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"Shenma? You are actually Ao Long, the king of the dragon!! "

Moria looked at Ao Long in surprise, although Moria has been hiding in the Devil's Delta for more than ten years, but he is still very concerned about the news from the outside world, how can he not understand this strong rise, let the world government eat all the way, and kill Doflamingo and Crocokdal.

"It seems like you're surprised by my presence!"

Ao Long was very satisfied with Moria's suppressed expression, which showed that he was still a little afraid of him, the killer of the Seven Martial Seas, after all, there were already two Seven Martial Seas in his hands.

Looking at the bear behind Ao Long, it is obvious that Ao Long is the main one, and thinking about the position of Ao Long's representative, Moria knows that this is a bad person, and if he does not perform well, he will definitely be killed.

"I wonder what happened to Molia under the crown of the dragon?"

Moria regained his bearing as the king of the Seven Martial Seas, and it seemed that he no longer paid attention to the Straw Hats on the side, after all, compared to Ao Long's identity and status, those newcomers could only be regarded as excellent.

"You also heard Xiong say that after the next battle, you may be destroyed, and it can be regarded as washing away the shame of the Seven Martial Seas, but I can save you, I don't know what you think?"

Ao Long looked at Moonlight Moria with a gentle smile on his face, as if he respected his opinion.

But Moria knows that if he really says he doesn't want to, what awaits him is likely to be Ao Long's thunderous blow, in this state, as an old pirate, he has already seen the wind and rudder, and for the newcomer Moria like the Straw Hat, he can't pull off the shelf, but for a strong man like Ao Long, Moria has no psychological burden at all, not to mention that Ao Long directly said that he would protect him under the world government's lore order.

"I am willing to follow the crown of the dragon !!"

There is no fool who can live so nourishingly among the sea pirates, and Moonlight Moriah surrendered for the first time.

"Very well, I'm afraid you'll say no.... It's going to make it difficult for me..."

What is the embarrassment, Ao Long didn't say much, since they have become their own people, it is naturally their own way to deal with them.

"I've been the co-captain of the Straw Hats' ship for a while, so let me adjust the conflict between you and the Straw Hats!"

With a wave of his sleeve, recovering from Moonlight Moria's serious injury, Ao Long spoke again.

"Haha, no wonder I said why these newcomers are so powerful, it turns out that they have been trained by the Dragon Crown, this time my heart is much more balanced."

Although he has lost the foundation accumulated by years of hard work, this is not the time to feel distressed, with the new master, Moria naturally does not dare to refute, and has to pat the horse's leg more.

"It's here, it's here, the bear is here!!"

Nami said with a frightened expression, and Zoro directly pulled out his long sword and waited for it, with Kirby and Sanji both protecting Luffy.

"The captain has given us so much, and now it's time for us to protect him!!"

Kirby said with a firm face!

"It seems that your strength still needs to be improved, I haven't seen you for so long, and you have been forced to this extent by Moria, it seems that you have been lazy during this time!!"

Just as everyone was waiting, the man wearing the black cloak in front of Bear and Moria suddenly took off the cloak, revealing Ao Long's true face.


Kirby looked surprised, and so did the others.

"Ao Long !!"

Nami was directly surprised, seeing her man descend from the sky, in this place full of fear, after a difficult battle, she rushed up without saying a word and hugged Ao Long tightly.

"It seems that I haven't seen it in this time, and many places are more in line with my taste!!"

Feeling the fragrance, Ao Long said to Nami with a smile.

"Hmph, pervert!!"

Nami hammered Ao Long's chest with her small fist, this kind of coquettishness has not been enjoyed for a long time.

"Okay, let me wake up Luffy first, that kid is too weak!"

With a wave of his sleeve, a spring breeze and rain trick sprinkled on Luffy's body, and Luffy finally slowly came to his senses, and all the dark injuries accumulated on his body during this time were healed.

"Why hasn't Luffy woken up yet?"

Everyone knows a lot about Ao Long's healing ability, but it's strange to see that Luffy didn't wake up, is it really so badly injured.

"Let me check !!"

Chopper Elk held a silver stethoscope and listened to Luffy's chest for a long time, and said suspiciously:

"My heartbeat is back to normal, I should be healthy, but why didn't I wake up?"

"Well, from what I know about him, he should be asleep....."

Kirby guessed that he had known Luffy for the longest time besides Ao Long, and he was usually observant.

"Well, so let's do it!!"

Ao Long directly waved his sleeves and put a roasted sea king next to Luffy, only to see that this sea king still exuded a hot fragrance, and the fragrance drilled into Luffy's nose along the wind.

"Wow, I smell the meat, I'm going to eat meat, I'm going to eat meat!!"

Sure enough, Luffy, who had been sleeping so much that no one was paying attention, smelled the smell of meat, and immediately woke up, holding the sea kings and gnawing hard.

"Alright, I'll help you heal your injuries too!"

With a wave of his sleeve, he healed the injuries of Zoro and the others, and then Ao Long took Nami's hand, turned around and said to Luffy solemnly:

"Luffy, I've got bad news for you."

"Wow, it's Ao Long, I haven't seen you for a long time, did you bring this meat? I knew that with you, I would not be short of food!! "

You must know that Luffy has been going all the way, but there have been several food crises, and every time that happens, Luffy misses Ao Long very much.

Looking at Luffy with an innocent face, Ao Long said very seriously:

"As far as I know, your brother, Fire Fist Ace, was captured by Blackbeard and handed over to the Navy in exchange for the position of the Seven Martial Seas of Klockdal, and the World Government decided to execute him in public at the Navy Headquarters next month!!"

"What? You said that Ace was arrested and put to death!! How is that possible?! Ace is so powerful, how can he be defeated? "

Luffy, a foodie, finally ignored the meat in his mouth and asked with a look of disbelieving.

"It's true, this news was brought by Bartholomy Bear, he is your father's subordinate, he will not lie about this."

"No, I believe you, Ao Long. I'm going to save Ace!! "

Luffy stared at Ao Long, as if he felt that Ao Long would definitely help him.

"This time the world government wants to use your brother to set up a big picture, and now that he is locked up in Advance City, I can take you to him!!"

Ao Long felt that it seemed that it was not bad to make a big fuss about Advance City, and the most important thing was that he had a hunch that he would definitely gain a lot of unexpected law fragments in Advance City.

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