The sky was red because too much blood rendered him.

The water is salty because there are so many sad songs to cry here.

War is the continuation of politics, but war is the end of life.

Sengoku single-handedly directed this war against Whitebeard, but unfortunately, when he was the director, someone had already counted him in the role.

This is a contest of people's hearts, and it is also a contest of strength.

The navy is doomed, whether this war is won or lost.

And the status quo has gotten out of control several times, it turned out to be just a contest with the Whitebeard Pirates, which involved Ao Long, and the 200,000 troops brought by it were not 200,000 turnips, but fortunately, the Warring States had already prepared.

It's a pity that this game is like a flop, there are only so many cards in the Warring States, and he doesn't know how many hole cards Ao Long has.

Feeling the pain coming from his body, Sengoku couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Whether it is political ambition or dream belief, this is his pursuit, for an old man who has dedicated his life to the navy, watching the soldiers he brought out fall like wheat harvesting, stubble by stubble, the pain in the heart of the Warring States is indescribable.

"Whitebeard, you damn it!! Only your death can wash away the shame of naval justice!! "

The roar of the Warring States filled the entire battlefield, and Karp looked back, he had been such a friend in his life, suppressed under the peak combat power of Whitebeard.

A decision was made in his heart, Karp grabbed Luffy with a dodge, and then dodged in front of Ace.

"You two boys, after such a big disaster this time, it's time to learn to grow!!"

Karp, who has always been unreliable and has a big grin, suddenly became sentimental.

"Ah, grandpa, what's wrong with you!??"

Luffy felt very strange, while Ace looked at Karp quietly, today's experience made this teenager experience too much life and death.

"Grandpa, I was wrong, I shouldn't be so reckless, I should cherish this life!"

This is the confession given by Ace, he has learned at least one thing today, and that is the reverence for life.

"Hahahaha, good boy, you can count it yourself. But men do something and don't do something. Affectionately, the two of you are my grandsons, so I will show this today, but in terms of dreams, the old man is a naval hero. Ao Long is a good boy, you should follow him in the future!! "

After Karp finished saying a heroic sentence, his muscles swelled, raised his iron fist the size of a casserole, and shouted loudly at Whitebeard and Sengoku:

"Whitebeard, this era doesn't belong to us anymore!! Let's let the two old guys send you back to the West!! "

A crazy fist solved the siege of the Warring States, and under the hands of the two old guys, Whitebeard also suffered a little.

"Karp, you are worthy of the title of your iron fist, this strength is stronger than the Warring States!!"

He punched Karp again in the chest, and Whitebeard smiled heroically, it seemed that he still admired Karp very much.

"Finally, Lieutenant General Karp has finally made a move!! The Navy will win!! Justice will prevail!! "

One of the major generals below saw the scene of Karp's shot, and his excited eyes shone with tears.

"Yes, although Admiral Akainu is gone, we still have naval heroes!!"

"The Navy will win!! Justice will prevail!! "

At this moment, the morale of the navy rose again under Karp's hand.

Rumble!!! Rumble! Rumble!!

But then the high morale of the navy and reinforcements was blinded by artillery fire.

"This is not our artillery fire, this is !! from above the sea"

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel looked above the surface of the sea and saw the two fleets approaching as they fired artillery fire at the navy.

"Redhead!! Golden Lion !! "

Sengoku said with a gloomy face, a face with blue muscles, and he said angrily, he felt the deep malice from the pirates.

What redheads and golden lions fight endlessly for turf are all lies!!

Where is this the Navy setting a trap for the Whitebeard Pirates, it is completely the pirates who have set a trap for the Navy, no, it should be said that it is against the World Government, because the Army has been involved.

Sengoku took a deep look at the young man in the field, and the surroundings had been cleared out of a clean field by his subordinates.

Dusty and Guina stood quietly behind him as swordsmen on the left and right, blocking the cold spears and arrows that flew from time to time for him.

All this seems to be inseparable from this man, except for him, no one has such great ability, he suddenly understands why the golden lion, who has lost his legs for many years, suddenly appeared in the new world after healing and regained the position of the Four Emperors, and he also understands why the red hair, who has been broken for many years, suddenly has sound limbs and returns to the top.

"King Canglong, Ao Long, it's really a good game of chess, the old man admires it, the old man is not as good as it!!"

The Warring States looked at Ao Long, who was sitting there with a sword, imposing and kingly, and had to sigh that he might be really old.

It was at this moment that the Warring States lost their passion for making a comeback, and they were ready to return to the field after this battle.

"Rush, kill the navy, kill Marin Fando, kill Mary Joy!!"

"Kill, it's time for revenge!!"

"For freedom, for dreams, for the !! of the world"

There are all kinds of slogans, there are dozens of ships brought by the golden lion and the red hair, these are their basic family assets, it seems that for Ao Long's plan this time, they also came with the determination to break the kettle.

And the golden lion and the red hair are on top of the flagship of the golden lion, soaring into the sky, don't forget, he is the golden lion is the fluttering fruit ability.

"Golden Lion!! Redhead!! You shouldn't come, this trip to the muddy waters is not your way in!! "

Sora looked at the golden lion and the red hair who came into the air, and said with an ugly face.

"Oh, that old man is here now, can you bear with me!!"

The golden lion looked at the sky with a provocative expression, twenty years ago, he dared to break into Marin Fando single-handedly, and now that his strength has recovered, there are so many companions, so he is naturally not afraid.

"If you're here, let's stay!! I just emptied you all at once!! "

The air said domineeringly, it seems that the marshal of the peak of the navy has returned.

You must know that when Kong was a marshal, it can be said that there are many talents under his hands, and the admirals have Xianshi Warring States and Black Wrist Zefa.

"Really? It's a pity that you don't have a chance!! Playing against old friends, you still have time to distract yourself to pretend to be B!! This makes me very unhappy!! "

The red handle of the lonely red umbrella suddenly pierced through the empty chest, and his cold voice floated out.

"How.... How.... Probably..."

Sora didn't seem to believe all this, but the loss of vitality told him that he had really been hit, and his domineering spirit actually didn't sense the attack trajectory of Lone High Red Red, how could this be.

"Nothing is impossible, do you think that all these years I have spent in Advance City in vain? As a vampire, the biggest feature is that it is hidden, and I have finally taken this innate characteristic to the extreme, although I can only use it once a day when I concentrate on it, but it is enough to kill you!! Sora, I defeated you back then, but I fell into your trap again, this time I won't be fooled again, what a beautiful blood, what a pity to waste, let him nourish me!! "

Lonely Red dipped his hand in the blood that flowed down the handle of the umbrella, and he could feel the great power from inside, and this was the source of his growth.

"Empty Handsome !!!"

Sengoku watched as Sora fell, dying at the hands of the man who was no less famous than Roger and Whitebeard.

This is a loss for the Navy and even more so for the World Government!!

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