"What's wrong? My brother wants it, how dare you not sell it to him?"

Rocks looked at the shopkeeper with a ferocious look on his face, and his momentum was very terrifying.

The frightened merchant fell to his knees.

"No...No, Lord Rocks, I dare not"

"To be honest, this woman has a serious disease that requires very expensive medicine to cure."

"One herb is worth hundreds of thousands of Baileys."

"To cure that kind of disease, it would cost at least millions or even tens of millions of Baileys, otherwise the woman would die soon after she was bought."

Originally, if an ordinary person liked this sick woman, the merchant would be happy to make a fortune.

But Rocks is not an ordinary person.

If he bought her and found that she would die soon after she was bought, he would be in big trouble.

So the merchant did not dare to hide it and quickly told the whole story.

"You don't need to worry about this. I like this woman. Please give me a price."

Lorne waved his hand and didn't care about the merchant's advice.

A mere Bailey can be exchanged for an S-level woman. There is no better way to make money than this.

"like...If you don't mind, I'll give it to you."

The merchant gritted his teeth, sweating, and said with determination.

After all, he was a dying man, and it was difficult to set a price.

What if he charged too high and Rocks hated him?

If he charged too low, he wouldn't be short of tens of thousands of Baileys.

Moreover, this woman was of humble origin, and seemed to be an ordinary citizen from a poor country.

In that case, it would be better to do a favor and give it to her.

These big shots are not something a small trader can afford to offend.

"Good! Since you are so sensible, I will buy another 20 maids."

It turns out that the merchants who can survive in the black market are all shrewd people.

Lockes was also happy when he heard this, and immediately waved his hand and bought another 20 female slaves.

After all, Shirley was pregnant, and Lorne found another wife he liked.

Professional maids are indispensable.


"Master Loen, Master Rocks, these twenty are professional servants of various noble royal families."

"Only 100,000 Baileys per maid, are you satisfied?"

The merchant immediately smiled and quickly offered 20 maids who were quick and professional.

Just this one transaction earned at least millions of Baileys.

The price of 100,000 Baileys per maid was not expensive.

After buying 20 maids, Rocks led the pirate group to the arms shop next door.

Many crew members of the Rocks pirate group did not have the right weapons, so it was a good time to replenish them.

"If you want to buy good knives and guns, hurry up, I'll treat you today!"

"If you miss this opportunity, you will never see it again!"

Rocks shouted proudly.

"Captain Rocks is treating me! I won't refuse!"

"Boss, pack this fifty-dollar gun for me quickly!"

"I think this naginata is nice, pack it for me too, boss!"

"I want that exquisite pistol!"

""Boss, I want that sniper rifle!"

For a moment, everyone in the Rocks Pirates rushed to equip themselves with weapons and equipment.

After all, Captain Rocks paid for it, so if not now, when?

"Brother, why are you in such a good mood today?"Lorne chuckled.

"Hehe, you've picked up another sister-in-law, how could I be in a bad mood?"Locks said with a silly smile

"But I asked the slave shop owner, the woman's illness is very expensive to treat, how much money do we have left now."

Lorne was a little worried about Bailey.

After all, it costs a lot of money to support a pirate group.

And the old man's style is also lavish, and the 500 million Baileys he stole from Garou are probably not much left.

"Don’t worry, brother. How can I leave you without money?"

"You only need to be responsible for giving me more nephews and nieces, and you don't need to worry about the rest."

Locks didn't take it to heart.

When this matter is done, it's time to consider doing something big.

"Brother, I'm going to the intelligence store to see if there's anything interesting."

After purchasing a lot of weapons from the arms dealer, Loen went straight to the intelligence store.

There are many emperors in the underground world of the black market.

Some control arms, some control transportation, some control usury, and naturally some control intelligence.

""Boss, I want to ask you about someone, Charlotte Lingling. Do you know her whereabouts?"

Lorne asked straight to the point.

Hearing that Lorne was asking about a woman again, Lockes was delighted.

His brother really had a fearless spirit of"sacrifice"

"have no idea...."

The shop owner shook his head and immediately changed the subject.

"But if you really want to know, I can go and ask around."

After saying that, the shop owner gave Luo En a look that said"you know".

"You will definitely be needed for the money. 50 million Baileys. You just need to provide me with the exact location of Charlotte Lingling. That should be enough."

"But I'll give it to you when you find it."

Rocks said quickly, looking very rich.

"Of course it's no problem, don't worry, I will definitely tell you the news about Charlotte Linlin even if I have to dig deep!"

The shopkeeper was very excited to hear Rocks say this.

This is a big business.

Moreover, Lorne and Rocks are now famous, so there is no need to worry about them owing money.

Don't underestimate the black market, but reputation is very important. Even if you are the king of the world, if you don't have credibility, no one will do business with you.

After Lorne finished all this, the Rocks Pirates took another walk in the black market.

Rocks and Lorne were really not interested in organ trafficking and biological weapons, so they went home.

""Ship doctor, how is this lady's condition?"

As soon as he returned to the base camp, Luo En immediately asked the ship doctor to treat the newly bought S-level lucky wife.

Now the woman was so weak that she couldn't speak and looked like she was going to die at any time.

Luo En didn't want to let go of such a lucky wife.

"The disease is not difficult to treat, but the medicine is a bit expensive.

The experienced ship doctor gave a prescription.

"Don't worry, this is the woman my brother likes. I will cure her even if it costs hundreds of millions!"

Locks quickly sent the crew to buy the prescription prescribed by the ship's doctor.

Tens of millions of Baileys were spent at once.

After two months of treatment, this S-level lucky woman was finally almost cured.

"Lord Loen's kindness, this woman will never forget it!"

Feeling that her body had recovered, the woman who looked like Stella thanked Loen profusely.

She was originally a worthless life, but she didn't expect to be bought back by pirates.

In the past two months, Loen has often asked about her well-being, which touched the woman very much.

Not only that, Lord Loen also spent a lot of money to treat her illness.

If it weren't for Loen, I'm afraid I would have lost my life long ago.

"By the way, where are you from? What's your name and surname?"

After the woman recovered, Luo En asked immediately.

After all, she was an S-level lucky woman, Luo En was very curious about her origins, country of birth and name.

I wonder which famous woman in the original book she was.

"My name is Edward Jasmine, and I was born in the Sphinx."

After hearing the woman's introduction, Lorne's expression immediately became extremely interesting!

Edward, Sphinx?

No way, no way, this woman can't be related to Whitebeard, right?......

Just as Lorne and the girl were getting to know each other.

In the New World, in the pirate black market, a tall, muscular man with flowing blond hair entered the port with a large naginata in his hand.

This man was the famous pirate of later generations, the man who stood at the top of the pirate world.——【Whitebeard] Edward Newgate!

Of course, at this time, Newgate did not have the iconic white beard, or even a beard.

"Hey, isn’t that the supernova pirate, Edward Newgate, who had a bounty of over 100 million just two days ago?"

"Why does he look so angry?"

As soon as Newgate came ashore, he was recognized by the pirate black market.

If Rocks is the most dazzling new star on the sea, then Edward Newgate is the second most dazzling new star!

He is also a newcomer, and his first bounty is also over 100 million! Today, Newgate's bounty is as high as 110 million Baileys.

"Is this the place? Are you sure you are seeing it right?"

As soon as he landed on the island, Newgate went straight to the slave trading shop and asked a boy beside him.

"Lord Newgate, I am absolutely right."

"Miss Jasmine was indeed abducted and sold to this store by human traffickers that day!" the little brother said with certainty.

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