Thank you for the nameless flower reward and praise and encouragement, the work at the end of the year is busy, and the update is not so diligent, please forgive me to the readers.

"To save Ace? Yes, but your strength is not enough, during this time, you will practice well in the Devil's Delta, how about I take you to sneak into Advance City at that time? "

Ao Long felt that saving Ace too early would not have betrayed the good intentions of the navy, what could be more burning than the world government setting up a good stage and wreaking havoc in the past when singing!

Ao Long just wants to give those people hope, and then give them a despair when their hopes are at their highest, the most important thing is that Ace guy will not really mature if he doesn't experience this baptism of life, and sometimes men will only be stable if they have experienced enough pain.

"No, I'm going to save Ace now!! Ao Long, you can take me to save Ace now!! "

Luffy grabbed Ao Long's clothes, and it seemed that he was really red-eyed to make such a rude move.

"Luffy, calm down!!"

At the critical moment, Nami directly gave Luffy a punch to calm him down from his mad state.

"I know you're in a hurry to save Ace, but what I'm going to tell you is that in the advancing city, there is a Magellan warden who is no less powerful than the admiral to guard it, and with your current strength, it's just to send another one!!"

Ao Long looked at Luffy lightly and directly told him a cruel truth, in fact, Ao Long also knew that these newcomers did not have enough time to grow, but Ao Long was not ready to give them this time, Ao Long had been preparing for so many years, and he was almost ready.

When the heat is old, this dish is not delicious!

"However, I also heard that the Whitebeard Pirates will rescue Ace at that time, so let's wait until Ace is brought to the execution ground, and go with the people of the Whitebeard Pirates to rescue Fire Fist Ace!!"

At this time, Xiong made a different suggestion, it seems that he is not very optimistic about breaking into the city, which is after all called the strongest place for the world government.

"No, you guy, how can you wait for Ace to be sent to the execution ground? In that case, Ace would be too dangerous!! "

As soon as Luffy heard that Bartholomy Bear made such a suggestion, he immediately became angry, feeling that Xiong was just uneasy and kind, delaying time, knowing that if he rescued Ace earlier, he would suffer a lot less, although Luffy was sometimes idiotic, but he knew that once he was caught by the navy, he would definitely suffer a lot.

"No, I'm sticking to my advice, you're Dorag's son, I'm not going to watch you die!!"

After being regained by Ao Long, the bear was not so indifferent, and there was a feeling similar to that of an elder in the like-mindedness.

"Okay, okay, Luffy, with your current strength, whether it's advancing the city or the punishment scene, you won't be able to play much of a role, during this time, let the bear and Moria train you!! By the way, do the rest of you want to participate? "

After speaking, Ao Long looked at Kirby and the others, but before Kebi and Zoro could speak, Luffy refused:

"No, saving Ace this time is my private matter, so don't get involved, I'm enough for one person!!"

Obviously, Luffy himself knew the danger of going here, and he didn't want his companions to bear such a heavy burden with him.

"The captain's business is our business, and he needs our help at this time, and I, Kebi, am definitely with you!!"

"And us!!"

Sanji, Usopp, and Frankie all expressed their positions.

"Rub it!!"

Without saying a word, Zoro pulled out his long knife and stood behind Luffy, looking at the bear defensively.

"And me, I'm going to !! together"

Sailor Moon Nami actually stood in the team with her head held high.

"If Luffy-kun needs help, I, Brooke, am also willing to dedicate my strength!!"

Soul singer, Yellow Springs Fruit Ability Brooke stood up at this time.

"Thank you.... Whining.... It's great to have you....."

Strong as Luffy was also deeply moved at this moment, he knew that making this decision meant that he had to be the enemy of the strongest peak in the world and the world government, which was a road to death.

"Alright, don't cry, bear, you can bring out all their Devil Fruit abilities, and greatly increase their speed and strength during this time!! Also, Luffy, when you want to rescue Ace, defeat the bear, as long as you defeat the bear, you can save Ace in advance, otherwise, follow the bear's plan!! "

Anyway, there is a spring breeze and rain, this time Ao Long is ready to force a few people to death, anyway, there is Ace there waiting to rescue, they will also consciously do their best.

The wind and waves of the sea rise and fall, the heroes of the sea are buried with the wind, and in the death row of the Advance City, the naval hero Karp and Fire Fist Ace meet.

"Ace, do you regret it?"

Karp clenched his hands into fists in his chest, his back to Ace in prison, he really couldn't bear to see the miserable appearance of his grandson, his biggest opponent Roger entrusted his orphan to him before he died, originally Karp wanted to train Ace to become a navy, and then live a safe life.

"No, I don't regret it, I think it's good to be a pirate!"

At this time, Ace had been chained through the lute bone, and his true air rotation was not smooth, and he looked miserable, obviously seriously injured in the battle with Blackbeard.

"Why do you have to follow your father's old path, do you know that he wanted you to live a safe life..."

Karp said in a heavy voice, because after Ace's identity was exposed, he knew that he couldn't help Ace, and when Ace's identity was not revealed, he could still operate Ace to be a Seven Martial Seas, but when he knew that he was the son of One Piece, Ace would inevitably be the best object of power by the world government.

"Don't mention that guy, he doesn't deserve to be my father, I only have one father, and that's Daddy Whitebeard!!"

Ace roared madly, Roger, the father who gave him life, also gave him a heavy burden, he had listened to the abuse of the common people against this One Piece since he was a child.

After all, One Piece Roger led the arrival of the era of pirates, making more people in this world ruined and pirates rampant.

“..... Take care....."

At this time, Ace was still a child, a hot-blooded young man who didn't value his life, and Karp couldn't say anything more, or his heart was also hurt by Ace.

Sometimes, the reverence for life is only when you are faced with loss, and you know how to cherish it.

At this time in the new world, the Whitebeard Pirates have already obtained, and the Navy is going to execute Ace in public.

"Damn, Titch actually dared to give Ace to the navy as a bargaining chip in exchange for the Seven Martial Seas, I must kill him!!"

Marco hates the Navy and wants to take Ace's life, but he hates the traitor Blackbeard Tiki who was born in the Whitebeard Pirates, and it was he who single-handedly sent Ace to Xingtai!

"Okay, children, send the Whitebeard Pirates to summon the order, let's go rescue Ace the kid, want to kill my Whitebeard's son, Sengoku, you're still a little tender!!!"

On the bow of the ship, Whitebeard raised his long knife and pointed it at the sky! The domineering power of the veteran is in all directions!

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