"Let's go....."

Although I really wanted to stay and see the embarrassment of the navy's top brass, this place was too close to the navy headquarters.

Even without warships, most of the navy could reach it quickly using the moonwalk.

It was not a good idea to stay here for a long time, so Rocks ordered to leave.

"Damn Rocks Pirates!"

Watching the Rocks Pirates leave without being able to intervene, Admirals Black Hawk, White Horse, and Golden Snake were furious. The

Navy Marshal had already rushed here to reinforce, and now was a good opportunity to kill the Rocks Pirates.

However, they were surrounded by several Level 6 prisoners, and even the Admirals could not spare any time, and could only watch the Rocks Pirates leave.......

The next day, another big news that shocked the world broke out.

The Rocks Pirates attacked the Deep Sea Prison and killed the director Jade, the deputy director, and the warden Kerry, who were known as the Hell Fortress of the Deep Sea Prison! All the prisoners of Infinite Hell Level 6 were released.

Although the Navy Admiral personally supported and captured some prisoners, more escaped.

Even taking advantage of this huge chaos, some prisoners from Level 1 to Level 5 also escaped, and the whole world fell into panic again. After defeating the Navy and killing the Knights of God, they captured the Deep Sea Prison, which is known as one of the three major government agencies in the world along with the Navy Headquarters and Judicial Island!

The Rocks Pirates, the status of the overlord of the sea, is no longer questioned.

After doing so many big things in a few days, the bounties of the members of the Rocks Pirates have been updated again.

The captain of the Rocks Pirates, Rocks Gibeck, has a bounty of 3.783 billion Baileys! The second-in-command of the Rocks Pirates, Lorne Gibeck, has a bounty of 2.897 billion Baileys!

Edward Newgate, the third in command of the Rocks Pirates, has a bounty of 1.947 billion Baileys!

Wang Zhi, a cadre of the Rocks Pirates, has a bounty of 515 million Baileys!

John, a cadre of the Rocks Pirates, has a bounty of 526 million Baileys!

Silver Axe, a cadre of the Rocks Pirates, has a bounty of 569 million Baileys!

And the Navy has confirmed that Shiki, one of the supernovas, has joined the Rocks Pirates, and the bounty has been updated to 475 million Baileys!

Therefore, the bounty of the entire Rocks Pirates team exceeds 10 billion Baileys!

It is the only pirate group in the 800-year history of the world government with a bounty of over 10 billion!........

After a few days, they returned to Wano Country, where the Rocks Pirates held a grand banquet.

Everyone enjoyed themselves to the fullest.

Rocks even announced that the banquet would last for half a month!

"Lord Lorne, Captain Rocks...Shirley...Miss Shirley is about to give birth."

However, it was not until the tenth day of the banquet that the ship's doctor rushed to find Lorne and Rocks.

"What's going on? Isn't the due date still half a month away? Nothing will happen, right?"

After hearing the news, Rocks was even more anxious than Loen.

Why is she going to give birth so suddenly?

"The due date has been moved up! All doctors, follow me quickly."

The ship's doctor didn't have time to say anything more. After leaving a word, he hurried to Shirley's room.

At once, more than a dozen female ship's doctors put down their glasses and followed immediately.

Seeing this, Rocks and Lorne also hurriedly followed.

Newgate, who has always been addicted to alcohol, also put down his glass and followed.

The three of them came to the delivery room. At this time, the busy voices of the doctors and Shirley's voice were heard from the delivery room.

"I didn't expect it to arrive so soon...I'm not ready yet."

Outside the delivery room, Rocks kept rubbing his hands, looking very nervous but expectant.

The due date was still half a month away, but it came suddenly, which made Rocks feel overwhelmed.

After all, this is the first bloodline of the Jibek family!

It was coming so suddenly, it was even more tense than fighting with the navy.

"Brother... why are you so nervous? Shirley will be fine."

Lorne also smiled and found a bench to sit down, chatting and laughing.

"Hey, brother-in-law, you are not much better than your elder brother-in-law."

Newgate looked at his brother- in-law Ron with a dark face. Although Ron looked calm on the surface, his legs were actually shaking. Even when facing Admiral Black Hawk, Ron had never shown such a look. You can imagine how nervous he was.

After all, this was the first time for Ron to have his own child. Even before he traveled through time and space and was reborn, Ron had never had such an experience.

In other words, although Ron had lived two lives, this was the first time he was a father!

"After all, this is the first bloodline of our Jibek family! I have never been so nervous in my life."

Locks was sweating.

"yes...I hope everything goes well. I am also looking forward to it."Lorne nodded, feeling nervous and expectant.

After all, this is his first child, and he has an SSS-level talent and can practice freely.

Lorne is also looking forward to it. What will a child with such a terrifying talent look like when he is born?

Fortunately, the ship's doctor is also very sensible. In about 5 minutes, a ship's doctor will come out of the delivery room to report safety to Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate.

The ship's doctor's report also relieved the nervous Rocks and Lorne.

"Captain Locks, Lord Lorne, the baby will be born in five minutes!" Soon, with another message from the ship's doctor, Locks and Lorne, who were feeling somewhat relieved, felt their hearts rise to their throats and even felt like they were about to jump out....I will see my child soon!

Five minutes left....

Both of them were breathing uncomfortably. They took out their watches and kept counting the time. Once they heard the baby crying, Lorne and Rocks would rush into the delivery room immediately.


Soon, as five minutes passed, an excited voice came from the delivery room.

Then, there was a sudden sound.

Snap, snap, snap, snap!

Something huge seemed to have changed in the delivery room, and there were constant sounds of people falling to the floor!

After a while, the originally lively delivery room suddenly became silent.....! atmosphere....It stopped instantly!

"What's going on?"

At this moment, Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate looked at each other, totally unaware of what was going on in the delivery room!

The three of them even forgot to use their Observation Haki.

"Could it be that a spy sent by the world government disguised as a ship doctor came to launch a sneak attack?"

Thinking of this possibility, Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate didn't care about anything else and directly broke open the door of the delivery room!

Everything in the room completely shocked Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate!

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