"Everyone, please be patient. People from Wano Country will come to receive us soon."

The tour guide of this trip stayed at the bottom of the waterfall and comforted the merchants on the boat.

These merchants came from various countries and wanted to buy seastone from Wano Country.

Soon, the samurai from Wano Country came down from the waterfall and boarded the boat.

Hualala, hualala!

The skilled samurai directed the helmsman and easily became familiar with the water patterns of the waterfall in Wano Country.

With the power of the waterfall, the merchant ship began to quickly enter Wano Country at a 90-degree tilt angle.

"Don't panic, the only way to enter Wano Country is to take this waterfall."

"We have experienced navigators, there won't be any danger."

The tour guide continued to comfort the many panicked faces.

Hearing this, Rocks and Newgate smiled with satisfaction.


The terrain of Wano Country is simply perfect!

With such a rugged terrain, only a small number of troops are needed to keep the enemy out!

This is simply the most perfect place to nurture a baby!

Soon everyone entered the entrance of Wano Country.

Led by the merchants and samurai, Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate followed the merchant team directly into the seastone factory.

"80% of the world's seastone is produced in Wano Country"

"We have the best craftsmen in the world in Wano Country, and the quality is absolutely the best in the world."

The people of Wano Country talked endlessly about the seastone, which made Rocks, Lorne and Newgate lose interest and doze off.

Soon the boring introduction was over.

In the evening, the people of Wano Country specially booked the most prosperous brothel in Wano Country and invited the merchants to enjoy it.

"We won't go to the brothel."

"It's hard to come to the closed country of Wano"

"I'll give you a 1 million Bailey tip and take us to visit Wano Country."

However, Lorne, Rocks, and Newgate directly asked the tour guide of Wano Country to take the three of them to visit Wano Country.

""Okay, three guests, please come this way."

The tour guide who received 1 million Baileys was very excited and took Lon and the other two to travel all over Wano Country with all his heart.

He didn't know that Wano Country had been brought into the most dangerous vortex by him.

He secretly memorized the key geographical location of Wano Country.

Lon, Rocks, and Newgate returned to the residence arranged by Wano Country with great satisfaction.

They waited until late at night and the city was quiet.............

Wano Country, the Flower Capital.

This is the most prosperous city in Wano Country.

Its prosperity is not inferior to any of the wealthy countries that are members of the World Government.

At the same time, the Flower Capital is also the residence of the rulers.

In addition to the current [Shogun] of Wano Country, another [Daimyo], the Kurozumi family, also lives here.

It was late at night, and the entire Wano Country had fallen asleep peacefully. Only the chirping of cicadas could be heard.

【In the residence of the Kurozumi family, the then daimyo, Kurozumi Kisabune, the father of Kurozumi Orochi, was sleeping soundly.

The entire bedroom was pitch black, and you couldn't see your hand in front of you.

""Who is it?!"

Suddenly, the black charcoal cicada opened his eyes suddenly as if he had a nightmare, terrified!

At this time, he could clearly feel that there seemed to be a beast invading the house, which made him uneasy.

"Come on, light the lamps!"

Black Charcoal Ghost Cicada ordered his servants to light the lamps quickly.

The dark environment gave him a very ominous premonition, and even a fear of being shrouded by death.

"Are you the Daimyo of Wano Country, Kurozumi Kisaragi?"

The light did not light up as expected.

Instead, a dark and unfamiliar voice quietly rose in the secret room, which made Kurozumi Kisaragi even more frightened.

"The person who comes... has thorns...!"

Kurozumi Kichan exclaimed.

But before he could finish, he clearly felt a cold touch on his neck.

"Black charcoal cicada, I advise you not to make a fuss, otherwise..."

The dark voice was full of murderous intent, and it frightened the Black Charcoal Cicada so much that he dared not even breathe.


At this moment, the light just happened to come on.

It was a candle lamp.

The light was very dim, but it was enough for the Black Charcoal Cicada to see the indoor environment clearly!

There were three people in total, two of them were about 3 meters tall, with red hair.

There was also a giant, about 6 meters tall, with beautiful blonde hair.

The candle lamp was in the hands of the 6-meter giant.

The momentum of the three people was very amazing!

After a long silence, the Black Charcoal Cicada asked in a muffled voice:"May I ask who you are?"

"Jibek Lorne."

Lorne was in the center of the crowd at this time, and said with a smile.

In the dim light, even Lorne's extremely handsome face was set off like a demon.

"Luo...."Lorne? Are you the vice-captain of the recently famous Rocks Pirates?"

Kurozumi Kichan's voice trembled.

Although Wano Country is isolated, it is not completely cut off from information.

Many businessmen come to Wano Country and can hear them talking about a great pirate group that has recently emerged on the sea.

It is called the Rocks Pirates.

Captain Rocks has a bounty of 430 million Baileys, and vice-captain Lorne has a bounty of over 100 million.

There is also a cadre named Edward Newgate, whose bounty also exceeds 100 million!

Look at the three people in front of him!

Each feature can be matched.

Kurozumi Kichan instantly understood the identity of the visitor!

Jibek Rocks!

Jibek Lorne!

And...Edward Newgate!

He was being targeted by the Rocks Pirates!

"Don't panic, black charcoal cicada"

"We came to Wano Country not to kill you."

Lorne smiled faintly and told the story.

"I heard that you are very interested in the position of Shogun of Wano Country."

"That's a coincidence. Our Rocks Pirates are very interested in the seastone of your Wano Country."

"We are willing to help you take the position of [General], but the condition is that after you take the position of general, we need 50% of the profits of the seastone of your country!"

""What do you think?"

Luo En said with a smile, while observing the reaction of the black charcoal ghost cicada.

"I...Why should I believe you?"

Sure enough, after thinking for a while, Kurozumi Kishigi didn't believe what Loen said at all.

Kurozumi Kishigi even thought that Loen might have teamed up with [General] Kozuki Sukiyaki to test him.

After all, Kurozumi Kishigi had the idea of treason before.

However, Kozuki Sukiyaki seemed to have noticed it, but there was no evidence.

Therefore, Kozuki Sukiyaki didn't have any good way to deal with Kurozumi Kishigi.

But there was already a rift between the two.

Maybe Loen, Rocks and others were hired by Kozuki Sukiyaki to test him.

Once he said something about treason, he would probably fall into Kozuki Sukiyaki's trap!

""Haha, Black Charcoal Cicada, do you think I'm here to discuss this with you?"

Luo En sneered and clapped his hands.


"Got it, brother-in-law."

White Beard understood and immediately used the candle in his hand to light up all the lights in the bedroom!

For a moment, the lights were bright.

The room was completely illuminated.


After seeing everything clearly, Kurozumi Kichan was so scared that he couldn't say anything.

Because in the room, all of Kurozumi Kichan's subordinates and servants.

In the entire [Daming Mansion], except for Kurozumi Kichan, everyone had fainted, their eyes were white, and they lost consciousness!

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