Seeing the navy using such a primitive method as the"Moon Walk" to travel, Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate couldn't help but grin.

"That is the mastermind of this incident, the Rocks Pirates!"

"It's these bastards who robbed the gold in the sky and now they are planning to take over the Deep Sea Prison."

"The Rocks Pirates are so lawless."

After seeing the three top fighters of the Rocks Pirates, Black Hawk, White Horse, Golden Snake and a group of vice admirals who came over were so angry that their teeth were about to break.

If the Rocks Pirates had not destroyed all the warships, how could their navy be so passive now?

Moreover, the Rocks Pirates also robbed the world's richest country of the sky gold, and the navy's military expenses have not yet been settled.

Cutting off someone's financial resources is like killing their parents. The entire navy hates the Rocks Pirates extremely.

They wish they could scatter their ashes and file their bodies to relieve their hatred.

"But it seems that they didn't bring many crew members this time, so we can take this opportunity to kill them here."

But soon the navy found that it seemed that only the three top fighters of the Rocks Pirates came this time?

That's great.....If there are only these three people, the whole force of the navy can still win!

If the three top fighters of the Rocks Pirates can be annihilated here, the remaining members of the Rocks Pirates will not be a problem.

Without the presence of a great admiral, any pirate group, no matter how many people there are, will be nothing more than a mob.

""Capture all three members of the Rocks Pirates here."

Admiral Black Hawk said in a deep voice, and immediately gave the order.

White Horse, Golden Snake and a group of vice admirals were full of energy.

Everyone drew their swords and weapons and rushed over aggressively.

At this moment, three figures appeared beside Rocks, Lorne and Newgate at the same time.

"Oh? Are there any other accomplices?"

"They are the supernovas who just joined the Rocks Pirates, Wang Zhi, John, and Silver Axe."

"And the guy who was dying was Shiki the Golden Lion who was captured and imprisoned in the Deep Sea Prison a few days ago."

The Navy immediately recognized the people who came. They were the three supernovas who were rescued from the Knights of God by the Rocks Pirates a few days ago!

"It seems that their purpose this time is to rescue Shiki the Golden Lion?"

Some wise navy members guessed the purpose of the Rocks Pirates' trip.

Since the loss of the warship, the Golden Lion's Float-Float Fruit has been on the mind of the navy.

For this reason, the general marshal of the entire army personally ordered the immediate killing of the Golden Lion, but he did not expect that he would be rescued by the Rocks Pirates so soon.

"However, if there are only three supernovas, they cannot influence the battle situation."

"This is the best place to defeat the Rocks Pirates"

""Marine, charge!"

Black Hawk, White Horse, and Golden Snake were still full of energy. After all, a combat supernova of this level was not up to par.

Any elite lieutenant general could easily deal with it.

""Hahaha, who said we're going to fight you?"

Looking at the navy rushing over aggressively, Loen grinned brightly.

Because Loen's observation Haki could clearly sense the strong murderous intent of those LV6 prisoners who had just been released.

It was really interesting to know what the pirates who were freed from this infinite hell would do.


I still don't understand what Luo En meant by this.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Suddenly, a large number of prisoners in prison uniforms poured out of the Deep Sea Prison! These prisoners were ferocious and hideous, and they exuded a very violent aura!

Everyone was baring their teeth and claws, looking very excited.

"The air outside is so fresh!"

"I haven’t seen blue sky and white clouds for a long time!"

"Great! I finally escaped from the infinite hell!"

After all, these prisoners have been imprisoned for too long. This is their first time to breathe the fresh air outside the deep sea prison.

Many people breathe greedily, enjoying the freedom they finally got.

"See, that guy Black Hawk!"

"And that bastard Bai Ma!"

"The Golden Snake is here too!"

Before they had time to fully appreciate the sweet air of freedom, the Level 6 prisoners saw two generals, a general candidate and many lieutenant generals rushing here!

For a moment, a monstrous hatred emanated from this group of prisoners!

This terrifying hatred was about to engulf everyone present!

"These guys are...."

"Level 6 prisoners?"

"The Rocks Pirates released all of them?"

"Oh my god!"

After seeing some familiar faces, the faces of the three great admirals, Black Hawk, White Horse, and Golden Snake, all changed!

These people were heroes and strong men from the last era. They were extremely evil pirates that the Navy had to work hard to capture! They were strong men that could only be captured by the admirals and admiral candidates of the Navy.

Among them were even some of the top pirates of the last era!

Is it okay to release so many people?

Black Hawk, White Horse, and Golden Snake even saw a few very familiar faces!

These people were guys who had deep hatred for the Navy.

For a while, facing so many strong men, Black Hawk, White Horse, and Golden Snake felt a little tricky!

They could still handle the three top combat forces of the Rocks Pirates alone.

But what if the LV6 prisoners were added?

The consequences are simply unimaginable!

"Immediately inform Mr. Marshal of the situation here and send reinforcements!"

Before Admiral Black Hawk finished speaking, he was surrounded by several pirates in prison uniforms.

"Hehehe, Black Hawk, because your old man has been in jail for decades, his hair has turned white, and he is old, now it’s time to pay back the debt!"

"My crew were���Kill, die, Black Hawk!"

"My brother and sister were also killed by you, Black Hawk, today I will kill you too to avenge them!"

Some prisoners who had a deep hatred for Black Hawk took the lead in attacking.

"Haha, pirates are all guys who deserve to die!"

Black Hawk was not afraid to fight with these LV6 prisoners.

At the same time, White Horse and Golden Snake on the other side were also surrounded by several LV6 prisoners.

Although these people are not as strong as admirals, they are more numerous. With more people, they can fight with admirals for a while.

Of course, more prisoners still cherish this hard-won freedom and run away.

They don't want to continue to be imprisoned in this LV6.

There are also some pirates who can't work together to deal with the navy. They start fighting on their own when they say something is wrong.

Those who can concentrate on revenge are mostly prisoners who have great hatred for Black Hawk, White Horse and others.

There is no way, pirates are pirates, and people who are used to lawlessness, how can they work together.

Loen doesn't expect them to work together to deal with the navy. He just needs to delay the navy to buy time for the Rocks Pirates to retreat.

If the pirates can really unite, the world government and the navy headquarters would have been overturned long ago.

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