After leaving Larketa Island, Rocks and others sailed the ship to the pirate black market.

After all, without a base camp, the Rocks Pirates will have to find a new base camp next.

Riding a boat is very hard.

For a body like Shirley who has been pregnant for several months, riding a boat must be uncomfortable, and she will miscarry if she is not careful.

In addition to Shirley, Lorne will definitely have more wives and more offspring in the future.

This requires an absolutely safe environment.

Therefore, the Rocks Pirates need to find a suitable island immediately.

It is best to be the kind that one man can defend against ten thousand men.

This requires the advantage of Lorne as a time traveler.

As a time traveler, Lorne is very familiar with it. There is such an island in the New World.

That is Wano Country.

The terrain of Wano Country is very special, and the island where it is located has no coastline at all.

The island is surrounded by torrents of waterfalls.

To land in Wano Country, you must cross a very dangerous waterfall.

This is an absolute geographical advantage!

In the original work, Charlotte Linlin, one of the four emperors, broke into Wano Country with a group of core cadres.

But he was kicked away by King, one of the Three Calamities, the highest-ranking cadre under Kaido.

This does not mean that King is very powerful, but it proves how difficult it is to land in Wano Country!

A strong man at the level of the Three Calamities can defend half of the Four Emperors!

This is enough to prove that Wano Country has a"natural barrier".

Such an island is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and it is very rare.

It is simply an excellent base camp for pirate groups.

And Wano Country also has another resource that Ron covets very much.

That is, Wano Country has extremely rich resources - the raw materials of seastone!

80% of the world's%——90% of the seastone comes from Wano Country.

It can be said that if Wano Country had not [closed its doors to the outside world]

, Wano Country would have become one of the richest member states of the World Government just by monopolizing the resources of seastone!

Even the World Government had to use Doflamingo as a middleman and lower its posture to trade with Wano Country.

If Wano Country could be occupied, it would be equivalent to having a crazy money printing machine and an indestructible and almost unconquerable fortress!

Two major advantages in one.

Lorne naturally regarded Wano Country as the first target of the Rocks Pirates!

When Lorne told Rocks about his idea, Rocks immediately agreed.

Now the reason why the Rocks Pirates came to the pirate black market is to find something.

The permanent pointer of Wano Country!

In the Grand Line, due to complex factors such as magnetic fields and weather, ordinary pointers have become invalid.

If you want to find an island, you can only rely on two ways.

One is the life card of the residents on the island, and the other is the permanent pointer.

With a goal, the members of the Rocks Pirates soon found the permanent pointer on the black market.

Two hundred thousand Baileys were easily taken.

The merchant who sold the Wano Country Pointer was grinning from ear to ear.

Wano Country has always been a closed country, so the Eternal Pointer is not easy to sell. Who knew that it was bought by the Rocks Pirates at a high price, and they made a fortune.

Rocks and Lorne didn't care about this.

They had just robbed the member countries of the World Government and now they had plenty of money.

After taking the Eternal Pointer, the Rocks Pirates went to the black market again.

They went to the human auction house first, and Lorne selected concubines again.

However, there was no woman with a particularly high value of bringing good fortune to her husband this time.

Instead, Rocks bought a lot of maids for Shirley and Jasmine.

Then Lorne went to the weapon shop with Edward Newgate.

Last time, Newgate's naginata was broken by Rocks, and he hasn't found a suitable weapon until now.

Soon the two spent a high price of 3 million Baileys to buy a large naginata belonging to the good sword Fifty Works.

This is already one of the most expensive weapons in the weapon shop.

After all, whether it is the Supreme Great Blade or the Great Blade Twenty-one Works, there are not many in the world, and most of them are national treasures. Who would be willing to sell them?

If you want to get them, you can only rely on chance.

"Don't worry, Newgate, you will definitely have the Supreme Sword."

Lorne patted Whitebeard to show encouragement.

"Gulala, brother-in-law, thank you very much for your auspicious words."

"But don't worry, even if I can't get the Supreme Sword, I will make the sword in my hand resound throughout the world!"

Newgate laughed confidently.

Swords can be tempered with domineering aura. The blade can even become stronger with the nourishment of the user's domineering aura.

Some famous swords are passed down to this day because their masters are too powerful and constantly nourish the blade with domineering aura.

This thing is just like the Celestial Dragon.

Before the Supreme Sword became the Supreme Sword, it was just an ordinary sword.

"Hahahaha, you are worthy of being my brother-in-law, you are ambitious."

The two laughed and left the weapon shop.

"Brother...We are done, we can set off now."

After finding Lockes and meeting up with him, Lorne said.

Lockes was standing in front of a stall, carefully examining the items on the stall.

It was very rare that Lockes did not hear what Lorne said.

This surprised Lorne a little, as this had never happened before.

Did the brother see something incredible?

Just when Lorne was wondering, Lockes spoke.

"Shopkeeper, how much is this treasure map?"

The shopkeeper immediately recognized that this was the pirate whose bounty had recently skyrocketed to 450 million Baileys - Gibek Rocks!

So he quickly bent down and said respectfully:

"Lord Rocks, if you want the treasure map, there are some things you need to pay attention to. I want to tell you first."

"I don't know whether this treasure map is real or not."

"If it's fake, don't contact me."

"And if it is true, maybe other people will also set their eyes on the treasures recorded in the book, and I will not be responsible if anything happens."

The store owner hurriedly explained the rules, otherwise if something special happened, Rocks would be angry at him and he would be finished.

He couldn't afford to offend this big Buddha.

"Don't worry, I know the rules, I'll give you 100,000 Baileys."

Rocks didn't bother to talk nonsense with the shopkeeper, he threw down 100,000 Baileys and picked up the treasure map, carefully putting it in his pocket.

Immediately, Rocks' face showed a hint of excitement.

"Brother...What good stuff is this? Why is it so mysterious?"

Lorne, who saw everything, hurried forward and asked.

It's rare to see my brother so excited. The last time I saw him was when I learned that Shirley was pregnant.

"Hey, it's really good stuff."

"Didn't you say you wanted the Thunder Fruit? The things on this treasure map can help you get the Thunder Fruit."

Locks' face showed a hint of pride.

The reason was simple, the treasure map recorded the location of the Dark-Dark Fruit!

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