"Advance City? That's in the past tense! Magellan has already gone to hell!! And empty, it's time for the account between you and me to be settled. "

Gu Gao Zhihong looked at the commander-in-chief Sora, an old opponent many years ago, who was now gray-haired, and not everyone had the ability to resist time like a vampire.

"Really? Looks like you've been planning this for a long time? Do you think that just a few of you can subvert the foundation of the world government for 900 years!! Wish for the moon!! "

After speaking, Sora directly slammed a pair of iron fists into the lonely red Red.

The two old rivals are very familiar with each other's routines, but they haven't seen each other for many years, one has gone further in strength, and the other has begun to decay, although there is the most outstanding medical team and maintenance of the world government, but the empty age is there after all.

Except for the five old stars, no one can live that long.

At the same time, when there was a big battle at the naval headquarters and Ao Long's Canglong flag was displayed, several people in the four seas who saw this scene gave the order to attack at the same time.

"The dragon flag is here, and the country of the dragon is rising. Inform go down and launch a general attack, this time to make all the countries of the West Sea surrender!! "

Capone Becky of the Western Sea commanded all his armies to attack all the nations that had not yet submitted like an autumn wind sweeping away the leaves from the ruins of O'Hara.

"Your Majesty's order has been issued, and it is time for us to act!! The time has come to repay Your Majesty's kindness. "

Luo of the South China Sea also led his army to attack.

At the same time, the revolutionary armies in the North Sea and the East China Sea began to launch a general offensive, and with the support of Ao Long, the army developed rapidly in recent years.

At this time, the battle of Marin Fando continued.

The most exciting thing is the battle between Anilu and Sakaski, two people, one thunder and one magma, which can be said to be a fierce way.

"The Great Spitfire!!

Akainu no longer dared to disperse the magma fruit's ability, and directly condensed the Dao power of his whole body, heading towards the thunderclouds of Anilu, and he had already discovered that Anilu's attack came from the thunder layer above to a large extent.

So his magma fist was already the size of a warship under his full condensation, and it shot straight into the sky, as if it was about to blast a hole in the sky with a single punch.

"Red Dog, do you think the thunderclouds can be dispersed when you say they can be scattered? I'm going to show you one of my most powerful moves today!! Thunderball!! "

Anilu watched Akaiu rise into the air, knowing his purpose, naturally he couldn't watch him scatter the thunderclouds, and Akainu did it with all his strength this time, and the follow-up was weak, if he seized this opportunity, it was not impossible to kill Akainu.

So under Anilu's Five Elements Thunder Spell, the thunderclouds in the sky derived five thundercloud chains of different colors, spread down, and bound the red dog that turned into a big fire-breathing dog.

At this time, the red dog was like a moth that had hit a spider's web, and it happened to be tied up by the thundercloud chain, and it couldn't break free.

"I don't believe that my magma will lose to you as a newcomer!!"

Feeling the damage caused by the thunder and lightning around him, Akainu had already turned half of his body into magma at this time, and let out an angry roar.

He really couldn't understand how magma could conduct electricity, but how did he know that the thunder and lightning of Anilu was not an ordinary thunderbolt, but the five elements divine thunder, as long as it was among the five elements, it would inevitably be restrained.

In the world, if you rank the attack power, Lei is definitely at the forefront.

"Whether you believe it or not, this is the ending that must be accepted, Akainu, let you enjoy the taste of my golden thunder sword!!"

Anilu naturally wouldn't let go of this opportunity to chase and fight, and from the thunderclouds quickly derived tens of millions of golden thunder swords, the metal aura on them was filled with a murderous aura, and it seemed that they could cut through the void.

"Ah, the dog bites the red lotus!! Break it for me!! "

Finally, under the struggle of the Red Inu, the chains of the Five Elements Divine Thunder were broken, but Anilu's thousands of thunder swords turned into meteor thunderstorms, passing through the magma red dog transformed by the Red Inu, and was directly pierced through a thousand holes, like ten thousand swords piercing the heart.

"Ahh Anilu, I won't let you go!! "

Although he couldn't take the life of the red dog, but Anilu's big move brought a lot of damage to the red dog, in the magma state, it took a lot of physical strength for him to recover, and the red dog at this time already felt that his physical strength was exhausted, if it wasn't for the natural ability, the move of Anilu just now might have killed him directly.

"Hehe, Red Dog, it seems that you were defeated, and you were defeated by a young man. Look like you're ready to run away? "

Just as Akainu was about to flee, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"King Canglong, Ao Long!!"

Akainu gritted his teeth and looked at this person, since Ao Long's debut, Akainu has not been very smooth, and many missions have been destroyed by Ao Long, so naturally he hates Ao Long to the core.

On the other side, Anilu's spiritual power in his body was not over after using the ultimate, and when he saw Ao Long's move, he went to the side to recover his spiritual power, after all, the war is not over yet.

"It looks like you hate me a lot, but it's a pity you don't have a chance to get revenge!!"

Ao Long is not a villain with a lot of words, and he will not mind any comments that take advantage of people's danger, so his movements are simple and rough, and a cloud dragon nine appeared directly behind Akainu, and a sword in the stone pierced directly through his chest.

"You... No.... Succeeded...."

Akainu felt the pain in his chest and knew that he was in a catastrophe, and Ao Long's injuries were naturally not natural elemental injuries that could be avoided, so these injuries were real injuries.

"That's not your concern, go in peace!"

Ao Long directly included the red dog into the Longzhu Cave Heaven, because the Longzhu Cave Heaven already has magma, so it does not need to evolve and absorb, and it can be directly transformed into the origin to grow.

So Admiral, Akainu turned into a pile of manure and strengthened the foundation of Ao Long.

On the other side, the general Yellow Ape is holding a lightsaber and is facing off against the Hades King Reilly.

"Oh, yes, the king of Hades deserves to be the king of Hades, this swordsmanship is really sharp!!"

The obscene yellow ape forced Reilly back with a sword, and began to make cheap mistakes again.

"Really? The old man thinks your sword is fast, but the lethality doesn't seem to be very good! "

Reilly stabbed at the yellow ape with a sword at a tricky angle again, the yellow ape's swordsmanship was more about giving full play to the advantage of speed, and he believed that when the speed was fast enough to a certain extent, then the strength could also be infinitely increased.

It's a pity that although his fruit is a shining fruit, his strength has also gradually improved, but he has a stronger talent on top of speed, not really the speed of light.

And the speed of Hades Reilly is not comparable to ordinary people, so the yellow ape can't take much advantage of the speed advantage.

"Yes, if you want strength, I can do it too, look at this, Tiancong Cloud Sword !!"

While selling cuteness obscenely, he used his own big move, and a giant lightsaber hung upside down like the Milky Way for nine days, rushing straight down, as if to stop Reilly and cut him down.

"It seems that the old man doesn't have some real strength, and he really makes you juniors look down on it!! There are few pedestrians on Huangquan Road!! "

The reason why the Hades King is called the Hades King has a lot to do with his tricks, I saw that Lei Li's sword was like a yellow spring, cold and cold, meandering, like the eighteen plates of the Yellow River, infinitely inclusive, but infinitely murderous.

Serious men are scary, and serious strong people kill.

The Tiancong Cloud Sword was directly stopped and slashed by Lei Li, and the Huangquan Sword attached to the armed color domineering did not stop, directly stepping over the dissipating light curtain and swinging down.

"Ahh My arm!! "

Under this move, the yellow ape is crippled.

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