"Black Charcoal Cicada, what are you doing?"

"Hurry up and take your men to attack!"

At the same time, Luo En came to the black charcoal ghost cicada who was standing there motionless like a pin and said

"oh oh...Yeah..."

The rapid transition from extreme decline to extreme prosperity did not allow the Black Charcoal Cicada to react for a moment.

After being reminded by Loen, the Black Charcoal Cicada finally reacted.

"Follow the Rocks Pirates, warriors of the Kurozumi family, charge!"

"Kill Kozuki Sukiyaki, seize the position of [Shogun], and take over Wano Country!"

"If we win this battle, Wano Country will belong to our Kurozumi family from now on!"

Kurozumi Kisaragi drew out his samurai sword and roared, inspiring everyone in the Kurozumi family.

He led Kurozumi Musaragi, Kurozumi Tanimaru and other servants behind him and 3,000 samurai to attack Kozuki Sukiyaki!

"hey-hey...Come on, Dad. You are awesome."

"Come on, father, you are awesome."

At the same time, the four-year-old Black Charcoal Snake, who was so ugly that people couldn't bear to look at him, with snot bubbles hanging from his philtrum, was also holding a windmill that children played with and cheering for the Black Charcoal family in a safe place.

At only four years old, he had such a demeanor. This family was indeed born to be treacherous ministers.

"Lord Guichan, let me stand in front"

"Protective barrier!"

With the barrier fruit user Kurozumi Chanmaru as the vanguard, the Kurozumi family also joined the battle!

Under the strong protection of the barrier fruit, it was like a sharp knife tearing a hole in a piece of cloth.

A big gap was instantly cut out of Kozuki Sukiyaki's troops.

With the addition of a large number of troops.

So far, the alliance between the Rocks Pirates and the Kurozumi family is rapidly eroding Kozuki Sukiyaki's troops!

Countless samurai screamed!

Blood spurted out like it was free.

Broken hands, feet, limbs, organs, and heads kept rolling to the ground.

The entire Flower City fell into great chaos.

"Damn it, protect the General!"

"We must not let these villains succeed!"

At this critical moment, the [Oniwabanshu] who were responsible for protecting the [Shogun], a total of more than ten people, appeared on the battlefield!

These people were composed of ninjas and samurai.

They were also a force that could not be underestimated.

"Southern Sichuan is destroyed!"

"Canxue slash!"

"Kappa Rei!"

"Ninja Technique: The Art of Stealth"

"Ninja technique: Shuriken no Jutsu."

Clang! Clang!

A dozen people joined forces and burst out with powerful force.

They took the lead and blocked the way of the Rocks Pirates and the Kurozumi Family!

The strength of these dozen people is at the level of the Royal Corps cadres on average.

Some of the strong ones are even at the level of the Royal Corps' senior cadres!

Their appearance more or less slowed down the pace of the Rocks Pirates and the Kurozumi Family.

Of course, this was just a slowdown.

In front of Rocks, the strength of the Oniwabanshu was far from enough.

""Hegemony Strike!"

With a blow of Hegemony Haki: Entanglement, a member of the Oniwabanju was immediately knocked away by Rocks!

He was in a mess, his face covered in blood, and his internal organs were probably shattered by Hegemony Haki: Entanglement. He was already dying!

""Damn pirates!"

Seeing this, another member of the Oniwabanshu drew his sword and slashed at Rocks angrily, but Rocks grabbed him and slapped him away.

Rocks broke the man's samurai sword into two pieces.

In an instant, two members of the Oniwabanshu were defeated by Rocks.

"The breakthrough was opened by Captain Rocks!"

""Rush here!"

Just like a small gap in the embankment, it was caught by the flood and rushed down!

Only two Oniwabanju fell, and a chain reaction immediately occurred! The number of samurai standing in front of Kozuki Sukiyaki was getting smaller and smaller.

The Rocks Pirates and the Kurozumi Family were only tens of meters away from Kozuki Sukiyaki.

"Damn it! [General] Your Highness, leave now!"

Sensing that the situation was not good, several of Kozuki Sukiyaki's confidants hurried over to persuade him.

"But....I can't abandon these samurai."

Kozuki Sukiyaki's face was extremely solemn.

He didn't expect that Kurozumi Kichan would actually join forces with pirates to rebel!

As a result, the samurai in Wano Country suffered heavy casualties.

Looking at the bodies of these dead warriors, Kozuki Sukiyaki's heart was bleeding.

"Damn pirates!"

"Why did you invade Wano Country? Wano Country has never provoked you pirates!"

The extremely angry Kozuki Sukiyaki looked at Loen who had not yet joined the battle and asked hoarsely.

If eyes could kill, Loen would have been killed dozens of times by Kozuki Sukiyaki.

"Haha, a man is innocent but guilty of possessing a treasure"

"weak...It is a sin in itself."

Wano Country occupies such a rich and strategically located place of God, and of course it will be coveted by the strong.

Even if he does not take it now, it will be targeted by Kaido in a few decades.

The ending is the same.

Loen had no intention of talking to Kozuki Sukiyaki, and joined the battle.

Even several samurai were knocked to the ground by Loen, and their lives were uncertain.

In terms of strength, Loen is now a senior cadre of the Imperial Corps.

With the addition of Ryu Sakura, he can even fight with the top cadres of the Imperial Corps

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Lorn's contemptuous attitude deeply hurt Kozuki Sukiyaki.

How dare you say that Wano Country is weak?!


Kozuki Sukiyaki drew out his samurai sword and even intended to fight this group of evil thieves to the death!

"Your Highness, General! You must not act recklessly!"

"You are the king of a country and must not fall into the hands of the enemy!"

"If you fall into the hands of the Black Charcoal Clan, your life will be in danger, Your Highness!"

"Please leave here immediately, we will stop the enemy!"

The subordinate advised earnestly, with tears in his eyes.

"Hehe, you still want to escape after all this?"

"Kozuki Sukiyaki, I caught you!"

At the same time, Kurozumi Chanmaru, relying on his barrier fruit ability, quickly tore through the defense line of Kozuki Sukiyaki's army, and led many warriors of the Kurozumi family to Kozuki Sukiyaki.

The main reason was that most of Kozuki Sukiyaki's troops were used to deal with the most difficult ones, such as Rocks, Lorne, Newgate, etc.

Kurozumi Chanmaru's defense here was relatively weak.

""General, retreat quickly! I'll stop them!"

Several subordinates drew their samurai swords and blocked Kurozumi Chanmaru's way.

"Who the hell are you? Get out of here!"

"Barrier: Bull-rushing!"

Kurozumi Chanmaru laughed loudly and created a bendable transparent barrier.

Like a swift bull, he knocked away all the general's guards in front of him!

Without the advanced armament color of Ryusakura level, the barrier fruit is really hard to break.

Even if a weak person eats it, he can have a terrible defensive ability.

"Got it, Kotsuki Sukiyaki!"

"Our Kurozumi family has won!"

Kurozumi Chanmaru smiled grimly and stretched out a hand, ready to pull Kozuki Sukiyaki off the horse.

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