Thanks for looking at my flower tips, and thanks to ninday for your praise and support!

"Hehe, it looks like this turtle shell is good, your mud skills are good!!"

Looking at the armor and skin on the stone maid who was shattered by himself again and again, the hair on the beast's body became more slender and realistic, and its strength became more and more powerful, Ao Long knew that he had to think of a way to restrain this guy's ability.

"Hmph, stinky Taoist, don't be hard-mouthed, there are times when you cry!! Little ones, give it to me!! "

With a wave of his hand, the stone monsters swarmed up again, and in the middle there were rows of mercenaries with distinct armor and long swords, stepping forward in unison, looking imposing.

"Let me try to see if your ability can only conjure stone or metal!!"

I saw Ao Long casually take out a small flying knife from the Longzhu Cave Heaven, and with a flick of his hand, all of them were nailed to those stone statues, only to see that many stone statues were nailed out of the holes, but those flying knives were inserted into it, and they were not digested by the stone monster of the gargoyle, which means that he could only control the stone monsters.

"Since it's a stone, then I'll burn the pottery once, and let all your stones turn into ashes!" Let you bring me the terracotta warriors! "

I saw Ao Long's floating dust shaken off, and then a heart fire burned at the end of the floating dust, and was thrown by Ao Long on those neatly arranged mercenaries and those stone beasts.

"Hmph, do you want to extinguish my stone statue with fire? It's so simple!! "

Originally, the gargoyle's stone statue was insulated and could not be burned by fire, but Ao Long's heart fire was very hot after all, and he saw one or two sparks fall on the stone statue, and it immediately burned into a raging fire.

And those stone statues quickly turned red under the high temperature baking, some of them exploded directly because of the high temperature, turned into lime powder, and some were directly burned into fly ash.

"Gargoyle, do you think you're terracotta? Such a small stone statue is not enough for me to burn, hurry up and come again!! "

Ao Long looked at the stone statues that were struggling in his own flames, and felt that the leader of CP7 was nothing more than that, but he saw that the gargoyle's body once again emitted a powerful fluctuation, and then saw that one of his eyes actually turned as colorless as the stone statue.

"Hahaha, Stinky Daoist, your flame tastes really good, it seems that this time you will use your energy to forge a super strong stone statue!" Hahaha, thanks for the assist! "

I saw that the thousands of stone statues were almost burned by Ao Long, and the lime in one place was under the control of the gargoyle ghost and actually hit Xuan'er again, slowly drifting into the air, condensing into four tall ghosts and gods, which looked very much like the four King Kongs in those temples.

And Ao Long can feel that the strength of these four ghosts and gods has exceeded the level of vice admiral, that is to say, with his help, the thousands of stone statues under this gargoyle that have gradually evolved have finally condensed into the four powerful stone statues in front of him, the top is the ghost god, the bottom is the winged tiger, the white mammoth, the Dapeng eagle, the nine-headed green lion, and there are four ghosts and gods with hideous faces but weapons in hand.

"It seems that I accidentally created a monster to come out, yes, yes, your stone statue skill is really extraordinary!!"

Ao Long brushed his long beard, as if he had only now discovered what he had done with his enemy.

"Hahaha, stinky Taoist, how about it, it's too late to surrender now, Ben will cherish talents, so I will give you the opportunity again and again, don't toast and don't eat and drink!!"

The gargoyle looked at Ao Long proudly, although he looked arrogant, but he did have the capital to be arrogant.

"Hmph, I don't even look at the solicitation of the five old stars, you are a lackey of the world government, and you also want to recruit me, aren't you just a few gargoyles, see how I kill them!!"

In fact, Ao Long looked at these four powerful gargoyles, and he was a little moved, you must know that these are five statues of strong men who exceed the level of vice admirals, and if they are used well, they can turn the tide of the battle at a critical moment, no wonder this time the five old stars are so relieved to let CP7 and CP8 come to Fish-Man Island to stir up the storm, these people do have two brushes!

"It's you, if I defeat these stone statues of yours and defeat you, why don't you follow me in the future?"

Since this gargoyle wants to recruit him like this, Ao Long doesn't mind having more subordinates in his hands to create a legion of soldiers.

"Just with you, a stinky Taoist, you also want to defeat these stone statues of mine, dream, although I have to admit that your strength is really good, but unfortunately my stone statues are insolvable!! Even if it turns to ashes, it will only become a more powerful being!! "

The gargoyle praised his abilities very proudly, but this time he affirmed Ao Long's strength, and it seemed that he was not so arrogant that no one could see him.

"Yes, who knows if you haven't beaten you, otherwise, if I defeat you, you will change your course in the future and follow me!"

At this time, Ao Long needs to put some traps on the gargoyle, you must know that in order not to reveal his identity, there are many hole cards that are useless today.

"Hmph, it depends on whether you win or not!!"

"Let's just say yes or not!?"

"Then let's see the real chapter under your hands!!"

The gargoyle obviously didn't believe that Ao Long had a way to crack his stone statue, and he didn't ask Ao Long what to do if he lost, because if Ao Long lost, he would definitely be captured, and it would be easier to persuade him to surrender if he had any ideas!

"Then keep your eyes open and take a good look!!"

I saw Ao Long's white hair and white beard, white robe and white dust, like a white ape running through the tree, a fist to the chest of a stone statue, soon the stone statue was beaten back, and then turned over is a side kick to force another stone statue back again, the floating dust in his hand is like a dragon roll, twisting a stone statue's spear, directly to the ground.

The four stone statues in Ao Long's hands are like a powerful toy, rolling around, although the strength and defense have reached the level of a lieutenant general, but after all, the lack of wisdom and flexibility are not enough, and compared with Ao Long's defense, it is not a big knife in front of Guan Gong.

"Yes, the defense is indeed a lot stronger, and it doesn't break even if you take my punch, it seems that it is worth using, so it depends on how big my sleeve is!!"

I saw that Ao Long waved his white robe, and it was a stone statue that was instantly received by him in the Dragon Bead Cave Heaven, and the gargoyle suddenly found that he had lost his connection with the four stone statues.

"What? What kind of means is this, is there some kind of magic in that sleeve? "

The gargoyle really saw the four stone statues being put into the sleeves of Ao Long, and he was very surprised at how the sleeves of such a small white robe were put into his own stone statues.

"How about it, I'm willing to gamble and lose, and follow me in the future!!"

Ao Long flew directly in front of the gargoyle, and the gargoyle at this time no longer had much physical strength because he fused all his strength into the four giant stone statues, but the strong naturally had the dignity of the strong.

"Shi can be killed, not humiliated, although I don't know what method you use, but my four stone statues are indeed gone, you kill me!!"

After saying that, the gargoyle closed his eyes tightly, looking generous and righteous, but he didn't wait for Ao Long to kill him for half a day.

"Hmph, don't think that if you don't kill me, I'll submit to you... Uh, where is this? "

When the gargoyle opened his eyes again, he actually appeared in the middle of a desert, and around him was a huge stone statue of a ghost god, and in front of him there was a sandy castle, and the castle hung a..... Sand Crocodile's Pirate Flag!

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