"Good opportunity!"

Loen seized the opportunity and leaped directly towards Kozuki Sukiyaki.

"General, run away!"

At this time, several warriors jumped out from the side of Kozuki Sukiyaki and stood in front of Loen and Kozuki Sukiyaki.

"Don't stop my brother-in-law!"

""Get out of my way!"

At the same time, Newgate also rushed forward at the right time.


He raised his big naginata and swept forward.

With Newgate's innate powerful divine power and the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, several warriors were completely unable to resist and were knocked away.

"You've come just in time. I'm not someone who can be manipulated by others!"When

Kozuki Sukiyaki saw Loen coming, he immediately drew his sword.

Having killed so many samurai from Wano Country, Kozuki Sukiyaki hated the Rocks Pirates and the Kurozumi Family.

"Oh? Ame-no-Habe-Zan?"

Seeing Kozuki Sukiyaki's sword, Loen's eyes lit up.

He already had advanced swordsmanship, and what he lacked was a suitable weapon.

Although Ame-no-Habe-Zan was not one of the supreme great swords, it was at least one of the twenty-first great swords.

It was said to be a famous sword that could cut down the sky.

It seemed to be made by Kozuki Sukiyaki, the"famous swordsmith" himself.

"Evil villain, die!"

Kozuki Sukiyaki swung his sword angrily, and a simple and unadorned sword energy rose from the ground.

"Armament Haki: Hardening!"

Lorn, whose Armament Haki was close to the top level, covered his arm with domineering aura.

With a slight raise of his hand, he turned Kozuki Sukiyaki's slash into nothing.

"How could it be?"

Kozuki Sukiyaki's face condensed, and he swung out several sword energies in succession.

"It seems that all your talents are used in forging."

"Such a precious sword is used by a mediocre swordsman like you. Don't you hear the sword crying?"

Lorne walked towards Kozuki Sukiyaki with a smile. These sword energies were so strong that he was too lazy to dodge.

"Damn it! Protect the general!"

The surrounding gangsters and samurai also rushed to protect him.

"I wonder who dares to step forward and die!"

Newgate picked up the big naginata and stood behind Lorne. His tall stature and terrifying aura made many warriors retreat with just one sentence!

It was quite like Zhang Yide shouting back Cao's army at Dangyang Bridge.

At the same time, Lorne disarmed Kozuki Sukiyaki and captured him alive.

"Kozuki Sukiyaki has been captured! Who dares to move again?"

Kai Luo En used the Moon Step to come to the sky above the battlefield.

With one hand dripping Kozuki Sukiyaki, with the other hand holding the Tenyuyuzan, he placed it on Kozuki Sukiyaki's neck and announced to the entire battlefield.

The next moment, everyone looked up at the sky!

"Hehehe, it worked!"

Kurozuki Kichan, Kurozuki Muchan and everyone in the Kurozuki family, including the 4-year-old Kurozuki Orochi, all showed proud smiles.

""Sir General!"

On the contrary, Kozuki Sukiyaki's subordinates and Hanano Heigoro's gangster subordinates all stopped their actions, their faces ashen!

"All samurai, lay down your weapons and leave Wano Country. I can spare Kozuki Sukiyaki's life."


The Tianyuyuzan in Luo En's hand had already cut a conspicuous bloody wound on Kozuki Sukiyaki's neck.

"Don't...Don't attack the general!"

"We are willing to withdraw from Wano Country!!"

"We are willing to do whatever you ask us to do!"

The warriors did not dare to resist too much and were ready to listen to Lorne's words directly.

In the eyes of the warriors of Wano Country, the general's life is higher than the sky.

They will never joke about the general's life.

Soon the warriors abandoned the swords they regarded as their lives and threw them on the ground.

Then they began to retreat from the Flower City one after another.

"very good..."


At this moment, Lorne immediately gave Rocks a look.

""Got it, brother."

Rocks smiled evilly, understanding what he meant.

These warriors were quite powerful, so if they were let go, wouldn't that be like letting a tiger go back to the mountain?

While they had no will to fight, he would kill them all in one go.

Rocks activated his ability and touched the ground with one hand.

Immediately, the ground of the entire Flower City turned into a black liquid.

"What's this?"

"Is this Rocks' ability again?"

After seeing the darkness, the retreating warriors felt something was wrong.

However, Rocks would not give them any time to react.

"Dark acupuncture point!"

Hua La La!

The dark fluid instantly released an extremely powerful attraction!

The terrifying gravity pulled the warriors directly into the dark space on the ground!

Not only the warriors, the gravity of darkness was so strong that it even swallowed up the trees, buildings, and forests.

Just like a glutton that can never be full, darkness greedily sucked everything it could swallow.

Then, a few minutes later.

All the buildings, warriors, trees and other substances swallowed by the darkness were released.

But this time, like a pool of stagnant water, the released substances had no vitality!

"this...this this this..."

Seeing this scene, Kurozumi Kisaragi, Kurozumi Musaragi, and the people of the Kurozumi family, including the four-year-old Kurozumi Orochi, were so frightened that they stood there in a daze! Is this a pirate

?...Didn't the other party surrender?

Why did they still want to kill them all?!!

The Rocks Pirates' style of action is so terrifying that it makes the entire Kurozumi family scalp numb.

"Bastard! Beast! Why did you attack them?"

"They have clearly laid down their weapons!"

"I'm also leaving Wano Country as you said."

"Why did they kill him without giving him any chance to live?"

"Why on earth?"

Seeing this, Kozuki Sukiyaki, who was captured by Lorne, burst into tears and asked Lorne with almost broken teeth.

"Hehe, Kozuki Suki���This is the truth of this world"

"Survival of the fittest"

"The Weak...They don't even have the right to choose life or death."

Lorne's tone was very indifferent, and no emotion could be heard.

Even Newgate looked calm and didn't think there was anything wrong.

These samurai are quite powerful and numerous.

Just letting them leave Wano Country so openly, are they waiting for them to come back for revenge one day?

Although Lorne and Newgate are not cruel, and they have also agreed that the pirate group is not allowed to attack civilians.

But that is only under normal circumstances.

Now this group of people from Wano Country blocked the way of the Rocks Pirates, then no matter who they are, no matter how high or low their status is, they will be ruthlessly crushed by the iron hoof of the Rocks Pirates!

This is responsible for the Rocks Pirates, and also for Jasmine, Shirley, and the children who are about to be born.

Although it is bloody, this is the truth of the world!

This era is not the era of pirates playing house in the future, King Luffy.

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