
Hearing the younger brother's words of confirmation, Edward Newgate immediately became furious!

His eyes were filled with rage, and his domineering aura was released instantly!

"Shopkeeper, get out of here right now, or I'll smash your shop right away!"

Newgate slammed his naginata heavily on the ground, and a big hole was directly formed on the ground.

This movement startled everyone present!.........

Meanwhile, on Larquetta Island

"Lord Lorne,...What's wrong with you?"

After seeing Luo En's wonderful expression, Jasmine was also stunned.


Luo En restrained his expression for a moment, then continued to ask

"By the way, since you are from the Sphinx, do you know a man named Edward Newgate?"

"Edward Newgate?"

Jasmine was also surprised when she heard the name Edward Newgate. She was stunned for a moment before she said

"To tell you the truth, my brother's name is Edward Newgate"

"Brother? Edward Newgate is your brother?"


"So is he very tall and has a white crescent-shaped beard?"

"Tall? Crescent-shaped beard? Newgate doesn't seem to be like that."

Jasmine said in confusion.

"cough....I forgot, this is the old times....Whitebeard is probably still a teenager, where does the beard come from?"

Lorne said awkwardly, he was so surprised that he forgot the era he was in.

Whitebeard is probably only about 17 years old now, about the same age as Luffy when he first went to sea.

"Then can you describe to me what he looks like now?"

Lorne had to confirm whether the Edward Newgate mentioned by Jasmine was the Whitebeard in the original book.

It would be awkward if it was someone with the same name.

"I don't know what Newgate is like now."

"He doesn't come home often, and I haven't seen him for many years."

"Because the family was too poor and could not survive, Newgate left Sphinx at the age of ten, and would send some money back from time to time."

Jasmine said with some sadness.

Because Sphinx was too poor, Newgate, who was only ten years old, decided to go to sea to support his family.

At such a young age, he had to bear the hardships that did not belong to this age.

"Oh? Then why are you in the slave shop?"

"A few days ago, human traffickers invaded the Sphinx, and I was captured."

After asking Jasmine some more questions, Lorne roughly understood some of the situation.

Based on this information alone, it is still impossible to confirm whether Jasmine is Whitebeard's sister.

But she is at least an S-level woman with a good fortune for her husband.

She will definitely bring me a good reward.

"By the way, don't call me Lord Luo En anymore. Call me husband."


Hearing this, Jasmine froze in her tracks.

"What? Don't you want to be my wife?" Lorne asked with a chuckle.

"No, no, how could I not be willing?"

"I...I just never dreamed that it would be like this."

Jasmine was very surprised and felt like she was dreaming.

She thought Lord Loen bought her to be a servant, but she didn't expect to be promoted directly to a lady!

This surprise was too strong.

"Sisters, what we need to do is to add more offspring to the Jibek family."

"I'm pregnant now and need to rest for a while. I'll rely on you for the rest of the time."

At this time, Shirley also walked into the room and showed no displeasure about Lorne's decision to marry a new wife.

This was also a sign of Shirley's cleverness.

"kindness...I will try my best to serve my husband."

Jasmine blushed when she heard what Shirley said.

She had seen and remembered how much Lorne had taken care of her these days.

He was handsome and considerate, and he had spent a lot of money to save her life.

Now she was going to marry Lord Lorne.

It was such a surprise, such an unexpected thing!

That night, Lorne and Jasmine successfully took the first step towards becoming a couple!

A week passed quickly.

Today, Rocks convened a meeting of the members of the Rocks Pirates.

It was mainly to discuss looting.

Now the Rocks Pirates have more people and spend money like water.

They must continue to loot to maintain the daily expenses of the pirate group.

"Lorne, you don't have to go this time. Stay on the island with Jasmine and Shirley."

"Shirley is pregnant, you have to take good care of her and the baby in her belly."

Rox made arrangements for the personnel one by one and set off immediately.

"OK, I got it."

Lorne nodded. The pirate world is not peaceful.

The Rocks Pirates have invaded many countries and made many enemies.

In the past two months, this island has been attacked several times by other pirates and the army, but they were all repelled by Rocks and Lorne.

Now Shirley and Jasmine are on the island, and they really need someone to stay and protect them.

Then Lorne returned to the room, and Rocks gathered his men to gather at the port.

"Luo..."Boss Rocks, there's a boat coming!"

As soon as they gathered, the men under his command immediately discovered that a boat was approaching Larketa Island.

"It's a pirate ship!"

"Is it another blind little thief?"

The members of the Rocks Pirates have gotten used to it, and they are ready to fight.

Boom boom boom!

Several cannons aimed at the speeding pirate ship and fired.

Boom boom boom! A sword energy passed by, and the shells were intercepted and exploded in mid-air!

Then, on the pirate ship, a tall figure holding a large naginata stood on the bow and swung the sword! Crack, crack...

"this...What the hell is this?"

Seeing this, the members of the Rocks Pirates were horrified and retreated.

"Get out of the way!"

Rocks also sensed the danger and took a step forward.


He punched out, and the fist mixed with the strong domineering color abruptly resolved the tsunami and vibration!

This scene also made the tall figure at the bow stunned.



In a flash, the tall figure quickly attacked from the sea level at an extremely fast speed! The dazzling golden hair passed through the air like a yellow lightning!


"You are Rocks, right?"

"Go to hell!"

In the blink of an eye, the man came straight to Rocks with his excellent speed, raised his naginata and chopped it down mercilessly!


Rocks' eyes widened slightly, stretched out one hand and caught the naginata steadily!

Boom, boom!

The terrifying air wave swept over, and the ground was completely shattered by the two people!

"Who are you....Edward Newgate?"

Grasping the naginata tightly with one hand, Rocks immediately recognized the man!

The pirate who has been very popular recently, the supernova with a bounty of over 100 million, Edward Newgate!

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