"Hahaha, you're just in time! Without the admirals, I always feel like something is missing!"

Rocks was not distressed by the sudden appearance of the six admirals, but burst into laughter!

This is a live broadcast for the whole world!

Now the Holy Land, the Navy Headquarters, and the pirates all over the world are watching here!

This is undoubtedly the best time to announce to the world how terrible the Rocks Pirates are!

Especially to let those Celestial Dragons sitting in Marijoa feel how difficult the enemies they are going to face next are!

"Gulala! Then what we need to do has been decided!"

Newgate immediately understood what he was going to do after hearing Rocks' laughter.

Although Newgate, Rocks and Lorne were not related by blood, the three of them were as close as brothers, and their tacit understanding was naturally full.

Hearing Rocks' smile, Newgate understood what he was going to do next.

"It's settled then! Let's do some great work, guys from the Rocks Pirates!"

"This is the best opportunity to make a name for myself in the world!"

Lorne also smiled. He has become much stronger in the past few years.

It's a good opportunity to let the whole world feel how terrifying the new Rocks Pirates are!

"Hahaha! In that case, I won't be polite!"

Golden Lion also laughed after hearing this, his laughter was full of arrogance.

He has not wasted these three years, and has been training hard all the time. He is no longer the supernova he was three years ago.

He has not forgotten that he almost died in the Deep Sea Prison!

Such an experience also made Golden Lion hone his strength with hellish training in the past three years.

Not only Golden Lion, but also Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, and John are the same!

The three of them almost died at the hands of the Knights of God!

And their crews were also wiped out in that battle!

Such an unforgettable memory will not be forgotten, especially with their personalities. They are always thinking about revenge on the World Government and the Celestial Dragons!

With such an opportunity, they must enjoy the pleasure of revenge!

"So let’s get started!"

"Let the whole world be terrified!"


All of a sudden, Golden Lion, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, and John all swooped down from the floating island in the sky!

Their target was the admirals and admiral candidates!


"The officers of the Rocks Pirates!"

"Golden Lion, John, Silver Axe, Wang Zhi, the four captains of the Rocks Pirates!"

""These four people are really looking down on us!"

Seeing this, Black Hawk, White Horse, Golden Snake, Steel Bone Kong and others all looked disdainful.

In their impression, these four people were just supernovas. If they met the admirals of the navy, they would be killed instantly!

But the next moment!

"The Lion Chikiri Ya!"

"The King's Strike!"

"Silver Axe: Crazy Slash!"

Boom boom boom!

The momentum that erupted from the four people was extremely terrifying, carrying with it the anger and revenge that had been accumulated over the years!

"Let's kill them all in one go!"

The admirals of the navy were also fully prepared, gathering their might and charging forward!

"You don't have to do anything, just leave these four to the two of us!"

The next moment, two candidates for admiral recruited through the World Recruitment said confidently.

Since becoming candidates for admiral, the two have been questioned by some people in the navy.

After all, to become a candidate for admiral, one must work step by step, build up a lot of military merits, and have the strength to get such a position.

But the two were promoted to candidates for admiral as an exception, and there were inevitably discordant voices in the army.

In the past three years, the two have not had many opportunities to perform.

Now that such an opportunity to perform has come, how can the two let it go?


The two transformed into... The arrow flew from the ground into the air, killing Golden Lion, Wang Zhi, John, Silver Axe and others who fell from the sky!

Snap, snap, snap, snap!

Golden Lion, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, and John, two against one, the rest actually suppressed the two general candidates for a while!

In the air, the six people burst out with strength and domineering confrontation!

After several minutes.

Boom, boom!

A shocking scene appeared!

Two general-level strongmen fell from the sky neatly and hit the ground, causing a cloud of smoke!


"what's the situation?"

"The general was knocked away?"

"Isn't that a member of the Rocks Pirates? How could he suppress the admiral of the navy?"

"What is going on?"

"Has the Rocks Pirates grown to this point?"

This scene was also transmitted to the whole world through the live broadcast of Den Den Mushi!

For a time, people all over the world burst into exclamations!

That is the admiral of the navy, known as the strongest combat force of the Navy Headquarters (World Government)! It is the pinnacle of the navy, and even the pinnacle of the sea!

It was suppressed by the cadres of the Rocks Pirates?

Even the cadres are so powerful, how powerful are Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate?

Not only the people, but also Mary Joa and the Navy Headquarters.

The Five Elders and the Navy Marshal also widened their eyes and were extremely surprised!

Golden Lion, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, John and others have become much stronger!

It is hard to imagine that three years ago they were just newcomers who would be killed instantly when they met the admiral!

In the past three years, their growth rate is beyond imagination!

"Damn it! What are they doing? This is being broadcast live to the whole world!"

"Being beaten so easily would leave a huge shadow in the hearts of people all over the world! It would also affect the government's credibility!"

The Five Elders were also very angry!

But the next moment

"I really underestimated you."

"It seems that we underestimated the enemy."

Soon, the two generals who were knocked away by Golden Lion and others stood up from the ground.

Except for their dirty clothes, there were no scars on their bodies.

The previous blow was because they underestimated the enemy too much, and coupled with the anger of Golden Lion, Wang Zhi and others, they were knocked away.

Next, this situation will not happen again.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom!

The next moment, the two generals opened fire at full power and fought with Golden Lion, Wang Zhi, John, and Silver Axe!

The domineering and sword energy turned into a terrifying shock wave, which continued to expand outward!

"It seems that they have grown quite well."

On the island in the sky, Loen looked at this with satisfaction.

It took the four Golden Lions three years to grow from supernovas to two of them being able to fight a general together.

This growth rate is not slow.

In a few years, they should be able to stand on their own and become true general-level powerhouses.

But now, it is not their stage yet!

"Next, it's our turn to take action."

Rocks said impatiently.

Immediately, without waiting for Loen's answer, he leaped up and rushed towards the veteran navy admiral, Bai Ma!

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