Thank you for the flower tip, thank you Rui for the flower tip!

The Navy Headquarters, Marin Fando, and the new Seven Martial Seas were summoned by the Navy to gather here, but there was one person missing, and that was the new Seven Martial Seas Blackbeard, so there were only six people seated.

The six people are:

Jorakol Mihawk is known as "the world's No. 1 swordsman". He is the lifelong enemy and friend of the "Four Emperors Red Hair", and it is also the goal of Sauron's life. The jade flute swordsmanship that was once defeated by Ao Long in front of the East China Sea Sea Restaurant!

Anilu, the pirate thunder god taught by Ao Long with one hand, and the five elements god thunder with one hand, can split the island with a thunderbolt, wandering around the world over the years, increasing experience, and experiencing the state of mind, because Ao Long said that his talent is enough in strength, but he is still very naïve in knowledge, so he has been traveling the world all these years, although he is a pirate, but he has gradually established his own correct world view.

Bartholomy Xiong, formerly a cadre of the Revolutionary Army, was voluntarily transformed after joining the Seven Martial Seas, and can shoot lasers from his mouth, and his body is harder than steel. The flesh ball fruit can bounce everything away, and after being changed by Ao Long's Spring Breeze and Rain Technique, he regains his flesh and blood body, and his strength is further advanced under Ao Long's guidance.

Boya Hancock, King of Mason Lily, was invited to serve as the Seven Martial Seas on a single expedition. The most important thing is that it has always been rumored on the sea that she is the woman of Ao Long, the king of the dragon, and she is powerful.

Jinping, the former commander of the Imperial Forest Army of Canghai State, was later expelled from Canghai County, Princess Otohime launched a rebellion and did not go back, helping those oppressed fish people on the sea, characterized by not killing, won the title of "Sea Hero", and has always respected King Canglong, in fact, he is loyal.

Moonlight Moria, who fought the Four Emperors Kaido in the New World, was defeated and all of his men were killed. After being defeated by Luffy recently, he was taught by Ao Long how to use the shadow, and taught the method of shadow clone, and his strength has soared, and he can resist a legion alone, but in the end, he was ravaged by Ao Long and came back to life, and now he is in awe of Ao Long's mysterious methods, and he does not dare to have any rebellion.

"Anilu, long time no see!!"

As Ao Long's subordinates, Jinping and Anilu knew each other, but the two didn't look at Hancock with respect, others didn't know, but they knew that this was indeed one of Ao Long's women.

Among these six people, except for Mihawk, who wanted to cut off Whitebeard at close range, the others all had their own ideas and met in a strange atmosphere.

In the prison warden's office in Advance City, Magellan welcomes Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel.

"Didn't you say that Ace would be executed in three days? Why take him now? "

Magellan asked suspiciously, after all, in his opinion, the safest place in the world was Advance City.

"Because the marshal said to prevent other accidents, after all, Whitebeard is also a scheming, so he has to bring Ace directly to the headquarters and be guarded by the general!!"

For the execution of Ace, Sengoku is now listed as the number one major event in the navy, so the three major generals and the seven martial seas have been recalled to the naval headquarters early.

"Okay, Ace is imprisoned at the bottom, I'll take you there!!"

Magellan led the flying squirrel through the passage to Ace's cell.

Neither of them noticed that above the prison at this time, there was a small mosquito flying, which was changed by Ao Long.

"It seems that that guy in the Warring States wants to carry out the plan of cultivating the plank road in the Ming Dynasty and secretly Chen Cang, maybe Ace's execution time will be advanced!"

This is the deepest part of the city, and all the pirates who are imprisoned here are well-known seas, including the Golden Lion and Roger.

"Hahaha, boy, you're so young, you're locked up in Infernal Hell, does it seem like the Navy takes you seriously? Tell me who caught you in? "

"yes, yes, boy, I think Karp's old immortal seems to have come to see you on purpose? What's your relationship with that guy? "

The surrounding cells were all mocking Ace, who seemed to be very interested in this newcomer.

"Shut up, you are not allowed to insult my grandfather!!"

Ace yelled at the pirates who were insulting Karp.

"What? Karp's guy is actually your grandfather, damn it, I'm going to kill you, that guy caught me back then!! "

"Kill him!! Kill him!!! "

Several cells around the prison have rioted, and it seems that Karp has caught a lot of sea thieves over the years.

"Hehe, the grandson of a naval hero, it's really interesting that he's actually a pirate....."

In an inconspicuous cell, a man in a navy suit sneered.

At this time, Luffy had already made a big fuss in the first "Red Lotus Hell" in Advance City.

The crimes of the prisoners imprisoned in this layer of the Red Lotus Hell are less serious, there is a large area like a forest, the upper part is the "sword tree" with leaves like a knife that can cut anything, and the bottom is the "needle grass" that pierces the human body like a needle, and the prisoners will run back and forth because of the pursuit of poisonous spiders and jailers, and finally be cut by the blood of these leaves and grass, and constantly suffer in pain.

Luffy and the others are chased and killed by a group of orangutan jailers.

Luffy punched a gorilla and said to Kirby on the side:

"These guys are very good, what the hell is it?"

"This is the blue gorilla of the sea's martial artist, or blue ape for short!!"

Kirby's Wind God leg directly kicked two of them, but these gorillas were very tenacious, and coupled with the large number of them, they directly blocked the way of Luffy and the others.

"There's no way, Luffy, we can only kill all these monsters, otherwise we won't be able to get by!!"

Zoro directly pulled out his three knives and said to Luffy.

"But we don't have time to waste, we have to rush to save Ace!!"

Luffy and Kirby hurriedly responded, back to back.

"If you don't want to be exposed, you can only work together and kill it quickly!!"

"Okay, let's go together!!"

Under the siege of Luffy, Kirby, Zoro, and Sanji, several orangutans quickly all rushed to the street, and at this time, the monitoring room of Advance City also discovered the anomaly here.

"Oh no, there's a surveillance phone bug on it, Usopp, you're responsible for extinguishing all the surveillance, I'm going to make all the people in the surveillance room blind!"

As a girl, Nami immediately discovered the surveillance in those places in the corner, and there happened to be Usopp, a sniper.

"Okay, I'm the best at this kind of thing, leave it all to me!!"

I saw that Nami was in charge of finding the surveillance camera, Usopp was in charge of cleaning up the surveillance, and then Luffy and a few people opened the way in front, and the entire Red Lotus Hell was turned upside down.

"Ace, Ace, where are you? Ace..."

Luffy didn't know where Ace was imprisoned, so he could only run around like a headless fly.

"Luffy, there seems to be a passage over there, which leads to the next layer, according to the legend of Advance City, the stronger the strength is at the bottom, Ace is definitely not on this floor!!"

At this time, Kirby found a passage that looked like a sinkhole.

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