The sea is still blue and the sky is like a wash, and the smoke is thousands of miles, Luffy and others are sweating like rain on the way to save Private Ryan, no, Private Usopp. The strength of the Straw Hats is more than one grade stronger than in the original book, and there is one more helper Kebi and one less Robin, and they are crushing towards Justice Island with a stronger advantage.

And in Canghai County, the war is raging, flesh and blood are splashing, when have the people of Fish-Man Island seen such a big battle, if it was under Neptune's rule, it is estimated that it would have been wiped out at the hands of these navies, and you must know that the number of people who can fight on Fish-Man Island during the Neptune period will not exceed 50,000.

"Woo woo, blame that damn Neptune, lure the wolf into the house, and did some kind of coup d'état...."

A middle-aged fish-man woman hid under the bed in her home, shivering in fear.

"Hey, old woman, let's not say a word, if it weren't for Lord Aolong's soldiers guarding us and fighting bloodily, we would all be slaves of those humans now!!"

This middle-aged fish-man has been to the human world, so he naturally knows that humans are not as kind as they seem on the surface.

You must know that many people on Fish-Man Island are not so yearning for the human world, because there are still many people who dislike Fish-Man, including pirates, and racial discrimination is not something that can be eliminated by time, not to mention that this is not discrimination based on skin color, but a real cross-race.

And above the Shuidu Square, a stone mercenary soldier who appeared out of thin air suddenly came out of the ground, like a mummy crawling out of hell, as if it was slowly blocking the front of the tea dolphin lieutenant general.

Bonnie's Age Fruit ability naturally had no effect on these mercenaries, but only repelled them, which shows that these mercenaries look like they are only stony, but they are comparable to steel.

Then, like a group of terracotta warriors and horses resurrected, mercenaries with weapons and weapons kept crawling out from the ground of the water capital, surrounding Boni.

"Hmph, bullying a female streamer, is this the style of the leader of CP7?"

Just when Bonnie was besieged and didn't know what to do, Ao Long turned into a white-bearded old man, stepped on the gossip aperture, volleyed into the air, and the dust in his hands swept with the wind, and all the stone mercenary warriors who attacked Bonnie were all blasted up by a soft force, like the frequency of the vibration was super strong, and finally turned into powder.

"Hmph, if you have a conscience, I'll help you solve that rival in love!"

Bonnie glanced at Ao Long coquettishly, and directly kicked his legs behind a dashing rabbit and came to the front of the tea dolphin;

"You can't run away this time, thief of time!!"


The old and decrepit tea dolphin lieutenant general could only watch as Bonnie's palms slapped on his body, and then his spirit was quickly plundered, and finally he directly turned into old rotten wood, floating away with the wind!

The poor generation of preparatory generals died in front of their beloved woman like this, but unfortunately, the peach rabbit did not look back at him until he died.

"Lieutenant General!!

The navy under the tea dolphin saw their vice admiral die in front of them and the others, and looked at Bonnie with resentment and horror in their eyes.

"Hehe, the battle isn't over yet, now it's your turn!!"

Bonnie's figure disappeared into the crowd once more, and children and old men began to appear.

"Ah, help!!"

"Devil, this is the devil!!

"Mom, I'm going home!!"

Like a tiger entering a wolf pack, the navy was directly frightened stupid.

The gargoyle on the other side is confronting Ao Long, the gargoyle's strength is at the level of a general, but he can't feel the aura of a strong man from this person who steps on the gossip and stands in the air, it is obvious that this is a guy who is deeply hidden.

"According to our intelligence, there is no such person as you in Ao Long's gang, who are you? Is it to hinder the world government from carrying out its mandate? This is not a wise choice!! "

As the leader of CP7, he is naturally not a fool, and from the previous dust clouds and clouds that Ao Long killed his stone maid lightly, he knew that the person in front of him was not simple.

"If you don't have it in your intelligence, it doesn't exist, and since you are here today, your so-called world government can only return with a feather!!"

Looking at Ao Long's contemptuous eyes, the gargoyle was furious, you must know that with his strength, even in the middle of the navy, the Warring States would have to give him three points of face.

"I think you're looking for death!! Then make it happen to you!! "

I saw the gargoyle clasp his hands together, close his eyes tightly, and then saw that above the ground, there were various stone statues and puppets in the air, including mammoths with huge stones, flying stone eagles, and giant stone saber-toothed tigers running like the wind.

"It looks so good, it's so realistic, it's just lifelike!!"

Seeing the mammoth that pounced, Ao Long directly punched over, and the mammoth was directly blasted into several giant stones by him, but it healed again in an instant, and attacked Ao Long again.

"Let me give you a taste of my animal kingdom!!"

The gargoyle smiled cruelly, you must know that his gargoyle fruit ability is awakened, that is to say, the awakened ability gives these gargoyles a certain degree of wisdom and the ability to recover on their own, with the manufacture of gargoyles, more and more stone statues appear around Ao Long, there are stone giants, stone lions, stone tigers, stone pythons, stone eagles, stone carvings, stone peng, stone winged tigers.

Eventually, Ao Long's dust swept through a thousand armies to tear through a circle of stone monsters around it, and those stones turned into shards or a sky full of smoke, but then re-coalesced in the rear.

Ao Long, who was originally temperamental, seemed to be submerged in the dust of the stone, and his face was dusty.

The strength and solidity of those stone statues seemed to be constantly improving, and Ao Long could feel that the further he went, the more difficult it was to break them.

"Haha, don't you feel tired, these stone statues are the ability that I only have after I awaken my ability, that is, I can absorb the energy that attacks him, temper and improve, you old man, I think your strength is not bad, or just submit to me and join my CP7!"

The gargoyles laughed wildly over there, and the statues were under his control, constantly regrouping, attacking Ao Long.

Although the ants are very weak, the layers of ants are also very energy-consuming, not to mention the increasingly powerful stone beasts, those sharp claws are no worse than swords.

"It seems that over the years, the world government has indeed accumulated a lot of powerful lackeys, but do you think this will kill me?"

I saw that after Ao Long once again swept away the stone monsters around him, he directly jumped into the air, swept the gargoyle himself with a floating of dust, and came to save Zhao from Wei Wei.

"Uh-huh, I actually let you escape, but unfortunately, my ability is to be an Awakened, I can switch back and forth between the stone statues I created myself, and change the stone and change the shadow!"

I saw the gargoyle smile one by one, and the dust of Ao Long swept him into ashes, but he appeared at the location of one of the stone statues that Ao Long had knocked down just now.

"It's a little interesting, this stone puppet actually has the role of a stand-in, and it is worthy of being a person who has the courage to destroy the Dragon King!!"

Ao Long looked at the gargoyle that had moved to the distance in an instant, this was a bit troublesome, a bit similar to the effect of teleportation, it was indeed a good way to escape.

When you finally kill the surrounding stone statues and hit the other party's lair, the other party can hide in a pile of stone statues in an instant.

"I have thousands of troops to protect me, stinky Taoist, you have the ability to continue to cross!! Hahahaha"

Seeing Ao Long's helplessness, the gargoyle laughed triumphantly.

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