"What a loser, Kurozumi Cicada."

Lorne sighed.

The Den Den Mushi imitated Kurozumi Cicada's expression very vividly. Lorne estimated that Kurozumi Cicada must have peed himself out of fear.

"How many troops did Kozuki Sukiyaki recruit this time?" Loen asked

"and...Wanokuni...The population is around 300,000...."

"Soldiers...The number of troops is about 30,000....This time, Kozuki Sukiyaki attracted about 30,000 people!"

"I...I only have about 3,000 men...."

"Lord Lorne...When will you come?"

"They.. immediately...They are about to kill us at the door."

The black charcoal cicada said in a crying voice

"Don't worry, we'll be there soon."

Lorne sneered, hung up the phone, and immediately called Rocks and other members

"Is it going to start so soon?"

Locks was eager to try.

"That's right, there's news from the Black Charcoal Cicada, the rebellion has begun."

Lorne nodded, and then shouted to the Rocks members

"All of you, head to Wano Country now!"

Lorne directly gave the captain's order on behalf of Rocks.

Rocks didn't care about it, and even gave up the captain's position to his brother.

Lorne didn't care much about the captain's position.

In order to seize Wano Country, the Rocks Pirates' ship anchored in the waters near Wano Country.

In less than half an hour, the Rocks Pirates arrived at the waterfall of Wano Country.

""Shock the air!"

Newgate raised his fist, covering the halo of the Shock Fruit.

With one punch, the space shattered, directly triggering a tsunami!

"Take advantage of this tsunami and rush to Wano Country!"

This is how the Rocks Pirates landed in Wano Country.

Simple and rough!

The next moment, a tsunami struck, and the waves rolled up thousands of meters into the sky out of thin air!

"Go! Rocks Pirates!"

"We must seize Wano Country this time!"

Rocks raised his arms and shouted, and the ship rushed straight up along the tsunami!.....

At the same time, in the country of Wano, the heavy and rhythmic footsteps echoed throughout the Flower Capital.

At this moment, in the Flower Capital, the 30,000 troops led by Kozuki Sukiyaki have arrived at the gate of Kurozumi Kisaragi's residence.

"Black Charcoal Cicada, if you surrender now, I can spare your life!"

"Otherwise, the entire clan will be killed!"

Kozuki Sukiyaki, wearing a [General] cape, led 30,000 troops to the gate of Kurozumi Kisanagi's mansion and shouted to Kurozumi Kisanagi.

At this moment, in the mansion, the people of the Kurozumi family, led by Kurozumi Kisanagi.

Kurozumi Musanagi, Kurozumi Chanmaru, and the 4-year-old Kurozumi Orochi and other members of the Kurozumi family, as well as Kurozumi Kisanagi's confidants, were already anxious.

"Lord Guichan, if it doesn't work, we will fight them!"

"As long as we can kill Kozuki Sukiyaki, the rest of the people are nothing to be afraid of!"

The man who has eaten the barrier fruit, Kurozumi Chanmaru, who is known as the first warrior of the Kurozumi family, said with blood and vigor.

After all, up to now, no one has ever broken Kurozumi Chanmaru's barrier.

"Don't act on impulse!"

"This time, Kozuki Sukiyaki has gathered daimyos such as Shimotsuki and Ugetsu, as well as many samurai. We must not fight head-on."The young Kurotan Muchan, who had eaten the Imitation Fruit, advised.

The Kurotan family alone could not fight Kozuki Sukiyaki head-on.

Otherwise, the Kurotan family would have rebelled long ago. Why wait until now?

"Father..I'm afraid....Wuuwuwu~"

The young black charcoal snake beside was frightened by the scene and cried uncontrollably.

"Damn it, what should I do now? Kotsuki Sukiyaki is about to lead his army to attack us."

"We will all be finished by then!"

Kurozumi Chanmaru said angrily.

Kurozumi Muchan also shut up quickly and had nothing to say.

The army was already approaching.

At this point, what could she do?

She was a user of the Mimic Fruit ability and she didn't have the strength to fight ten thousand alone.

It was not like the original novel where Kozuki Sukiyaki was in critical condition.

Kozuki Sukiyaki was now in his prime.


""Haven't those bastards from the Rocks Pirates arrived yet?"

Kurozumi Kichan was extremely upset at this moment.

After all, he hadn't expected that Kozuki Sukiyaki would actually attack in advance and catch him in a rebellion.

But at this moment, the Rocks Pirates hadn't arrived yet!

If this continued, he would be dead!

"or..."Let's surrender."

After thinking for a while, Kurozumi Kichan finally gave in.

After all, Kozuki Sukiyaki had just said that if he surrendered, he could still spare his life.

If he really waited for Kozuki Sukiyaki to take action, his whole family would be ruined.

"Lord Onicant, you must not believe what Kotsuki Sukiyaki says!"

"Treason is a serious crime punishable by the death of nine generations of your clan. How could he possibly spare your life?"

Kurozumi Chanmaru immediately advised.

Treason is a serious crime, and you must do it to the end. Surrendering halfway is the same as seeking death.

"Stop talking, Chanmaru. I've made up my mind. Just surrender."

Kurozuki Kisame's face was solemn.

How could he not know that treason is a capital crime punishable by nine generations of the family?

But with the army approaching, in terms of military strength, the Kurozuki family could not defeat the power of the entire Wano Country in any way.

If they don't surrender, they will surely die. If they surrender, what if Kozuki Sukiyaki finds his conscience?

As for the Rocks Pirates, there is no one in sight until now. At this time, Kurozuki Kisame has cursed the members of the Rocks Pirates countless times in his heart.

Even his eight generations of ancestors have been greeted by Kurozuki Kisame.

If they hadn't invited him to join in the rebellion, how could he have ended up like this.


The door of the daimyo's mansion was kicked open, and Kurozuki Kisame walked out, just as he was about to surrender.

The next moment.

Crash, crash!

The sky above the Flower Capital was suddenly shrouded by a huge shadow!

It covered the sky and the sun, causing all the samurai present, including Kozuki Sukiyaki and Kurozuki Kisame and others, to look up at the sky at the same time.

The waves rushed towards the Flower Capital with the momentum of a torrent of thousands of miles.

"This is....!"

"What the hell!"

"yes....yes....Is it a tsunami?"

After seeing that it was a tsunami, everyone stared in confusion, totally unable to believe what was happening before their eyes.

How could there be a tsunami in Wano Country?

The sea is thousands of meters below Wano Country!

Crash, crash!

There was no time to think about it, the tsunami roared in, and in an instant it was about to swallow up the entire Flower City!

"Destroy Nanwuchuan!"

"Magic cut!"

""The Blood Scythe!"

Although the Nine Red Scabbards were not born yet, there were many powerful warriors in Wano Country.

These warriors immediately swung their swords, and heroic sword lights swept across the sky, reducing the force of the tsunami.

But in general, the abilities of these warriors have not yet reached the level of the general emperor, at most they are at the level of senior cadres of the Four Emperors.

Therefore, the power of the tsunami can only be reduced by half.

The remaining half of the tsunami swallowed up at least half of Kozuki Sukiyaki's 30,000 troops in an instant!

After the tsunami disaster calmed down, a pirate ship suddenly appeared in the inland of the Flower Capital!

The people from both Kozuki Sukiyaki and Kurozumi Kichan were stunned.

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