stiff due to the exhaustion of physical strength.

Facing Rocks' actions, the Thunder Dragon could not make any reaction, and could only stand there with his pupils suddenly shrinking!

"Overlord, Overlord!"

Rocks gathered his right fist, and with the blood-like bright red Overlord Aura, he struck fiercely at the heart of the Thunder Dragon!

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