"Come on! Anyone who can’t finish the drink will be fined 10,000 Baileys!"

"What's left in your cup? Do you keep fish?"

"Fifty more grilled fish! Fifty more grilled fish!"

"Hurry up, there is not enough wine, bring fifty more jars!"

"Fifteen, twenty-fifteen! Drink quickly, drink quickly!"

That night, the Rocks Pirates held a grand banquet.

Everyone drank happily, and the relationship between everyone was very harmonious. It was not like the Rocks Pirates in the original work, who had their own ulterior motives.

Lorne's idea might really change history and change the outcome of the battle of God Valley. The banquet lasted only one day, and Rocks regrouped and prepared to make trouble again.

The target this time was naturally Wano Country.

According to Lorne, Wano Country has a natural barrier where one man can block the pass and ten thousand men cannot open it.

It is very suitable as the base of the Rocks Pirates.

Moreover, Shirley and Jasmine are pregnant, and they must find an island for them to rest and nurture their babies.

This kind of thing can't be delayed for a second.

Especially Shirley, her belly is already very big, and she may not be able to bear drifting on the sea anymore, so she must find an island to settle down as soon as possible.

"I heard that Wano Country is a very closed country."

"It has been closed to the outside world for hundreds of years, and even the world government and navy do not know the specific information of Wano Country."

At the morning meeting of the Rocks Pirates, Rocks said to everyone while eating breakfast

"I heard that there are very powerful warriors there. Many people have mistakenly entered Wano Country but no one has ever walked out alive."

"In addition, Wano Country relies on its own natural terrain, so it is probably difficult to attack it."

Newgate took a bite of breakfast and frowned slightly.

His sister is pregnant now, and he must find a suitable island to nurture the fetus.

Unfortunately, no one knows how many strong people there are in Wano Country.

A rash attack is likely to suffer a great loss.

"During the golden age of Wano Country, there once appeared a warrior named Ryoma."

"He is very powerful. In order to protect Wano Country, he defeated many invading pirate groups and world nobles, letting the whole world know that Wano Country is not a country to be messed with."

"There was also a rumor that Ryoma had"slashed a dragon", which made Ryoma a hero of Wano Country."

"This also led to the fact that Wano Country has a very martial spirit, where everyone is proud to be a samurai."

"So the military power of Wano Country is very strong, perhaps beyond our imagination."

Lorne said while eating breakfast.

Rocks, Newgate and other members beside him also nodded.

【They had also heard of the legend of the Dragon Slayer.

Although it had been hundreds of years, Wano Country had become synonymous with"Samurai".

"The supreme ruler of Wano Country is called"Shogun" by the people, and it is a hereditary system."

"【The general has a high prestige in Wano Country, and if he attacks rashly, he will definitely be resisted by the whole country."

"But as far as I know, the top leaders of Wano Country are not a monolithic group."

"At least someone in the high-ranking officials of Wano Country has been trying to usurp the throne.】"

"Maybe we can use this to achieve our goal."

Lorne said after wiping his mouth after breakfast.

"Oh? Lorne, are you serious?"

After hearing this, Rocks was very excited but remained alert.

It was not because he did not trust his brother, but because there was too little intelligence about Wano Country.

Where could such detailed intelligence be obtained?

Could it be that those black-hearted intelligence dealers deceived his brother?

"In fact, I don't know exactly, but we can give it a try, right?"

Loen smiled. He traveled through time too early.

In this timeline, Loen really didn't know what was going on in Wano Country.

After all, it was at least 50 years before the original work.

Kozuki Oden, the Nine Red Scabbards, and Kurozumi Orochi were probably born not long ago.

But like father, like son.

Conversely, like son, like father.

Kurozumi Orochi wanted to usurp the throne and become a general. Loen didn't believe that Kurozumi Orochi's father didn't have this idea.

If his father was really a loyal and good minister, he probably wouldn't have given birth to a traitor like Kurozumi Orochi.

But all this is just speculation. Whether it is really as Loen guessed, it still needs to be verified.

"Brother-in-law, how do you test me?"

Newgate, who was standing by, ate a large chicken drumstick in one bite and asked curiously.

"It's very simple. Although Wano Country is a closed country, the seastone they produce in their country needs to be exported."

"This requires contact with outside merchants"

"We can pretend to be merchants buying seastone and go to Wano Country to investigate."

Lorne talked freely.

Isolation is only relative. There are so many people in Wano Country who need to eat and wear clothes. It is impossible to really cut off all contact with the outside world. At least as far as

Lorne knows, Wano Country needs to sell seastone in exchange for Bailey and buy food, clothing and other necessities from the outside world.

This gives Lorne and others an excellent opportunity to enter Wano Country.

"Good! Let's do it!"

Locks was motivated and immediately prepared to set off for the country.

"Wait, brother, I will contact the seastone merchants in the black market immediately, and they will lead us into Wano Country."

"We don't need too many people this time."

"Brother, you, me, and Newgate, we'll be fine."

Lorne picked up the Den Den Mushi and immediately called the seastone merchant.

At that time, the underground black market did not have the role of Flamingo as an underground middleman like in later generations.

Many shady transactions still require face-to-face contact between buyers and sellers.

This also provided the Rocks Pirates with an opportunity to enter Wano Country.

With the face of the famous Rocks Pirates, how could the black market merchants dare to refuse.

They immediately offered a bargain price and agreed on a time.

Let the black market merchants lead Rocks, Lorne and Newgate into Wano Country together.....

Soon, the agreed time came.

Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate dressed up and boarded a merchant ship with the seastone merchant to enter Wano Country.

It is worth mentioning that Newgate's naginata could not be brought with him, otherwise it would arouse the suspicion of the people of Wano Country.

The three of them boarded the ship with bare hands and entered the waters of Wano Country.

"It is indeed an island with natural dangers."

"This waterfall is simply a natural fortress."

The moment they saw Wano Country, Rocks and Newgate exclaimed.

Wano Country has a dangerous terrain, and the entire island is surrounded by a very turbulent waterfall. According to visual observation, this waterfall is at least a thousand meters high!

If you want to enter Wano Country, you can only ride this waterfall upstream.

Not to mention crossing the waterfall, if you are not a genius navigator, it is impossible to be familiar with the water pattern of the waterfall and enter Wano Country.

Either you can only fly up, or climb a thousand-meter high peak with your bare hands.

No wonder Loen has always recommended Wano Country.

Such a waterfall is really a natural barrier, easy to defend but difficult to attack!

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