"Oh? Brother, have you seen a woman you're interested in?"

As a person who has a tacit understanding with Loen, after seeing his brother's smile, Loen immediately understood that his brother had found a new candidate.

"Well... there is indeed a woman who is suitable to be my wife."

Luo En suddenly stood up and raised two fingers.

"200 million, I want all the fishmen on the stage"

"He actually offered 200 million?!"

The price of 200 million made the nobles present give up the idea of bidding.

Fishmen in this era are not as rare as in the original book.

Although fishmen are expensive, female fishmen are at most 20 to 30 million berries.

200 million for these fishmen is definitely a high price.

But Loen didn't care at all.

After conquering Wano Country, money is just a number to the Rocks Pirates.

As long as the seastone resources of Wano Country are developed, Wano Country may become the richest island in the world.

With no one competing, Loen easily bought all six female fishmen.

The fishmen bought by Loen were very scared and trembled.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. I'll send you back to Fishman Island."

"Before that, you can have fun in the Sabaody Archipelago Amusement Park."

Lorne said gently to the female mermen.

"Amusement park? Really?"

After hearing what Lorne said, the female merman's eyes lit up.

It is well known that amusement parks are the natural obsession of mermen.

In the original book, even the buildings built by butcher mermen like Aaron are called [Merman Paradise].

It can be seen that even in the eyes of male mermen like the evil dragon, the amusement park is a holy place, not to mention these kind and lovely female mermen.

"Of course it's true."

Lorne said with a smile, and the fishwomen's eyes were full of hearts.

Soon, Lorne fulfilled his promise and took several fishwomen to the amusement park to have a great time.

During the process, Lorne also got to know the female fishman with an S-level lucky value.

The female fishman's name was Xia Ri, and she had blue hair.

This reminded Lorne of Xia Li, the fortune teller of Fishman Island in the original book.

As for their looks, there is no need to say that the female fishmen are almost all beauties with first-class enchanting figures, otherwise they would not be sold so expensively.

"Brother, the film coating is done, let's get ready to go."

Two days passed in a flash, and Rocks came to the amusement park to find Lorne

"Well, ladies of the fishmen, the journey ends here. Let's go, I will take you to the Fishman Island."

"Huh? It's over so soon? I want to play with Lord Lorne for a few more days."

"Good times always end so quickly....Lord Loen, can I still play with you in the future?"

"This is the best day of my life. I got to ride the roller coaster I always dreamed of."

The mermaids expressed their regret and happiness. Many of them even had feelings for Lorne.

After all, Lorne was the first man to play with them, and he saved them and was handsome. With all these conditions combined, the mermaids were fascinated by Lorne.

Even Xia Ri had a great affection for Lorne.

"It doesn't matter, I will play with you guys often in the future." Lorne said with a smile.

Anyway, all the fishmen will move to Wano Country in the future, so it doesn't matter if it's just one or two days.

Soon, Rocks, Lorne, Newgate and the female fishmen went to the Fishman Island 10,000 meters under the sea.

"Oh My God...Who is that? Am I seeing right?"

"It seems that Lord Newgate has arrived?"

"No, the one with Lord Newgate seems to be the pirate with a bounty of 400 million, Gibeck Rocks!"

"Next to him seemed to be Gibeck Lorne, whose bounty was 170 million berries, higher than that of Lord Newgate!"

"What are they doing in Fishman Island?"

"No matter what they come for, inform His Majesty immediately!"

There is a Fishman Island outpost in the deep sea a few hundred miles away from Fishman Island.

As soon as Rocks and Loen's ship entered the observation range of the outpost, they were spotted by these Fishman soldiers.

Upon seeing the three soldiers, they immediately contacted the minister of Fishman Island with a Den Den Mushi, and the minister then reported the news to the king of Fishman Island, Neptune.

Neptune is only in his early 20s, but because the previous king died early, Neptune inherited the throne early.

"What? Gibeck Rocks, Gibeck Lorne, and Newgate are coming to Fishman Island?"

"Newgate is fine, but what are Rocks and Lorne doing here?"

Neptune was very curious and a little scared when he got the news.

The reputation of the two brothers Rocks and Lorne is not very good.

The massacre of the royal family of a member country of the World Government has spread all over the world.

Rocks and Lorne have long been described by the World Government as demons who kill without blinking an eye.

"Your Majesty, no matter why they came, Rocks and Lorne are not big shots that we can offend on Fishman Island."

The left minister of the catfish fishman said hurriedly.

"You are right, Left Minister."

"Hurry up and prepare. I will go to greet them in person and see what they are doing on Fishman Island."

Neptune did not dare to neglect it. He immediately led his left and right ministers to the entrance of Fishman Island and waited there.

Don't hit a smiling person.

If you give the highest standard of reception, it will be difficult for the other party to find fault.

Soon they saw Rocks, Lorne and Newgate.

"Newgate, long time no see."

"Lord Lockes and Lord Lorne have come from afar. We have prepared a sumptuous dinner for you. Please come and have a chat."

He greeted Newgate first, and then Neptune and his ministers welcomed Lockes and Lorne.

""Gulala, Neptune, you are the king now, but you came out to greet me personally. That's very thoughtful of you."

When Newgate saw Neptune, he also greeted his old friend.

"I didn't expect these mermaids to be so sensible."

Locks understood when he saw the crown on Neptune's head and the many accompanying personnel.

Being received by the king himself was basically the highest level of treatment.

Was Fishman Island trying to show goodwill to him?

"It should go smoothly."Lorne also smiled.

Seeing that both Lorne and Rocks were smiling, Neptune and the ministers of Fishman Island also breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, Neptune, is it okay for me to take these ladies with me?"Lorn was going to take all the female merfolk to the dinner.

"Of course."Neptune was alert when he saw so many female merfolk.

Rocks, Lorne is not here to ask for female merfolk for a long time, right?

After all, female merfolk are in great demand now. There are often some criminals on Fishman Island who kidnap female merfolk and auction them off, making a lot of profit.

However, Neptune did not dare to speculate rashly, but took Lorne and his party to the palace.

The fishman chef had already prepared a very sumptuous dinner.

"Neptune, I am too lazy to talk nonsense. The reason we came to Fishman Island this time is because we have something important to tell you."

After the banquet began, Lorne went straight to the point and said to Neptune.

"Lord Lorne, please speak. Neptune listened attentively.

"It's simple. I hope you can lead all the people of Fishman Island to join the Rocks Pirates."

"In exchange, I can let you, Fishman Island, live on land and in the sun."

"What do you think, Neptune?"

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