The moment they rushed into the room, the scene in the delivery room immediately shocked Rocks, Lorne, and Newgate, three experienced pirates!

In the whole room, more than a dozen doctors fainted, foaming at the mouth, and their eyes turned white!

Even Shirley herself fainted.

Fortunately, no one was in danger of life. They just fainted because they were shocked by the aura of the Conqueror's Haki.

After all, Shirley and the female doctors were ordinary people and did not have the ability to resist the Conqueror's Haki.

"Who did this? I'm going to kill him!"

"It's the World Government, right? Those bastards!"

Seeing this, Rocks was furious. He was so angry that even his eyes turned red, as terrifying as an angry lion.

His sister-in-law had just given birth, and such a big thing happened in the delivery room! The only ones who have a huge hatred for the Rocks Pirates are the World Government, the Navy, and the Celestial Dragons. Those who can launch the Conqueror's Haki must be spies sent by the World Government to initiate the action.

Damn it!

I ignored this point and became what I am today.

"But something's strange....If it was really done by the World Government, why were Miss Shirley and the ship doctor safe and sound?"

At this time, Newgate touched his chin and analyzed.

If the World Government really sent spies to sneak into Wano Country, and the spies were guys with Conqueror's Haki.

Then facing Shirley who was powerless, the female ship doctor and others should be able to kill her easily.

This is in line with the style of the World Government to do whatever it takes.

But they obviously sneaked in, but they just used Conqueror's Haki to stun her instead of killing her. It's a bit strange. Loen thought the same as Newgate at this moment. It was absolutely impossible for the World Government to do it.

Wano Country has tens of thousands of fishmen guards, plus its special terrain, it is impossible for someone to sneak in so easily.

What's more, it is under the noses of the three great pirates Rocks, Loen, and Newgate, which is even more impossible. In addition

, Shirley and others are safe and sound, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the World Government did it.

At this moment, there is only one possibility!

"Could it be....."

Luo En knew that it might be the result of his child's extraordinary talent.

After all, according to the system's explanation, this child's ability was SSS-level, and he could practice on his own right after birth.

Maybe he had burst out with domineering aura right after birth, which stunned everyone in the room.


Just as Luo En was thinking about this, a childish voice suddenly attracted the attention of the three people present.

Soon, a young naked figure appeared in front of the three people, with big eyes that looked very cute.

Not only that, the first time the child saw Luo En, he ran over and hugged Luo En's legs tightly, and kept shouting"Dad, Dad" in his mouth.

"This is?...."

Looking at this sudden little figure, Rocks was a little confused for a moment.

Newgate was also confused.

Who is this child?

Why did he call Lorne"Dad" as soon as they met?

Could it be Lorne's child?

No,...Wait, whose child can walk, run and talk as soon as he is born?

"Who are you....Bell?"

Bell is the name that Rocks and Lorne had thought of for their first child.

"Bell is my name? Daddy?"

The little kid blinked his big eyes and looked adorable.

"You call me Daddy? Are you really Bell?"

Hearing this, Rocks also became excited. Could it be that the child in front of him was really Loen's child?

He could talk right after he was born, and he could run and jump. This was too much.....It's so genius!

"its not right...How do you know he is your eldest father's?"

Newgate also felt something was wrong, so he bent down and asked in a gentle tone.

"I heard it in my mother's belly."

Bell timidly grabbed Lorne's calf and shrank back.

""Hmm? It seems that you are really Bell! Come and let Daddy hug you!"

Hearing this, Rocks showed a very surprised expression!

This child of his brother has such a clear mind when he was born, and he can talk and run. This is a genius!

"kindness..."Dad, I'll go find Daddy to hug you, don't be jealous."

Bell joked with Lorne after hearing this, and then walked to Rocks' side.

"Lift it high, lift it high....."

Rocks bent down and lifted Bell up high, with a smile on his face.

Rocks Jibek, the usually feared overlord of the sea and a pirate with a bounty of over 3.5 billion, was now like an ordinary man, teasing his nephew with a kind smile.

"By the way, Bell, what happened here just now, can you tell Daddy about it?"

After playing with little Bell for a while, Rocks finally reacted and wanted to ask what happened in the delivery room just now.

"that....I seemed to have lost control of a force in my body, which caused my mother and the others to faint."

"I was a little scared, so I hid under the bed and didn't dare to come out until my dad showed up."

Bell said embarrassedly

"What ? Did you burst out that power just now?"

After hearing Bell's words, Rocks and Newgate both widened their eyes, stuck out their tongues, and almost dropped their jaws to the ground!...What the hell!

Not only can he run and jump when he was born, but he even awakened his Conqueror Haki!

This is simply....This simply cannot be described as a genius!

It must be described as a demon!

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain all this.

This kind of talent is simply too terrifying, even the two great thieves Rocks and Newgate have never heard of it!

【Congratulations to the host for having his first child. As a reward, your cultivation speed will be doubled!】

【Congratulations to the host on having his first child, and he will be rewarded with a large amount of cultivation experience!】

【Rewards speed, strength, and physical experience improvement!】

【Rewards include experience increase of Conqueror's Haki, Observation Haki, and Armament Haki!】

【[Reward: Sword Skill Experience Improvement!]

At the same time, Luo En was feeling the large amount of rewards that the system was giving out.

At this moment, Luo En's body seemed to be injected with a very powerful force.

This force was constantly flowing through every corner of Luo En's body, giving people a warm and comfortable feeling.

After a few minutes, this feeling completely disappeared, and then Luo En felt that his strength seemed to have improved qualitatively!

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