"This is...This is..."

Kurozumi Chikan's eyes widened when he saw the devil fruit in Rocks' hand.

Although he didn't know that this thing was called a devil fruit, he knew that Kurozumi Chikan had acquired strange magic after eating this strange fruit!

Rocks... Rocks, this guy, took away Kurozumi Chikan's magic!

"Brother, keep it. This fruit is a good ability."

Lorne smiled lightly. The upper limit of the barrier fruit is not high, but the lower limit is very high.

A very weak person can fight against a strong person after eating the barrier fruit.

Lorne even considered that maybe leaving it for his children to eat in the future might be a good choice.

Or it would be good to reward the warriors of the Rocks Pirates.

Rocks nodded and put the fruit in a box.

Everyone looked around the battlefield.

At this time, the members of the Rocks Pirates had withdrawn from the battlefield according to the captain's order.

On the one hand, the samurai of the Kurozumi family were fighting with the remnants of Kozuki Sukiyaki and the gang of Hananoheigoro.

Without the restraint of the Rocks Pirates, the Kurozumi family was simply being slaughtered unilaterally!

"How long have you......How long will it take for you to take action?"

Kurozumi Chibi said with a crying voice, but in fact he hated the Rocks Pirates in his heart.

"about there...."

Seeing that less than half of the 3,000 warriors of the Kurozumi family were left, they would probably be defeated if they continued to fight, so Lorne and Rocks were ready to take action.

The goal of the Rocks Pirates was to seize Wano Country from the beginning, not for the profit of seastone.

You know, the Wano Country, with its people united, is still quite powerful.

Lorne's plan was to first conspire with the Kurozumi family to completely eliminate the forces of [Shogun] Kozuki Sukiyaki and several other daimyo.

Finally, the Kurozumi family would be driven out of Wano Country.

To do this, they had to let them consume each other first.

So the Rocks Pirates were just paddling at the beginning of the war. They were ready to take real action only when both sides had almost consumed each other's fighting.

After all, the samurai of Wano Country, whether from the Kurozumi family or the Kozuki family, must all be driven out of Wano Country. Those who are not of my race must have different hearts.

These samurai are all traitors and undercovers, and the Kurozumi family are all traitors, and they must never stay in Wano Country.

It is even more impossible to cooperate with them.

The Rocks Pirates must monopolize Wano Country!

"Come on, warriors of the Rocks Pirates!"

"Let the warriors of Wano Country know what the word pirate means!"

Rocks raised his arms and shouted, and soon hundreds of people from the Rocks Pirates joined the battle again.

"Dark water!"

"Shock the air!"

""Lan Jiao Liu Ying!"

Under the leadership of the three great masters, Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate, the situation was reversed in an instant.

"what happened?"

"How come the Rocks Pirates suddenly became so much stronger?"

"Could it be that they had not used their full strength before?"

Kozuki Sukiyaki's troops were already stunned.

Under the leadership of Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate, they were completely unable to stop the attack of the Rocks Pirates.

"It seems that the most difficult to deal with are not the Black Charcoal Clan."

"It's the Rocks Pirates."

Hana no Hyogoro also saw the signs.

With the strength of the Kurozumi family, are they qualified to rebel?

It seems that they have joined forces with a powerful enemy.

"Boys, come with me to fight the pirates."

Hanano Heigoro immediately picked up his sword and led his gangster brothers to attack the Rocks Pirates.

"Leave this guy to me, I haven't had enough fun yet."

Locks also saw that the strongest single combat power of the opponent was Hananobei Goro.

He had never used all his strength in this war, and it was not satisfying at all!

So when he saw Hananobei Goro rushing over, Locks took the lead and rushed towards him.

At the same time, Lorne and Newgate also faced the strongest samurai in the gang except Hananobei Goro.


With a gorgeous slash and the combination of Armament Haki Ryusakura, Hana no Hyogorou charged at Rocks.

"Is that all you can do?"

Rocks's observation Haki had already detected Hananoheigoro's strength, and he couldn't help but be disappointed.


With one hand covered with Armament Haki: Blackening, Rocks caught Hananoheigoro's katana steadily and held it tightly.

"Cut again!"

Hananobeigoro wanted to draw out his sword and cut again, but he found that the opponent's strength was so great that he couldn't even pull the sword out!

"How could this happen?"

The eyes behind the sunglasses were horrified.

""Dominant attack!"

Rocks smiled grimly, and threw a punch with his free other hand!


The terrifying black lightning kept splashing on Rocks' right fist like sparks, as if it was about to explode.

This move was obviously entangled with the Dominant Haki.

Hana no Hyogoro immediately gave up his sword and rolled sideways to avoid Rocks' attack.

But the Dominant Haki entanglement is so terrifying.

Even though Hana no Hyogoro had avoided Rocks' fist, he was still hurt.

He spit out a mouthful of old blood, and the whole person flew hundreds of meters away.

He didn't stop until he crashed into a building. He didn't stand up for a long time, and his life or death was unknown.

"Boss Binggoro!"

"He actually defeated the boss Bingwulang with just one move....."

"What kind of monster is this guy?"

The gangsters who were still fighting fiercely began to doubt their lives when they saw their respected boss being subdued by someone in one move!

"Subdued the man who just killed Kurozumi Chanmaru in one move"

"As expected of the Rocks Pirates."

Seeing this, Kurozumi Chanmaru, who was watching the battle in a wretched manner, couldn't help but feel proud.

It seems that it is right to rely on the power of the Rocks Pirates. After this battle, the [General] of Wano Country will change!

"Hey, where are you looking?"

"Armament Haki·Ryu-Okura!"

Just like the chain reaction caused by Whitebeard being stabbed in the war on the top, the defeat of Hyogoro also immediately caused a chain reaction.

Loen found the right time to launch a fatal blow.

The attack with Armament Haki·Ryu-Okura hit the heart of the fighting samurai thoroughly.

Immediately, the samurai with the strength of a senior cadre of the Imperial Group fell to the ground with his eyes white.

Newgate over there also achieved the same result!

"how come....?"

"The three strongest people suddenly...."Other gang members suddenly felt something was wrong

"You don't have time to worry about others, warriors." Rocks' voice came from the sky.

"In the sky!"

The warriors all raised their heads and swung their swords at the same time.

""The Tyrant King!"

Rocks descended from the sky, and after accumulating strength, he punched out with an explosive punch!

The shock wave from his fist expanded rapidly like a sword's energy, directly covering the entire area!

The terrifying black fireworks exploded everywhere, dazzling the eyes!

After the shock wave exploded, a conspicuous and huge open space was instantly cleared on the battlefield!

This open space led directly to [General] Kozuki Sukiyaki!

At this time, there was no one in front of Kozuki Sukiyaki!

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