For a moment, not a single sound could be heard in the entire Flower City.

The 30,000 troops that Kozuki Sukiyaki had brought with him were completely wiped out!

"Black charcoal cicada, leading the way"

"In addition to the Flower Capital, Wano Country should also have five locations: Hakumai, Reiko, Usagi, Kuri, and Nozomi."

"You are more familiar with the terrain of Wano Country than I am"

"You immediately bring people with us to clear all the people in these five locations out of Wano Country."

After doing all this, Lorne, who did not stop for a moment, brought Kozuki Sukiyaki to Kurozumi Kichan and said.

There should be quite a few people in the other areas, and they must all be cleared out.

"good...good...I'll arrange it right away."

After seeing what kind of devils the Rocks Pirates were, Kurozumi no longer dared to vent his anger in front of Loen.

Thirty thousand people had been purged, and the Kurozumi family of only 3,000 people had to bow their heads and behave like human beings.

"By the way, Kozuki Sukiyaki is no longer useful, so I'll give it to you. You can do whatever you want with it."

Lorne casually threw Kozuki Sukiyaki to Kurozumi Kichan.

The 30,000 samurai of Wano Country have basically died. Kozuki Sukiyaki, the"General", is just a figurehead and has no influence on the overall situation......

Another week has passed.

Under the leadership of the Kurozumi family, the Rocks Pirates cleaned up the six regions of Wano Country from top to bottom.

Since the samurai were recruited by Kozuki Sukiyaki to fight against the Kurozumi family, most of the people in other regions were old, weak, women and children.

These old, weak, women and children who had no fighting power were all exiled to the outside of Wano Country, and they could not make any waves.

As for the rest of the men and even young boys, they were all dealt with on the spot. To root out the problem, either don't do it, or do it....Just do it.........

After cleaning up the mess in Wano Country, Lorne and Rocks also began the final cleanup - the Kurozumi family.

For someone like Kurozumi Chibi who had betrayed his master, Lorne and Rocks would never keep such a person around.

Kozuki Sukiyaki was tortured terribly by Kurozumi Chibi and was finally killed.

Lorne and Rocks couldn't stand it when their former master was treated so cruelly.

What's more, Lorne, as a time traveler, was also familiar with the fact that Kurozumi Chibi's son, Kurozumi Orochi, had exactly the same moral character as his father.

Betraying the master is indeed commonplace for this family, and it is engraved in the genes.

It is estimated that if Kurozumi Orochi had a son, he would also be a backstab master.

Now that the war is over, all the samurai in Wano Country have been driven out.

There are only less than two thousand samurai of the Kurozumi family and the Rocks Pirates left in the entire Wano Country.

"'s the meaning..."

When he saw the Rocks Pirates showing their fangs to the Kurozumi Family, Kurozumi Kichan was full of disbelief.

"Kurozumi Kichan, do you think I would trust someone who has betrayed his master?"

Lorne slowly approached the Kurozumi family, his tone full of disdain.

Although Kurozumi Kichan did make some contributions in the Rocks Pirates' occupation of Wano Country,

Lorne was quite ashamed of this act of betrayal.

""Loen, stop talking to him and kill these bastards."

Lockes was much more straightforward. For a shameless person like Kurozumi Kichan, talking was a waste of time. Just start fighting!...In less than a day, the Rocks Pirates completely eradicated the Kurozumi Family at the cost of dozens of injured and 0 casualties.

At this point, the Rocks Pirates were the only ones left in the vast country of Wano.........


"Congratulations on conquering Wano Country!"

"This place is awesome!"

"With this island, we no longer have to worry about being attacked by any blind guys!"

"Shirley, Jasmine can rest assured and take care of the baby!"

On the night after the Kurozumi family was wiped out, the Rocks Pirates held a long-awaited banquet!

This time, the banquet finally didn't have to end in a hurry like the last time they seized the Dark-Dark Fruit.

"Bro, I think we can make this day the Rocks Pirates Celebration Day."

"From now on, on this day every year, we must hold a victory celebration to celebrate the great victory of the Rocks Pirates."

At the dinner, Ron, looking slightly tipsy, excitedly proposed to Rocks.

After all, after occupying Wano Country, the biggest stone in Ron's heart was put down.

With a natural island like Wano Country, Shirley and Jasmine can rest assured to take care of their pregnancies.

In addition to the rich seastone resources in Wano Country, the Rocks Pirates can also be regarded as occupying an inexhaustible and continuous gold mine, and have completely established a foothold in the pirate world!

"Great! Lorne, you are right!"

"The name of the victory celebration is good. We will hold a banquet every year on this day to commemorate the great victory of our Rocks Pirates!"

Rocks picked up a large glass of wine and drank it all, nodding his head repeatedly.

"Gulala, victory celebration, what fun."

Newgate's face was also flushed, and he seemed to be enjoying the drink very much.

"Young ones, everyone stand up and raise your glasses"

"I declare that from now on, today will be the Rocks Pirates' annual victory celebration!"

"Enjoy it to your heart's content!"

Rocks raised his glass and asked everyone to stand up. Everyone drank it all in one gulp. It was so joyful!

The banquet lasted for seven days and seven nights until everyone in the Rocks Pirates had a great time.

"How long will it take for Miss Shirley to give birth?"

After the banquet, Lorne found the female ship doctor and asked.

In Lorne's impression, Shirley might give birth to her first child soon.

"It will take about three to four months, Lord Loen. The female ship doctor replied respectfully.

"good....Please take good care of Shirley, Miss Jasmine."

"The natural environment of Wano Country is very beautiful. When you are free, take Miss Shirley out for a walk to relax."

"After the task is completed, there will be a huge reward."Lorne ordered kindly.

Today, the environment of Wano Country is beautiful, and some of the scenery is like a paradise on earth.

It is not as desolate as it was destroyed by Kaido in later generations.

There are forests, lakes, grasslands and other landscapes.

Lorne even planned to build a huge garden directly for his wives to relax in.

You know, mood is also an important factor affecting childbirth.

Staying in the room all the time will definitely be bad for the fetus.

With this idea in mind, Lorne found Rocks to talk to him, but found that Rocks seemed to have something on his mind.

"Brother, why are you so sad? Are you worried about something?"Lorne was very curious.

It was not easy to occupy Wano Country, so he should be happy now.

When Rocks saw Lorne coming, he quickly said:

"Lorne...I found that there are too few people in the Rocks Pirates"

"Many resources in Wano Country need to be developed, and most of them are very hard physical work."

"The seastone factory in Rabbit Bowl alone requires at least thousands of people to maximize resources."

"It seems that we have to find a way to expand the size of the Rocks Pirates, recruit more soldiers and crew members."

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