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Devil's Delta, on Moonlight Moria's three-masted galleon, Luffy and others are practicing hard, the news of Moria's defeat has been received by the navy, and the navy's suggestion to the five old stars is to use the Seven Martial Seas to win this battle against Whitebeard first and then solve Moria.

In a certain sea area of New World, the Golden Lion Pirates and the Red-Haired Shanks Pirates met here.

"Hey, red-haired imp, did you get the message from the Dragon King?"

The golden lion jumped wildly onto the red-haired pirate ship, his two swords pinned to his waist, and this year, he seemed to have regained the feeling of being at the top of the mountain.

"Well, King Canglong said that the two of us may have to play a scene to paralyze the navy, it seems that this time he is ready to finish the battle!"

The red-haired Shanks drank his own wine, his black coat fluttered in the wind, and the unruly little beard was still like that, standing in front of the senior golden lion was not stunned at all.

"Hahahaha, among those people on Roger's ship back then, except for Reilly, I looked at you kid pleasing to the eye, I didn't expect that after all these years, your kid is really powerful, hahahaha....."

This is a meeting between the two emperors, and the two people laughed wildly in their hearts and actually remembered one person, that is, Ao Long's figure, it can be said that they both lost to Ao Long, and both owe Ao Long's kindness, a senior and a junior, how similar their fates are.

"Maybe this era is coming to an end... He doesn't belong to Roger, he doesn't belong to Whitebeard, he doesn't belong to me..."

Looking at the sunset reflected on the sea, the golden lion has a feeling of being quite old, and the younger generations are too outstanding, so he has to admire.

"Yes, this era should belong to him, King Canglong!! Ao Long!! I call it the Age of the Dragons!! "

The red-haired Shanks touched his arm, he thought that he had such a magical medical skill and such a strong strength, this is the greatest capital to unite people's hearts!!

On the Chambord Islands, the headquarters of the beggar gang, Sharon looked at the information in his hand and urgently summoned the disciples of the beggar gang, it was time to move.

Capone Becky of the West Sea led his legion and quickened the pace of the expedition.

Luo in the South China Sea also urged his subordinates to step up efforts to consolidate the occupied areas.

Bucky the Clown of the East China Sea, no, now he is called the Clown Emperor, and he looks at his pirate kingdom proudly.

Dorag in the North Sea hastened his encirclement of the Assassin family.

The waters of the world seem to suddenly be mixed up.

The first to start the chaos was the pirate group of the Hundred Beasts Kaido, and suddenly at the auction in the Chambord Islands, there was a horn called the Hundred Beasts Kaido's head that was auctioned at a high price, which caused an uproar.

"Hahaha, the heinous beast Kaido is actually dead, and it would be an honor to be able to collect his horns!!"

Passerby A said to Passerby B.


Passerby B hurriedly reminded passer-by A that after all, even if it was the Three Calamities, it was not a sea thief to mess with.

"Hmph, Three Calamities, now it is estimated that I am busy receiving the power of the Hundred Beast Pirates, and competing to be the new Four Emperors!! Speaking of which, this beast Kaido was not killed by the navy, the navy is really incompetent, there is no way to take a pirate for so many years, and in the end it was actually taken down by an unknown person!! "

And at this time in the new world, the three heavyweight subordinates of the Hundred Beast Kaido have indeed started a fight, and each of them hopes that the other two will become their subordinates and become the new Four Emperors, but unfortunately the strength or prestige of the three people is not far apart, and the entire Hundred Beast Pirates have fallen into chaos.

The headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fando, the office of the current Marshal of the Navy Sengoku.

"Look, we must find the person who killed Kaido, and let him join our navy, so that the prestige of our navy can be raised at once!! Coupled with the next plan, the prestige of the Navy can once again return to the top!! "

Sengoku said to the generals and lieutenant generals below that this time the news of the death of the Hundred Beasts Kaido caught the Warring States a little unprepared, because if they knew in advance that the Hundred Beasts Kaido was dead, then the Hundred Beasts Pirates would be the best target, but now the news of Ace's execution has been announced to the world, and it can only be with Whitebeard to the end.

"Can't we just give up the execution of Ace and switch to fighting against the Hundred Beast Pirates? The old man can invite himself to be a pioneer!! "

After all, Karp still loves his grandson, and looks at Sengoku hopefully, with an old man's prayer in his eyes.

Sengoku looked at his old friend for many years and felt very unbearable, but as an admiral, he had to make the right decision.

"Karp, you're not a kid anymore, you know it's impossible, with the prestige of the Navy already so weakened, we can't afford to toss it again!!"

The cruel but realistic words let Karp know that Ace could not escape this catastrophe, and could only hope that Whitebeard could save him.

A month is not a long time, but it is not a short time, and in the training to the death, Luffy has been able to skillfully use the armed color domineering and the overlord color domineering as well as the seeing and hearing color domineering.

And Zoro's armed domineering and domineering are also very effective, and the domineering of Kebi, Sanji and others are also very good.

As for the strength of Usopp and Nami, it can only be regarded as an ordinary improvement, and there is no blowout development.

"Okay, according to my understanding, Ace is still advancing into the city, Luffy, you still have a chance to save him!!"

This is good news that Ao Long brought to Luffy.

"However, you don't have much time, only three days, three days later will be the date of Ace's public execution, I will send you to Advance City, but how to Ace, it depends on your own efforts!!"

Ao Long needs to make some preparations for the big battle, and he knows that Luffy will definitely not be able to save Ace, because his strength is not enough!! At this time, he is only at the level of a lieutenant general at best, and he will not be Magellan's opponent.

Half a day later, Ao Long took Luffy and the others to the Advance City, don't doubt Ao Long's infiltration ability, with this seventy-two changes and Dragon Bead Cave Heaven, it is really easy for him to take someone into a certain place.

However, he didn't send Luffy to the deepest prison, but directly put him on the first floor like in the original book.

"This operation is a rescue operation, so it is best to be able to save people, and if you can't save it, quickly change places and find a way!"

After releasing everyone, Ao Long turned around and disappeared, and the world's forbidden land to advance the city was as easy for him as it was to be undefended.

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