On Fish-Man Island, the war is still spreading, and under the practice of the Aquarium Exercises, Crab A and Crab B not only exert the strong defense of the Crab Clan, but also train the two crab claws to be as hard as steel, comparable to Virgo's armed color domineering, and the sharp serration of the crab claws is their most powerful attack weapon.

"Virgo, I heard from Your Majesty that you are the internal response that Doflamingo planted in the navy, and now Doflamingo has long since died at the hands of His Majesty, do you want to switch to His Majesty's work under him?"

Crab Yi repelled the bamboo pole covered by Virgo's armed domineering with pincers, and said unscrupulously.

I saw that Virgo's face changed, you must know that since Doflamingo's death, the news that he was an undercover agent of the Don Quixote family was basically unknown, and he didn't expect to be told in public by this crab man.

You must know that after Doflamingo died, he was considered an ownerless free body, according to Virgo's original plan to develop in the navy with peace of mind, anyway, now he is also at the level of vice admiral, and at the same time, with the help of this opportunity, it is best to kill Ao Long, and if he can't lose the foundation of Fish-Man Island, it can be regarded as repaying Doflamingo's kindness.

The ghost spider had already fallen into a bitter battle with the crab armor at this time, so naturally he didn't notice what the crab Yi said, but Lieutenant General Kong Ming, who had been pressing the formation behind, shook his white feather fan and fell into deep thought, as if he had found some important information.

"Hmph, I don't know what you're talking about, as an accomplice of the world's criminals, even if I keep you here today, it's not too much!!"

Virgo's armed color domineering is still quite powerful, shirtless but covered with black armed color domineering, not weaker than Crab B's carapace at all, and the air can be seen between the swings of the bamboo poles covered by the armed color domineering.

Shuidu Square, the swordsmanship of the two women, Peach Rabbit and Monet, can be said to be equal, you come and go, the fight is very lively, and it seems that it will be impossible to distinguish the winner for a while.

And the grass sword and Robin are two people, one grass and one flower, one sword and one whip, the giant green sword is like piercing the sky, and Robin's flower whip is like a snake rising from the land, turning over the river and the sea, and it is also a stalemate for a while.

As for the tea dolphin lieutenant general, it is more miserable, Bonnie is originally an ability of the fruit of age, and he can directly make the people he touches smaller and older. Under the influence of Ao Long's thoughts, his women attach great importance to the cultivation of physical arts, so now Boni's speed and physical strength are not weaker than others.

And at this time, Bonnie was very naughty in the navy, only to see that the navy she touched was either getting smaller or getting old, and Ao Long's Praetorian Guard naturally would not be polite to these navies who had lost the ability to resist, and directly cut melons and vegetables, and the advantage was raised at once.

Naturally, Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin couldn't watch his subordinates being wiped out like chickens and sheep, so he chased after Bonnie all over the field to eat ashes.

"Damn Joelly Bonie, don't hide if you have the ability!! Fight with me!! "

It's a pity that Bonnie didn't eat his set, and saw Bonnie turn around and grimace very mischievously.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~) cut~~, you're a big man, if you can't do it, you can't do it, and blame me, don't say you're a vice admiral when you go out, by the way, I heard that you've been chasing the peach rabbit opposite, don't be delusional, that's the woman my man fancies, you better wash and sleep early!!"

Don't say that this tea dolphin is okay, as soon as you say this tea dolphin, you must know that he originally wanted to go to Peach Rabbit to fight side by side with her, but was ruthlessly rejected by Peach Rabbit, Tea Dolphin has always suspected that Peach Rabbit is preparing to release water in this mission, so he worked harder to kill the enemy.

"Hmph, Ao Long, the king of the dragon, is just a shrinking turtle, look at the present, his country has become like this, look at how many of his soldiers have died, but he still hasn't appeared, what do you say he is not a shrinking turtle?!!"

At this time, the tea dolphin was naturally extremely slanderous and poured dirty water on Ao Long's body, he didn't know the news of Ao Long's retreat, in fact, at this time, he was also curious about what the rival in love asked hasn't appeared yet.

What he didn't know was that Ao Long had transformed into a white-bearded old man, who was watching him closely from the palace wall.

"Damn fat man, you dare to say bad things about Brother Ao Long, let me go with Bonnie to teach him a lesson!!"

Keya on the side said angrily, seeing that Monet and Robin were all on the field to help Ao Long, she also wanted to join in.

But Ao Long rubbed her hair and said with a smile:

"They're just itching their hands, just go play with it, wait until your skills come up, it's still a little dangerous for you now."

Although she didn't say it directly, Keya understood, her strength was not enough, and she silently made up her mind in her heart that she must cultivate hard, and she could help Ao Long when the time came.

"Hmph, but you dare to speak ill of my man, so let you see how powerful I am Bonie!! Dead Fat !! "

I saw Boni flip upside down in the air, and her slender palms slapped down on the head of the tea dolphin.

"Let you taste the old lady's years of thief!!"

I saw a visible power of time enveloping it, and the tea dolphin felt a great horror from above, and hurriedly came to the ground with a lazy donkey rolling and dodging.

"Terrifying ability, where did Ao Long get so many perverted women!!"

The tea dolphin looked at Robin, who was inseparable from the grass sword, Monet who was competing with the peach rabbit in swordsmanship, and this palm just now actually had a strange power, and the tea dolphin knew that his subordinates would become children or old people after being touched.

"Dead fat man, wasn't he very arrogant just now, don't hide if you have the ability!!"

Bonnie chased after her, palm after palm, like the tide of the blue sea, endlessly.

"Hmph, I don't believe that your ability can make my sword old too!!"

After the tea dolphin rolled on the ground again, he looked back at a sword, stabbing directly into Boni's palm, you must know that this tea dolphin is the strength of the reserve general, and Boni naturally will not take his sword with his bare hands!

I saw Bonnie turn over with a harrier, step on the sword spine of the tea dolphin with both feet, and with the help of the rebound force, once again slashed at the head of the tea dolphin.

"What a sharp palm, so fast!!"

Seeing that Bonie's palm was about to hit his face, the tea dolphin had no choice but to drag his sword hilt and came to block the face with a sword, but was slapped on his face by Bonie, leaving a sword mark on his face.

"Ah, damn woman, I want you to die!!"

The tea dolphin who felt as if he was disfigured went directly into a state of madness, like a crazy demon chaotic cloak swordsmanship, and had lost his discipline in anger, and finally was taken advantage of a gap in a move by Boni, a palm hit the waist, and it was still a few palms in a row, only to see that the tea dolphin was a few 12 years old in an instant, and even the speed slowed down a lot.

"Okay, fat man, since you invaded Fish-Man Island with your men, you must be prepared for death!!"

"Doesn't it seem that the vice admiral of the Navy is not very good? But I can't let him die in front of me like this!! So, little girl, go die!! "

was about to send the tea dolphin back to the west directly with the last palm, but a stone mercenary suddenly appeared next to him, holding a spear to seize a little life-saving time for the tea dolphin.

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