"Brother, you're right, I have the same idea."

Ron nodded.

The Rocks Pirates indeed have too few people.

Excluding the dozens of confidants selected by Rocks and Ron when they first set out to sea.

Plus the two hundred crew members brought by Whitebeard Edward Newgate after joining the Rocks Pirates.

The Rocks Pirates now have a total of more than 300 crew members.

For the Rocks Pirates that have already occupied Wano Country and are determined to overthrow the world government.

300 people are too few.

As Rocks said, the seastone factory in Rabbit Bowl alone requires at least 3,000 people.

And the area of Wano Country is very large, and there are still many resources to be developed in other areas besides Rabbit Bowl.

3,000 people are far from enough.

It's time for the Rocks Pirates to recruit a large number of crew members.

"Brother, since you agree, I will go to the pirate black market and ask them to release the recruitment information of Rocks Pirates."

Rocks picked up the Den Den Mushi and prepared to call the underground boss of the black market.

"Wait a minute, bro, what Wano Country lacks most right now is not pirates, but workers"

"If we recruit pirates, they will definitely not want to do this hard work."

Lorne stopped Rocks.

Because Lorne remembered that in the original work, Kaido used some prisoners or death row prisoners to quarry stones in Rabbit Bowl.

Instead of using his own pirate group to quarry stones.

This shows that the work in Rabbit Bowl is really hard.

Recruiting a group of pirates and letting them do hard labor in the factory.

This is like recruiting a group of 985 students in the real world and letting them screw in every day.

Even if they are recruited, a large group of them will run away.

You know, this group of pirates is not as honest as the students of 985. They might even cause trouble.

"What should we do now?"

After hearing this, Rocks also put down the Den Den Mushi in his hand.

What Loen said makes sense. It is indeed a bit unreasonable to recruit a group of pirates and let them enter the factory.

"Got it, brother, I know who to ask to come to Wano Country."

After a little thought, Loen patted his thigh and suddenly became happy.

"Who is it, brother?"Locks was very curious

"The fishmen of Fishman Island!" Lorne smiled.


"Yes, fishmen, they are extremely powerful, and their natural strength is ten times that of ordinary humans."

"What is hard work for humans is very easy and simple for fish people"

"Most importantly, the fishmen have long been ignored by the world government, discriminated against by nobles all over the world, and have been living under the sea."

"In fact, they really want to live on land and in the sun, but they lack the courage and opportunity."

"Now the Rocks Pirates can provide the murlocs with a great opportunity to live on land and in the sun. I believe they will not refuse."

Lorne was satisfied with his idea.

The murlocs can not only do factory work, but also cultivate other resources.

Even these murlocs can fight immediately after putting down their factory work.

Not only are they a good supplement to combat power, but they can also do hard labor on weekdays. There is no better candidate than the murlocs!

"You do have a point, Lorne."

"So how long will we be there?"

"Of course it's now."Loen was ready to leave immediately.

Now that he had Wano Country, he was no longer afraid of pirate invasions.

"Neptune of Fishman Island and I have known each other before, and I believe he will be happy to accept this proposal."

Newgate heard that Lorne was going to Fishman Island, and he also prepared to go with him.

He had known Neptune before, and was familiar with the situation on Fishman Island.

"Oh? Newgate, are you still friends with Neptune?"Lorne was a little surprised.

In the original book, Whitebeard and Neptune were indeed close friends.

But now Newgate is only about 20 years old, and Neptune is probably only 20 years old too. Have they been friends for so long?

"Gulala, don't underestimate me, brother-in-law. I went to sea when I was ten years old."

"It has been almost ten years now. In terms of age, I am older than you and my brother-in-law!" Newgate said with a smile

"You are right...."Lorne nodded.

In terms of seafaring experience, Newgate really surpassed himself and Brother Rocks.

"I hope this time it will go more smoothly."Locks nodded secretly.

The three of them came to the Kuri Falls in Wano Country. There is only one entrance and exit in the whole Wano Country.

"There is only one way to enter Wano Country, which is the Kuri Waterfall. I have sent the most trusted people to guard there. Let's go."

The three major forces of the Rocks Pirates left the base together. This is the first time.

This also proves the benefits of occupying Wano Country.

The three major forces can go out boldly, so that the Rocks Pirates can develop the fastest.

The three of them were in a small boat.

Newgate used the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit to launch a tsunami, and the three left Wano Country.

After about two days of sailing, Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate first went to the Sabaody Archipelago for coating.

"Although our boat is small, it will take at least two days to coat the film."

"Let's stay in the Chabaoti Archipelago for the next two days."

"cough cough....By the way, Lorne, you should find a new wife."

Lorne coughed twice and said to Lorne.

After all, Jasmine and Shirley are both pregnant now. In order to carry forward the Gibbeck family, he must find a new wife quickly.

"cough cough...Then let's go to the slave shop and have a look."

Lorne also felt that it was time to find a new person to continue the relationship.

Newgate had no objection to this.

This is the pirate world, not the real world. It is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines.

"That's the great pirate, Gibek Rocks!"

"and his brothers Gibbeck Lorne and Edward Newgate"

"How did these three people appear in the Sabaody Archipelago?"

""Get away from them!"

As soon as the three entered the slave auction venue, they were recognized by the nobles of the Sabaody Archipelago.

They covered their noses in disgust and ran to the other side, trying to stay away from Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate.

"Humph, these boring nobles, why not just kill them all."

Locks said with some dissatisfaction

"Forget it, bro....This place is quite close to the Navy Headquarters. Our purpose this time is not to cause trouble."

"Try to be low-key."

Lorne stopped Rocks. Although he also couldn't stand this group of boring nobles.

But the most important purpose of this trip was to establish diplomatic relations with Fishman Island.

As for ordinary nobles?

These rubbish are not worthy of the Rocks Pirates.

At least the world nobles have to be the Celestial Dragons who are worthy of the Rocks Pirates.

Soon the auction began.

An hour passed, and nothing that the Rocks Pirates were interested in appeared.

"Dear distinguished guests, we have finally arrived at the finale of the auction!"

"Please open your eyes, don't miss it!"


As the music sounded, the lights dimmed, and the entire auction venue became dark.

When the lights came on again, everyone exclaimed.

I didn't know when there were several fish tanks on the stage. There were fish people in the fish tanks, and they were all beautiful female fish people.


After Luo En glanced at these female merfolk, a smile suddenly appeared on his lips.

Because just now, he saw that among these female merfolk, there was actually a long-lost S-level female merfolk with a good fortune for her husband!

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