"This time we have robbed the world government member countries, the navy and the world government will definitely not let it go."

"I believe the navy's pursuers will arrive soon."

"After killing so many princes, nobles and CPs, they will at least send a general this time."

After returning to Larkta Island, the Rocks Pirates celebrated for a day.

Rocks, Lorne, Newgate and several cadres gathered for a meeting.

"General? That's really interesting."

"I wonder which general will be sent this time?"

After hearing the general, Rocks looked expectant, rubbing his hands, and his whole body made a sonic boom sound.

"Brother, now is not the time to fight the general."

"Shirley is pregnant, and the terrain of this island is really bad."

"Even if we defeat the navy's pursuers, the navy will certainly send reinforcements continuously."

Lorne remained quite calm.

It's not that Lorne didn't believe in his brother Rocks's strength.

With Rocks' current strength, he would never lose to the admiral and even had a chance of winning.

After all, his brother had already learned the Conqueror's Haki: Entanglement!

However, the terrain of this island was really bad. It was flat and could land smoothly from all directions, making it difficult to defend.

Besides, the baby in her belly was important, a child with SSS-level talent, and there must be no mistakes.

"You are right, brother. Let's leave. I am also annoyed with this island."

"Pirates come to attack all the time, it's time to find a real treasure."

Locks nodded. The terrain of this island is really too bad.

It's meaningless to fight the navy now, after all, the navy has a steady stream of reinforcements.

And the unborn nephews and nieces will also be threatened.

Soon, everyone came to a conclusion.

That is to decisively abandon Laquerta Island and look for an island with"easy to defend and difficult to attack" terrain.

"Since I'm leaving...Of course, we have to leave some gifts for the navy."

"I have contacted the pirate black market, and they will send a large number of shells and weapons immediately."

Lorne said with a wicked smile.

Then everyone showed a sinister smile............

New World, Larketa Island Port

"What's going on? I seem to be poisoned!"

"I.....I...I feel like I can't breathe!"

"Will...consciousness...is gradually being weakened!"

"There are mines...Be careful!"

The members of the Rocks Pirates had set up an ambush here early in the morning, just waiting for the navy to take the bait.

A large number of mines and traps, as well as poison gas and biological weapons purchased from the black market, put the navy in trouble as soon as they landed.

Many navy officers were affected by the bombs and their hands and feet were blown off.

Some navy officers inhaled chemical toxins, causing poisoning reactions and their lives were at stake.

This wave caught the navy off guard.

It can be said that more than half of the navy officers were killed as soon as they landed. Fortunately, the commander of the operation this time was Admiral Lei Long. When he discovered the ambush, Lei Long directly cleared the field with a huge lightning bolt.

However, Lei Long can clear the field of ambushes such as mines and artillery shells, but he has no way to deal with poison gas.

"Damn it! Retreat! These pirates are so despicable!"

"What are those guys from CP doing? Are they eating shit?

Seeing that the navy was still being poisoned, Admiral Lei Long had no choice but to evacuate the island urgently and call for support from the headquarters.

This operation was a complete failure.

At this time, the Rocks Pirates had already left Larkta Island and abandoned this mediocre island.

"Bastard pirate!"

"How despicable! Setting an ambush!"

"I was actually fooled by a group of pirates!"

"It's such a shame!"

Garp, Sengoku, Crane, Zephyr and others who originally wanted to train themselves were all angry.

The navy was ambushed by pirates, and more than half of them were killed without even seeing the pirates.

It was really shameful.

"Treat the wounded quickly!"

"Contact the headquarters for medical support!"

However, no matter how angry they were, they could not pursue them at this moment.

The navy that was ambushed could only swallow this great humiliation and contact the headquarters to treat the wounded as soon as possible.

"Rocks Pirates!"

"I, Lei Long, cannot coexist with you!"

"One day, I will tear you into pieces with my own hands!"

At this time, Admiral Lei Long, who had just called the headquarters, burst out a terrifying thunderbird and soared into the sky!

After reporting the situation here, the Navy Marshal directly scolded Lei Long. He used the Three Characters Sutra.

After all, if the Rocks Pirates escape, the Five Elders will not be able to explain.

At that time, it will be the Navy Marshal who will be scolded.

Scolded by the Marshal, Lei Long was so angry that he had nowhere to vent and could only rage at the air!

"General Lei Long was scolded by the Marshal"

"It's over. I'll definitely be criticized when I go back this time."

This scene also made Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr, Crane and other navy officers present feel numb.

The huge movement also attracted the Rocks Pirates who had already left Larketa Island for a long time.

"It seems that the Navy has sent Thunder Dragon, one of the three admirals of the Navy this time."

After seeing the Thunderbird soaring into the sky, someone from the Rocks Pirates said

"Oh? Thunder Dragon? Has the Thunder Fruit been taken away by the current admiral?"

Loen was also a little surprised.

He originally thought that the Thunder Fruit had been lying quietly in a corner of the Sky Island, but he didn't expect it to be eaten by the current admiral.

In fact, Loen didn't have too many thoughts about devil fruits.

Haki is the power that transcends everything.

All the top strong men have practiced Haki, and the fruit ability is only auxiliary.

Having fruit ability but no Haki is still useless.

But if there is a chance, and the Thunder Fruit is in front of Loen, he will still���After all

, the power of this fruit is really terrifying. With powerful physical skills and domineering, it is absolutely invincible!

But now it seems that there is no chance.

"What? Brother, it seems that you are very interested in the Thunder Fruit."

Locks, who had been dependent on him since childhood, immediately saw through his brother's thoughts.

"Hey, brother, you figured it out, but it seems like there's no chance."

"I'd better concentrate on cultivating my domineering spirit."

Luo En smiled. He didn't regret it even if he didn't have it.

As long as he cultivated his domineering spirit well, he could still stand at the top.

"Hahaha, Lorne, don't worry, the Thunder Fruit is a good fruit. I will find a way to help you get it."

"I know how to rob devil fruits."

Locks smiled faintly, very confident.

Those years in the Holy Land were not in vain.

There are many classical secret books there.

Lorne was too young to understand at that time.

Locks was old enough, so he had secretly flipped through it and saw the devil fruit encyclopedia!

He knew that the encyclopedia recorded the types and abilities of devil fruits!

Among them, there was a natural fruit called the Dark Dark Fruit, which was called the [most evil ability in history].

This fruit has the super ability to seize other devil fruits!

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