"What...Something suddenly appeared!"

"This is...Is it a pirate ship?"

"Why would a pirate ship appear in the Flower City?"

For a moment, all eyes were focused on this very abrupt pirate ship.

"This is...Rocks Pirates!"

Immediately, people from Wano Country recognized the flag on the pirate ship!

It was the famous Rocks Pirates!

"Luo...Rocks Pirates?"

"Is it... the pirate whose captain has a bounty of over 400 million?"

"This... How... How could he be in Wano Country?"

The warriors of Wano Country became restless.

Obviously, even though it was a closed country, there were some people in Wano Country who had heard of the name of the Rocks Pirates.

They were very curious, how could the Rocks Pirates suddenly appear in Wano Country.

Could it be that they were swept in by the tsunami?

"Hahahaha, Newgate, well done!"

"At least half of the enemy's troops were killed in one fell swoop!"

"As expected of you, Newgate!"

At this moment, the voices of Lorne, Rocks and others rang out on the Rocks pirate ship!

"Come...."Are they here?"

Kurozumi Chiba looked at the pirate ship in front of him in a daze.

He now confirmed that the Rocks Pirates had arrived!

But what Kurozumi Chiba did not expect was that the Rocks Pirates actually rode the tsunami to enter Wano Country?

How did this happen?

Are the Rocks Pirates a bunch of lunatics?

Kurozumi Chiba suddenly regretted forming an alliance with the Rocks Pirates.

"Brothers, charge!"

"Drive all these guys out of Wano Country!!"

Rocks said with great pride, raising the morale of the pirate group to the peak.



Although the warriors of the Rocks Pirates only numbered a few hundred, they were all carefully selected warriors!

They resolutely charged towards the 10,000-man army of Wano Country.

"Oh? Is it an intruder?"

"How dare they invade Wano Country, which has not been touched by anyone for hundreds of years! They are simply courting death!"

"Only a hundred people....Kill them!"

The people on Kozuki Sukiyaki's side were confused at first.

Then they saw that the members of the Rocks Pirates actually started to attack them, and then they understood.

This group of pirates are invading Wano Country!

A mere hundred people dared to charge at an army of ten thousand people, which was simply ridiculous!

Swish, swish, swish!

The samurai and soldiers of Wano Country drew out their silver-shining samurai swords and killed the Rocks Pirates.

Seeing this, Lorne jumped on the edge of the pirate ship and looked at the dark mass of Wano Country's troops below, which was spectacular.

This was the first time that Lorne had faced an army of more than ten thousand people since he went to sea.

What a pity.

In the world of pirates, human wave tactics have always been an ineffective pile.

"It's our turn, man, Newgate!"Lorn said.

Whitebeard and Rocks nodded, jumped onto the edge of the pirate ship, and stood beside Lorn.


In an instant, the three people's domineering aura was fully activated.

Hula hula~~

Three waves rolled up from the flat ground, like a tornado.

The invisible momentum continued to spread and spread with the three people as the center.

The air wave instantly enveloped the entire Flower City!

Snap, snap, snap!

In just a blink of an eye, the warriors of Wano Country who were affected by the domineering air wave were like dominoes, one after another, their eyes turned white, foamed at the mouth, and all fainted!

Not only the warriors.

The residents of the Flower City, the people, and the geishas were all affected by this domineering color!

Fainted on the spot.

In just half a minute, under the joint release of the three domineering auras.

The army that originally had 15,000 people left instantly became only 5,000 people!


"Where do these pirates come from?"

"More than 10,000 people have fallen!"

The samurai of Wano Country were extremely surprised!

Although the country was closed to the outside world, the samurai knew that there was such a thing as Conqueror's Haki in this world.

But they could actually overthrow Wano Country's 10,000 troops in one breath. The strength of this group of pirates was far beyond their imagination.

"How come we only managed to deal with so few people?"

"I can only say that this is indeed a martial arts country."

"I thought there could only be a hundred people standing, it seems I miscalculated."

Seeing this scene, Ron, Rocks, and Newgate were also slightly surprised.

It seems that the military strength of Wano Country is indeed different from those soldiers of ordinary world government member countries.

Let alone the strength of these samurai, just their almost [blind loyalty] willpower alone is indeed not easily intimidated by the Conqueror's Haki.

Think about how Jin Huang was shot in the head by the Thunder Bagua entangled with the Conqueror's Haki and survived, you can understand that this scene is not outrageous.

What's more, Ron, Newgate and even Rocks are far from reaching their peak.

Swish, swish, swish!

At the same time, the members of the Rocks Pirates who started the charge have already engaged in close combat with Kozuki Sukiyaki's troops! The

Rocks Pirates fell into a disadvantage in an instant.

After all, with fewer people against more, and everyone in Wano Country is martial, such a scene is not surprising

"Damn it! The military strength of Wano Country is completely different from that of the World Government member countries!"

"This is the first time I feel so exhausted!"

Several members of the Rocks Pirates were surrounded by dozens of Wano Country samurai and could not break through.

"Dark water!"

A deep voice sounded, and a dark liquid suddenly appeared under the feet of the warriors of Wano Country.

"What is this!?"

"Is it the witchcraft of these pirates?"

The samurai of Wano Country stared at the dark matter under their feet with wide eyes, not knowing how to deal with it for a moment.

Although there are devil fruit users among them, they don't know that this ability comes from the devil fruit.

They think it is witchcraft.

But none of this matters.

Crash, crash!

The next moment, these Wano Country samurai were pulled into the darkness!

After a few seconds, they were released. These Wano Country samurai were already dying and had completely lost their will to fight!

"Captain Rocks!!"

Seeing that they were saved, several members of the Rocks Pirates looked at Rocks with stars in their eyes and admired him very much.

"Keep charging! The target is the [General] of Wano Country, Kozuki Sukiyaki!"

Rocks waved his hand and pointed directly at Kozuki Sukiyaki who was sitting on the horse.

With the support of the captain, several members of the Rocks Pirates continued to charge without fear.

"Gulala, brothers, don't be afraid, follow me!"

On the other side, Whitebeard Edward Newgate also used the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit to cover the members of the Rocks Pirates as they charged forward!

After only Whitebeard and Rocks joined the battle.

The Rocks Pirates, which had been at a disadvantage, immediately began to erode the defense line of Kozuki Sukiyaki's troops!

Samurai continued to suffer casualties, and the members of the Rocks Pirates were getting closer and closer to Kozuki Sukiyaki himself!

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