The sky was dark, and the blood flowed like a river.

This is a true portrayal of Marin Vando at this time.

The Golden Buddha of the Warring States period shone brightly under the rolling dark clouds, but the shock fruit of the white beard was always able to blast back the Great Buddha fist of the Warring States at the right time.

"Sengoku, it looks like your fists are not as good as the old man!!"

Once again, the fist of the Warring States was repelled with layers of shock waves, making the Golden Buddha of the Warring States seem to have fallen into a basin of rippling batter, and the air layer that had been shattered by the white beard was like the sharpest knife scraped directly on the golden body of the Buddha.

It was the cutting of the air, like thousands of sharp blades rotating in turn, and the Warring States were like arms stirred by the propellers of airplanes, and if it weren't for the powerful defense of the Buddha's body, this fist might have been abolished.

"Really? Your Shock Fruit is indeed extraordinary, but my Great Buddha Fist is not vegetarian either. "

No matter how powerful the tear is, as long as it survives, it can also attack the people behind it, and the Warring States is with the purpose of directly attacking Whitebeard itself to really work, fighting all over his body and fighting directly with Whitebeard.

"I'll go, those two old guys are just punching the flesh!!"

Ao Long looked at this scene and was stunned, of course, he was the only one who dared to call Whitebeard and the old guy of the Warring States.

On the other side, the pheasant and Moria and the others faced each other, and the three generals were already dead and disabled, and the other generals under Ao Long tacitly did not come over to deal with the pheasant.

"Ice Cube, Two Thorn Spears!!"

Moria originally wanted to cut off the pheasant's shadow, but he didn't expect to be beaten instead of pretending to be B, and was directly pierced through the chest by a two-thorned spear of the pheasant, and fell into the pacifists who imitated the bear.

The pheasant did not pursue, and seemed to have reached some kind of tacit understanding with Ao Long.

"Damn, why are there so many Bartholomy Bears!! No, this should be what he said before, the world government according to the robots he imitated, each cost is comparable to a warship!! It's powerful!! "

Moonlight Moria looked at the Pacifist that surrounded him and was about to flee when he noticed a powerful light cannon firing from the mouths of all the pacifists.

Pacifists do not speak, they only attack silently, and each attack is no worse than that of a lieutenant general, and when all the attacks converge on one person, then that person is doomed to tragedy.

"Ah, damn it, why is my shadow ability limited!!"

Moria wrapped in light is like a shadowless zone on the operating table, all the cannonballs he can only resist with strength, because there is no shadow, his ability is greatly suppressed, and soon his arm is hit by a laser cannon, and then his stomach, and the pacifist attacks naturally do not stop.

Moria could only flee with his injuries, but he was surrounded by pacifists, and he was injured and how could he compare the speed of the laser cannon, so it was unfortunate.

Moonlight Moria did not die at the hands of others, and finally died at the hands of pacifists, and became the first strong man under Ao Long's hands to lose.

"Moria !!"

Xiong noticed these pacifists who imitated him, and also noticed the scene of Moria being directly burned and melted by the laser cannon, and it was too late to rescue.

This is the battlefield, and no one can pay attention to the whole scene in real time, but Bartholomy Bear's shout still caught Ao Long's attention.

"It seems that these robots are not so easy to deal with, so we can only use robots to deal with robots!!"

Ao Long knew that flesh and blood were still very disadvantaged in front of these pacifists, because these robots had a great advantage, that is, they would not evade attacks, because they were fearless, so they moved forward bravely, and now on this occasion, they can be described as killing weapons.

"Brother Ao Long, why don't you take a concubine and deal with those pacifists!!"

Hancock's petrification can be used regardless of people or matter, so it is also effective against these robots.

"It's too dangerous for you to go alone, and it just so happens that Anilu kid is almost recovering, so let him and the bear help you, so that I can rest assured!!"

At this time, the support troops brought by the air, the elite of the army, arrived, and the 200,000 elites joined the battle again, which was like grinding meat and grinding a plate.

"Hahaha, Ao Long boy, you should like the old man's backhand!! Let me send you rebels to hell today!! "

The commander-in-chief blasted away the lonely red that had turned into a vampire bat with an empty punch, looked at Ao Long, and said loudly.

To be honest, he has been unhappy for a long time, as the commander-in-chief of the three armies, he has been fighting with one of Ao Long's subordinates for so long, although this person is also a peerless powerhouse in the last era, but there is no harm if there is no comparison, looking at Ao Long who is sitting on the dragon chair and overlooking the entire battlefield, he feels that he is too rampant.

And the marshal Warring States on the other side is also a joy, the body of the big Buddha at this time is already scarred, and of course the white beard is not much better.

"Karp, do you think I won't be able to win if you don't make a move!!"

Silently looking at Karp paddling over there, he knew that he didn't show his real strength.

"Since the reinforcements, everyone has seized the time to kill these pirates, leaving no !! behind"

Sengoku once again gave orders to his subordinates, and I have to say that the news of reinforcements had a great impact on the morale of both sides.

"Reinforcements, do you think you're the only one with reinforcements? After so many years as the marshal, empty, you are still inexperienced!! "

Ao Long looked at the sky, the corners of his mouth smiled slightly, and Canglong Qi slammed the sea water three times again.

"Boom!! Boom!! Boom!!! "

Like a war drum, it sounded loud and far away, and it spread along the sound of the waves.

Then I saw that above the sea level in the sky, two fleets appeared again, all of them with pirate flags.

"That.... That's....."

Warring States looked back, and immediately his cheeks changed color, and cold sweat flowed directly down his hair, and he saw that the green tendons on the huge golden Buddha's head were coming out.

"Is it them? Didn't they have a big war in the New World? Why did they suddenly appear here, no, if they passed through Fish-Man Island, I would have received a message here!! "

was originally sure that his encirclement and suppression plan was foolproof, and he was also shocked to see this scene.

Since Fish-Man Island returned to the World Government, although it has not been operated in a big way, it has still set up eyeliner there, and people like Ryunomiya Castle are their best doglegs.

"Nothing is impossible, those who have attained the Tao will have much help, and those who have lost the Tao will have little help!! Warring States, Sora, this era is no longer yours, I don't know if you are ready for the curtain call?!!! "

Ao Longye looked at the two of them with a smile, and seemed to be very satisfied with the situation, basically all of them came, and there were only five people left.

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