The Navy Headquarters, Marinford.

The three current admirals of the Navy are Black Hawk, White Horse and Golden Snake, plus the three alternate admirals of the Navy [Steel Bone] Sora and two strong men from the World Conscription.

A total of six top-level warriors are standing at the port, ready to set off.

In addition to the six of them, sixteen elite vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters, plus twenty warships are also ready to set off together.

In addition, Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr, and Crane are also in the team.

These four are currently rear admirals of the Navy Headquarters, but their strength is already at the level of vice admirals!

The strength of Garp and Sengoku has even reached the level of elite vice admirals!

However, their combat exploits are not up to par, so they cannot be promoted from rear admirals to vice admirals.

"I can't wait any longer! Rocks Pirates, I'm going to get back what I owed you three years ago!"

Garp clenched his fists and looked eager to try.

"We have sent out so many generals this time, there will be no problem!"Zhan Guo also looked confident.

"But Cap, don't be impulsive. Let Mr. Black Hawk and his men deal with Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate. We only need to deal with Golden Lion, John, and the others."He reminded Cap with some concern.

You know, Cap almost died at the hands of Lorne three years ago.

"Anyway, the Rocks Pirates will definitely not be able to escape this time." Zephyr said firmly

"Oh my god, is this finally here?"

"I didn’t expect it to arrive so soon. Rocks Pirates, I’m going to teach you a lesson this time!"

"That's right, today our navy will take back all the shame from three years ago!"

At the port, Black Hawk, White Horse, and Golden Snake were full of murderous intent.

The navy was so frustrated three years ago that it even gave up the title of"Sea Overlord" to the Rocks Pirates!

Now.......It's time to take the title of"Sea Overlord" back from the Rocks Pirates!

This time, the Navy dispatched six admiral-level strongmen!

This number has exceeded the top combat power of the Rocks Pirates!

You know, the combat power of the admiral-level strongmen cannot be made up by numbers.

An army of 100,000 or even a million cannot defeat an admiral-level strongman. The

Rocks Pirates are nothing more than three admiral-level strongmen, Rocks, Loen, and Newgate!

But this time the Navy directly dispatched six of them, crushing you with more than double the number!

Even if the Rocks Pirates still have four major cadres, Golden Lion, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, and John.

But these four people are still far from being admiral-level strongmen.

Even if the two of them can join forces to deal with a general, the Rocks Pirates are nothing more than five admiral-level strongmen.

It's far from enough compared to the six admiral-level strongmen of the Navy!

As for the rest of the middle-level cadres and grassroots members of the Rocks Pirates?

Added together, they are not as good as one hand of an admiral-level strongman.

Under the Admiral, all are ants!

In the original work, Akainu alone can chase the top officers of the Whitebeard Pirates, who are more than a dozen captains. This is the best proof!

Six admiral-level strongmen are enough to crush the entire Rocks Pirates.

What's more, this battle with Wano Country is different.

In the battle with Wano Country, it was the Navy that took the initiative to attack the opponent's territory.

The Rocks Pirates had the advantage of fighting at home, and the terrain of Wano Country was rugged, so the Rocks Pirates set an ambush, which led to the defeat of the Navy.

This time the Rocks Pirates are not in Wano Country!

There is no home advantage.

Both sides are playing away.

Navy...With this battle, he could completely suppress the arrogance of the Rocks Pirates and regain the title of"Sea Overlord"!....It is possible to kill Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate!

Now that the navy of new forces has been summoned, it is fully capable of doing so!

"Wait, the plan has changed!"

Just as the six admirals were about to lead the warships to set off, the Navy Marshal suddenly appeared.

"Mr. Marshal!"

After seeing the Navy Marshal, the three admirals, the three alternate admirals, and the other vice admirals on the warship were all shocked.

Plans changed?

Could something unexpected happen again?

They have been looking forward to fighting the Rocks Pirates for a long time.

The Navy now has full confidence in defeating the Rocks Pirates!

Don't let anything unexpected happen that prevents them from setting off!

"Black Hawk, White Horse, Golden Snake, the three of you, plus Steel Bone and Sora, the other three, the six of you will set off first to protect the Celestial Dragons!"

"The other large forces should rush over as fast as possible, otherwise I'm afraid it will be too late."

The Admiral of the Navy said his plan. It would take at least half a day for the warships to rush over at the fastest speed.

Half a day is enough for the Rocks Pirates to kill all the Celestial Dragons.

"Oh? Should we use the Moon Walk to rush over? It is indeed faster than following the warship."

"But even if we go as fast as we can, it will take at least a few hours."

"A few hours would be enough for the Rocks Pirates to slaughter the Beasley."

Black Hawk, White Horse, and Golden Snake were all a little curious. Even if they set out first, they would not have enough time.

"Don't worry, the World Government has sent reinforcements, and they can deliver you to the battlefield as quickly as possible!"

As soon as the Admiral finished speaking, a tall, masked man appeared behind him.

It was obviously CP0!

"Don't worry, I am a teleporter with the teleportation fruit ability. Not only can I teleport myself, but I can also teleport others."

"I will send you to the battlefield as quickly as possible to ensure the safety of the Celestial Dragons."

The CP0 introduced himself.

Yes, the World Government was very upset that they failed to seize the Golden Lion's Float-Float Fruit, but that doesn't mean they don't have a backup plan.

The Teleportation Fruit is the World Government's backup plan!

Since they can't use the Float-Float Fruit to monitor the movements of the Rocks Pirates at any time, then they can seize the Teleportation Fruit!

In this way, even if the Rocks Pirates take action, they can ensure that the navy will arrive at the battlefield in the first time to stop the Rocks Pirates.

With the strength and skills of the World Government, it is not difficult to plunder a fruit.

"I see? Thank you for your hard work....."

"Then hurry up, I can't wait to deal with the Rocks Pirates"

"Hahaha, let's go!"

Upon hearing this, Black Hawk, White Horse, Golden Snake, Steel Bone Kong and other general-level strongmen all looked expectant.

"With my current ability, I can only transport six of you at most, and that would cause me to exhaust my physical strength."

"As for the rest of you navy, come over here slowly."

CP0 said as he began to release his abilities.

"Don't worry, maybe by the time they get here, the battle will be over."

Black Hawk grinned.

Before he finished speaking, CP0's ability was activated!

Swish, swish, swish!

Several people teleported from one island to another, and the scene in front of them kept jumping like a slide show.

Just over ten minutes later, six admiral-level strongmen including Black Hawk, White Horse, Golden Snake and Steel Bone Kong had already arrived on the Beasley!

PS: I will continue to update, adjust your mentality, don't worry everyone.

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