The Navy Headquarters, Marinford.

The headquarters received the news from the World Government immediately.

The then Navy Admiral immediately convened a meeting.

"The initial bounty for Gibek Rocks was 200 million berries, and now the bounty is 450 million berries!"

"His younger brother, Jibek Ron, who also possesses the domineering aura, has a bounty of 170 million berries!"

"For some reason, the pirate supernova Edward Newgate seems to have joined the Rocks Pirates and participated in this operation. The bounty is currently 160 million Baileys!"

"It is worth mentioning that these three people all have the qualifications of a"King" and possess the domineering color domineering!"

Soon, the adjutant on the side placed the information of the main members of the Rocks Pirates on the big screen in the conference room.

"There are three awakened people with Conqueror's Haki on a pirate ship"

"This pirate group has great potential!"

"If I remember correctly, Rocks' name appeared on the sea a few months ago."

"This growth rate is too scary!"

The experienced naval officers felt a chill in their backs.

After just a few months at sea, the bounty was as high as 450 million Baileys! The bounties for the other two, Lorne and Newgate, also exceeded 100 million!

These three are all newcomers!

This growth rate is unprecedented!

If left unchecked, the sea will surely be in turmoil!

"The most important thing is that the Rocks Pirates have committed an unforgivable crime this time!"

The then-Marshal's voice was intimidating.

"As a pirate, he actually took the initiative to attack the world government member countries!"

"And all the princes and nobles of the allied countries were slaughtered!"

"The CP troops that went to support were also killed!"

"The attack caused panic among member states around the world, and they began to doubt whether the world government could provide them with effective protection."

"The people in the Holy Land are extremely angry!"

"The Five Elders have personally issued orders regarding this - requiring us to pay special attention to the Rocks Pirates!"

"Lei Long, this mission is up to you. You must defeat the Rocks Pirates in one fell swoop. Is that ok?"

At this time, the Navy Admiral looked at a tall man beside him.

One of the three admirals of the Navy - Lei Long!

His ability is just like his title. He is the one who ate the Thunder Fruit!

"Hahaha, don't worry, they are just a few new thieves."

"Leave this operation to me, Marshal!"

"I will definitely satisfy the Holy Land."

Lei Long's tone was very relaxed.

After all, he was one of the most powerful fighters in the world government, and he also possessed the Thunder Fruit, which had almost no weaknesses.

It was no exaggeration to say that the current Lei Long was like the future Kizaru.

He was almost never injured in the many battles, and at most his clothes got dirty. He was also a strong candidate for the next marshal of the navy!

"very good..."

Seeing Lei Long's confident look, the Admiral nodded with satisfaction.

"Marshal, I have a few candidates I would like to recommend to participate in this operation."

At this moment, a man suddenly stood up. He was the man who was the rear admiral of the navy at that time and the chief marshal of the three armed forces in the future.——【Steel Bone] Kong!

Of course, it is not called [Steel Bone] Kong now, but just Kong

""What's wrong?" said the Admiral.

"Marshal, there is a sudden surge of pirates on the sea."

"I have a vague feeling that the sea may become more and more unsettled."

"Therefore, our navy is also in urgent need of training talents."

"Therefore, I recommend four people, namely Garp, Sengoku, Crane, and Zephyr. They are the best seedlings among this generation of naval rookies and the backbone of the next generation of naval forces."

"I think we can use the actions of Admiral Lei Long to train them well."

Kong's speech also aroused the recognition of the navy officers and soldiers present.

Indeed, the sea has been very uneasy recently.

Many newcomers suddenly appeared.

In addition to Rocks, Lorne, and Edward from the New World, there are other newcomers who have entered the Grand Line from all over the world.

Shiqi, John, Wang Zhi, Roger......

These newcomers are very powerful. In just a few months, the old generation of pirates have been defeated by them. Pirates are in the process of crazy renewal!...We also need to cultivate talents to keep up with the times

"good..."Sora, let's do as you say."

The Admiral nodded, agreeing with what Sora said.

Lei Long also nodded.

They had all heard of the names of these four people.

They were the four strongest recruits in the new generation of navy. In addition to Crane, Sengoku, Garp, and Zephyr were hailed as"monsters" by many navy officers.

Although Crane's combat power was not as good as these three, she showed accurate judgment and superb planning in several actions.

With her strategies, the navy achieved unexpected surprises in several actions.

She is a rare general!

Even talents like Crane who are wise and resourceful have a higher rank than the other three.

These four people are indeed talents worth cultivating.

"CP is already investigating the movements of the Rocks Pirates"

"When you get the news, take action immediately"...........

"Have you heard? Major General Kong has recommended us to participate in this operation led by Admiral Lei Long."

Soon the four members of the navy got the news.

All four were very surprised.

Finally, they could perform their own justice!

"I heard that the target this time seems to be the Rocks Pirates."He said calmly.

"That's great! Finally I can let those villains have a taste of my iron fist!"

"I will throw all these bastards who brought suffering to the people into the deep sea prison!"

Karp rolled up his sleeves excitedly, flexing his muscular muscles as if to show off.

"Garp, don't be impulsive. Do you know what the Rocks Pirates mean?"

"They are an extremely vicious pirate group that actively attacks the countries that are members of the World Government."

"I heard that the bounty on their captain Rocks has reached 450 million berries in just a few months!"

"We must not treat them as a rookie pirate group."

The calm Sengoku analyzed calmly.

Rocks is a big pirate with a bounty of over 400 million, and these rookies are no match for him.

We must be very careful.

"The bounties on the two newcomers, Lorne and Newgate, have already exceeded 100 million."

"No wonder this operation will be led by General Lei Long himself!"

"Garp, with your personality, don't rush in. When the time comes, you must listen to General Lei Long's deployment and never act on your own."

Zeff also reminded his friend Garp.

"Hey, Karp, are you listening?"

The two of them were upset after they finished talking, because they found that Karp had gone far away.

"There is no time left. I need to intensify my training so that I can catch these villains who are disturbing the sea!"

Garp said to himself, leaving Crane, Sengoku, and Zefa behind him, all in disarray in the wind......

On the second day, CP had already found the whereabouts of the Rocks Pirates.

So Admiral Leilong immediately summoned his navy subordinates.

With a powerful lineup of one admiral, three vice admirals, 10 major generals and 2,000 elite soldiers, they entered the New World from Marinford!

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