
Seeing the charcoal cicada's face turn pale with fear and his lips turn white, Luo En smiled with satisfaction.

Like son, like father.

Sure enough, he has the same character as his son, the charcoal snake.

"Do you understand? Black Charcoal Cicada, you are not qualified to discuss with me."

"If I can get into your house, I can kill you."

"I can even wipe out your Kurotan family right now, what can you do?"

Lorn's tone was not heavy, but it sounded like a devil to Kurotan Guichan.

It was too scary, these three people!

Not only did they avoid all ears and eyes, and sneaked into his mansion quietly.

And they also knocked down all the people inside and outside the courtyard without making a sound.

Just as Jibek Lorn said.

If he wanted to, the entire Kurotan Daimyo's mansion would have been bloodbathed by the three of them!

And it was done without anyone knowing!

This just proved that Lorn, Rocks and others were not hired by Kozuki Sukiyaki to test himself.

They have such terrible strength, Kozuki Sukiyaki could have hired them to kill him directly instead of testing him.

"good...I promise you!"

"You help me take the position of [General], and after that, I will give you 50% of the profits from the seastone of Wano Country."

After calming down, Kurozumi Chibi seemed to have made up his mind and gritted his teeth.

"Hahaha, Kurozumi Cicada, I think you seem to have misunderstood something."

"To punish you for rejecting me just now, I decided to increase the share to 70%."

"If you refuse again this time, I will increase my share to 90% next time."

Lorne's eyes curved into a crescent, and he said with a smile.

"That...Oh well!"

"Seventy percent! Seventy percent!"

"Then you must promise! You must not let Kozuki Sukiyaki live!"

Although Kurozumi Kichan was dissatisfied, he still gritted his teeth and agreed to Lorne's request.

After all, he was not qualified to bargain with the other party.

70% is 70%, it's better than 90%!

And after seeing the strength of Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate, Kurozumi Kichan felt that this was indeed a good opportunity.

Anyway, Kozuki Sukiyaki already had a rift with him.

If he didn't rebel now, Kozuki Sukiyaki would definitely find a chance to chop him down in the future.

It's better to strike first.

"Very good, Kurozumi Cicada, I was right about you."

"You are indeed a smart person."

"I will give you one week. I need accurate information about all the troops and samurai in Wano Country."

"A week later, we will lead the Rocks group to Wano Country"

"By then, we will join forces inside and outside to conquer Wano Country."

"If you have any questions this week, please use this Den Den Mushi to contact me."

Lorne handed a Den Den Mushi to Kurozumi Chika

"good...good...I see"

"Don't worry, I will fully cooperate with the Rocks Pirates."

Kurozumi Kichan said after receiving the Den Den Mushi.

"very good...I'll wait for your news."

Lorne said with a smile, and then he left the Daimyo's mansion with Rocks and Newgate.

""Lorne, will that guy Kurozumi Chibi really do it?"

After leaving the daimyo's mansion and returning to his room, Rocks was a little worried.

"Don't worry, bro, I've arranged everything."

"Kurozumi Kisaragi would love for us to help him rebel."

Lorne was very confident about this.

Is there a chance that the Kurozumi clan will not rebel? Unless the Celestial Dragons suddenly change their ways tomorrow and stop calling themselves world nobles.

To be on the safe side, Lorne had previously gone to the General's Residence in the dark.

He left a note to warn Kozuki Sukiyaki that Kurozumi Kisaragi was plotting a rebellion.

By then, Kurozumi Kisaragi would have to rebel even if he didn't want to, otherwise Kozuki Sukiyaki would definitely find a reason to kill Kurozumi Kisaragi and even the entire Kurozumi family.

Since Lorne said so, Rocks no longer had any doubts.

The three of them left Wano Country and returned to the Rocks Pirates......

"Brother-in-law, we are about to attack Wano Country"

"My sister is also pregnant, this time she must succeed"

"Last time you told me about the Armament Haki·Ryu-Sakura that can destroy the enemy from the inside, can you teach me?"

One day during dinner, Newgate found Lorne, scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

After all, this was the first time in Newgate's life that he asked someone for advice.

Last time, Lorne's brother-in-law performed Armament Haki·Ryu-Sakura in front of him, and Newgate had always remembered it in his heart.

In fact, with Whitebeard's talent, he could completely figure it out by himself.

But this time he was in a hurry to attack Wano Country and find a good place for his sister Jasmine to protect the fetus.

So Newgate decided to master Ryu-Sakura as soon as possible, so he came to ask Lorne.

"Hahaha...Newgate....Are you sure you want to come to me for advice?"

I didn't expect Whitebeard to ask me about Haki. Lorne found it a little unbelievable.

This is the famous Whitebeard, the future"World's Strongest Man".

He actually came to ask me about Haki?

"Of course, I am also doing this to successfully seize Wano Country."

When Newgate saw Ron's evil smile, he thought that he was unwilling to teach him.

Little did he know that Ron was so happy.

In the future, Ron could brag that he taught Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world.

"Of course I have no problem teaching you, but you have to ask the master to come and listen first."Lorne said with a wicked smile.

Wouldn't it be more prestigious to let Whitebeard recognize him as his master?

"this...Forget it, I will figure it out myself."

Whitebeard was such an arrogant person, of course he didn't want to.

Brother-in-law is brother-in-law, but master is a completely different thing.

"If you don't want to call me Master, you can always call me Teacher.

Seeing that Whitebeard was about to leave, Loen quickly took a step back.

Loen didn't want to miss such a good opportunity to brag.

"Okay, Mr. Loen, please teach me the Armament Haki."

Newgate thought for a moment and finally decided to ask Loen for advice.

"kindness...Your attitude is not bad, so I will teach you."

With the look of a teacher, Lorne immediately taught Whitebeard the principle of Ryuo.

Whitebeard was worthy of being the future [World's Strongest Man]. With just a little guidance from Lorne, he could perform Ryuo immediately.

But he was not proficient yet, and just needed to practice for a while.

Two days passed in a flash.

Other members of the Rocks Pirates, including Rocks, were practicing hard.

In order to successfully capture Wano Country.

Lorne was alone on the deck, sitting on a lounge chair and basking in the sun leisurely.

He could practice freely and become stronger by lying down, so why bother?

"Gulala, brother-in-law, I have mastered Ryuo!"

"It can even attach to the sword energy. Now I have surpassed you, brother-in-law!"

Newgate came to Lorne and said with some boasting.

It must be said that Whitebeard's talent is really exaggerated.

Not only did he master the Ryuuko skillfully in two days, but he can also attach to the sword energy. This is a bit unreasonable.

"Really? You want to fight your brother-in-law after just a few days of learning it?"

Lorne said with a smile. He had become much stronger after Jasmine became pregnant, but he didn't know to what extent.

Now was a good time for him to spar with his brother-in-law Newgate and test his current strength.

The two sides were about to spar.

Buzzbuzzbuzz. Buzzbuzzbuzz.

At this moment, the Den Den Mushi on Lorne's waist also rang.

""Lord...Lord Loen."

As soon as the call was connected, the Den Den Mushi imitated the exaggerated frightened expression of the other end.

"Oh? Kurozumi Cicada, did you get the information about Wano Country?"

Seeing that it was Kurozumi Cicada, Loen said

"alley...Got it..."

"No...But Kozuki Sukiyaki seems to know...Knowing that I was planning a rebellion, they have already assembled their army and are heading towards Daming Prefecture."

"able....Can you...Please Rocks...The Rocks Pirates arrived in advance in Wano Country"

"I'm afraid...I'm afraid...I can't hold on to the promise...It's that time"

"By the time...I...My whole family...possible...Maybe.....Die!"

On the other end of Den Den Mushi, Kurozumi Kichan cried and trembled.

How could he know that the reason why Kozuki Sukiyaki knew that he was planning a rebellion was all because of Loen's trick.

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