At this moment, in the New World, on the Beasley, the Rocks Pirates are approaching the world's most luxurious yacht.

"What is that?"

"Is it an island?"

"How could an island fall from the sky?"

After seeing the huge island in the sky, the people on the Beasley were horrified and in a mess.

"Fight hard, everyone."

"All of them are rich and noble, their death is not a pity, no mercy is needed"

"Let's do a great job, little guys!"

Rocks laughed and began to give orders.

As a pirate, I haven't seen such a scene for a long time. It's really been a long time since I last saw it.

"Hahahaha, in that case, I won’t be polite then, Captain Rocks!"

""Go to hell, you useless ants!"

The Golden Lion laughed loudly and released his power.

Then, an island fell from the sky, and its target was the world's largest entertainment city!

After all, more than 20 Celestial Dragons were in that city. The

Golden Lion's island was very large. If it was pressed down like this, it would be enough to completely destroy the world's largest entertainment city in one breath.

As for the Celestial Dragons, of course, they were destroyed along with the city.

"quick...Quickly protect His Highness the Celestial Dragon!"

"That is...The leader of the Rocks Pirates, Shiki the Golden Lion!"

"What do they want to do? Are they trying to attack the Celestial Dragons? They are so bold!"

"Sink this island immediately! Don't let the Celestial Dragons get hurt at all."

Some of the black suit guards who were responsible for protecting the Celestial Dragons, as well as the CPs, reacted.

So most of them picked up their guns and fired wildly at the rapidly descending island.


"Storm legs, wind cut!"

""Sixth Style Secret Technique: Mountain Breaking!"

Some CPs who were good at physical skills also used all their skills to launch their own moves towards the island that was falling in the sky.

However, compared with this town-sized island, their moves were simply a drop in the bucket.


"There's absolutely no way to stop it!"

"What to do? The island is about to fall!"

"Hurry up and evacuate the Celestial Dragons!"

CP and the black suit guards saw that they had no way to take the island, so they prepared to evacuate the Celestial Dragons.

But it was too late!

"Are the Celestial Dragons about to be crushed to death?"

"So fast?"

""The Rocks Pirates are really scary!"

At the same time, people all over the world were staring at the live broadcast screen, and some people even looked forward to it, wishing that the island would fall down quickly and crush all the beasts of the Celestial Dragons to death.

Although the Rocks Pirates are notorious and very scary.

But the Celestial Dragons seem to have a more brutal reputation among the people than the Rocks Pirates.

After all, no one has seen the Rocks Pirates robbing women and digging out other people's eyeballs for fun.

Most people's bad impression of the Rocks Pirates comes from the propaganda of the World Government.

On the contrary, the atrocities of the Celestial Dragons cannot be completely covered up even if the World Government tries its best to cover them up.

After all, who hasn't seen mentally ill slaves tortured by the Celestial Dragons?

Therefore, the Rocks Pirates' direct attack on the Celestial Dragons not only did not worry people all over the world, but also made them look forward to it, and even wanted to wave flags and cheer.

However, everyone is destined to be disappointed.

"Slow Ray·X!"

Just as the island was about to fall, a purple light suddenly appeared in the sky above the world's largest entertainment city!

Zilala, zilala!

The moment the purple light touched the landing island, a magical scene happened.

The island, which was originally falling freely and at a very fast speed, suddenly slowed down.

Although it was still falling, the speed was almost negligible. If you didn't look carefully, it seemed as if the island was stopped in mid-air!

"Are the reinforcements arriving so soon?"

"It's Admiral Bai Ma!"

Seeing this scene, the CP present was very happy.

There is no doubt that there is only one person in the world who can do this!

That is Admiral Bai Ma, one of the three current admirals of the navy!

Not only that.

Crash, crash!

In an instant, five dazzling and powerful shock waves appeared!

Each shock wave gave people a feeling of breaking through bamboo and breaking everything!

It was an attack that could only be unleashed by at least admiral-level strength!

The next moment, these five attacks simultaneously bombarded the island where the golden lion landed. In just a moment, an island the size of a town was shattered!


"What's happening here?"


"Who is it?"

People all over the world looked at this shocking scene, and they all widened their eyes, opened their mouths, and stuck out their tongues!

The next moment, everyone's shocked expressions were even more shocked!

That's right!....Three admirals of the Navy Headquarters, White Horse, Golden Snake, and Black Hawk!

As well as three alternate admirals of the Navy Headquarters, Steel Bone Sora and two newcomers, a total of six admiral-level strongmen appeared in the live broadcast!

It can be said that all the high-end combat power of the Navy Headquarters, except for the Navy Marshal, has arrived on the Beasley!

"Huh? The navy is coming so soon?"

"That bastard Bai Ma ruined my good deeds again."

Seeing that the island did not destroy the entire town as he expected, Jin Shizi also looked sideways and said very unhappy.

Originally, he thought he could catch the other party off guard, but he didn't expect the navy's support to come so quickly?

"Logically speaking, we didn't get any news that the admirals were stationed here. Could it be that the intelligence was wrong?"

Newgate also stroked his big chin, very curious.

Six admirals suddenly appeared. Even if the intelligence was wrong, it couldn't be so outrageous.

"The intelligence should be correct, but it seems that the world government has made a lot of preparations to target our Rocks Pirates."

"I know a way to instantly transfer people from one place to another, and that is the teleportation fruit."

"After the World Government failed to seize the Golden Lion's Float-Float Fruit, they should have obtained the Teleport Fruit in order to deal with our sudden actions."

In response to this, Loen showed his intelligence, and his analysis was not wrong at all.

After all, the only thing that can do this in the pirate world is the Teleport Fruit.

With the means of the World Government, if they fail to seize the Float-Float Fruit, they will certainly not sit and wait for death, so they choose the Teleport Fruit to deal with the Rocks Pirates.

"fair enough...If we can kill the Celestial Dragons so easily, wouldn't our trip be in vain?"

Rocks laughed.

He had finally gotten rid of his fruit ability, wasn't it just to show off his strength?

If there were no admirals to serve as a foil, wouldn't this operation be in vain?!

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