I have to say, it was completely unexpected.

But, so what?

As the Lord of Extermination, one of the seven strongest beings under the Lord of Destruction, there is no reason to be intimidated when they meet.

Whether the other party has the qualifications to be arrogant can be known in one try.

Jiying's eyes were sharp, and when he looked up at the ruined Sigula ground, a huge pillar of flame suddenly rose into the sky. The fireworks rose and surged, filled with a terrifying aura of destruction, and instantly engulfed Zishu who was standing in the sky.

And Zi Shu's aura completely disappeared the moment he was swallowed up.

Losing Zi Shu's presence in his perception, Jiying's expression remained unchanged, but a dull look floated in his eyes.

He couldn't withstand a simple blow. It seemed that he was just a paper tiger with some abilities related to information search.

The towering pillar of flames fell back to the ground, causing the entire planet to vibrate, making it look like a doomsday situation.

The extermination king's casual attack was so terrifying.

Jiying's face was indifferent, and when he was about to give orders to the legions of Yaliluo No. 6, his pupils shrank instantly and he stared at the sky in front of him.

I saw a figure in gray standing quietly where the pillar of flames had originally engulfed me. If the robe hadn't been blown by the wind, it would have seemed like it was just a phantom.

Unscathed? !

Jiying's eyes couldn't help but narrowed, and she slightly suppressed the contempt in her heart.

This is interesting.

Zi Shu's expression was as calm as the surface of a lake, without any ripples, but he gave Aha a cold look in his heart.

That BYD actually sealed the power of joy in Jiying's body before he made a move, making it clear that he would not use it.

Although I had no intention of using it in the first place, this behavior of just watching the fun without taking it too seriously made people very unhappy.

Please don't be angry, Mr. Shi~~Aha is very curious, if the power of supreme goodness is used for killing, which one is stronger or weaker than the power of abundance?

What makes Zi Shu even more unhappy is that Aha has turned into a beautiful cheerleading girl, dancing and cheering her up. She is so happy that it is even more ridiculous than Baba's hair loss.

Enter Mr. Envoy, use your power that has been hidden and dormant for thousands of years, and use the ultimate secret to kill that little pawn with one strike!

Naturally, Zi Shu couldn't follow Aha's suggestion. Unless he added money, there was no need to discuss anything.


He's not the kind of coward who just takes a beating without fighting back.

Zi Shu stretched out his palm, and under Jiying's puzzled and slightly vigilant gaze, an invisible ripple suddenly spread out from his palm.

In an instant, the entire cosmic space where the Sygurac star was located collapsed, forming a terrifying void storm that swept in everyone, including Silent Shadow.

In just a few seconds, not even a scrap of the Sygurah planet, which Jiying regarded as a collectible, was left. A dark singularity quickly appeared in the center of the terrifying void storm and expanded rapidly.

Aha shouted excitedly when he saw this.

Open your eyes. The power of good that is no longer pure is so terrifying. Aha is so scared that he almost peeed!

Seeing that the singularity was about to wrap up the entire void storm from the inside out, Silent Shadow finally broke free from the tearing force and sprang out of it in great embarrassment.

who are you?!

Your ancestor.

Zishu's five fingers were slightly bent, and the mini mysterious Tai Chi rotated rapidly in the palm of his hand, exerting a unique power of movement.

The face of Jiying in the distance instantly became extremely frightened. He found that his destructive power was being continuously plundered, and there was no way to stop it.

How, how is it possible?!

Zi Shu seemed to have never heard Ji Ying's incredible scream.

It wasn't until the opponent's figure became illusory and almost transparent that he dispersed the formation in his palm and started to follow the trend to divine the information he wanted to know.

The price is naturally the destructive power gained from plunder, which is more than enough.

Soon, Zi Shu learned some secret general information.

I'll spare your life. Don't blame me for not reminding you. If you want to seek revenge from me, you'd better get Foehn Feng, Xingxiao, Iron Tomb, Huanlong, Zhu Luo and the remaining lackeys of Nanook, otherwise …”

Zi Shu didn't care about Ji Ying's expression that her pupils almost shrunk to the point of needles, and said to himself: Oh, sorry, sorry, I forgot that Zhu Luo has been dead for a long time, and his position was missed by that woman Xing Xiao.

Hearing more and more bombshell information, even though Jiying was the Lord of Extermination, his body couldn't help but tremble. The next words made him want to escape for the first time since he became the Order of Destruction. idea.

Nanook is just a guy who was born not long ago, but he talks about destroying the entire universe. It's ridiculous.

There are always pitiful and narrow-minded beings who think they are above the world, but they don't know that they have already become a string under surveillance. Nanook thinks that Balance really has no ability to control them, huh...

You—— Jiying said in disbelief: You are the arbitrator of KIBL?!

This is not something you are qualified to know, little pawn of destruction.

After saying these words, Zi Shu turned around and walked into the void, his breath completely disappearing in this sea of ​​stars, leaving behind a silhouette with ever-changing expressions.

He thought that after receiving the blessing of the Lord of Destruction, he would not care about any death, whether it was that of others or himself.

But now...he felt the shadow and fear of death again.

The white-haired man who had never looked at him was no more troublesome than stepping on an ant to kill him... Absolutely!

It was originally thought that Zhu Luo was killed by the Patrol Ranger, but he was too weak and insulted the name of the Lord of Extermination.

Now it seems...even if he is the envoy of the Lord of Destruction, he is not inferior to one person and is superior to ten thousand people...

Damn it! I didn't expect that the Arbitrator would actually intervene. It seems that it will have to be quiet for a while...

100. Abundance is coming

Encountering this sudden change, Jiying's face turned blue and he fled away from here in dejection.

Balance is too mysterious, just like End, Mystery, Greedy and other star gods, only a handful of people have seen their existence.

As an envoy of the Destruction Order, they never know how powerful these mysterious Star God’s spokesmen really are.

Even if there was no slight, I never thought that the Arbitrator's combat power would be so strong.

Jiying clenched his fist reluctantly.

Although I really don’t want to admit it, the fact before me is that it was very easy for the arbitrator to kill me...

He made up his mind to be a little more calm in the next period of time, otherwise, he did not doubt that the guy would kill him mercilessly in order to maintain balance.

As for informing the other extermination kings to join forces to find a place?

Regardless of whether you can survive the fight or not, speaking out will definitely result in ridicule and disdain, rather than friendly help.

The Lords of Extinction have no friendship with each other, and he cannot afford to lose face like this!

In the dark side of the void, Zi Shu looked away when he saw the lonely shadow fleeing in panic.

At first, he was not sure that Yaliluo No. 6 was being targeted by an existence at the level of an order, but he did not expect that Jiying would dare to come to his door and want to get rid of him quietly.

Aha is in a very happy mood. You finally used the power that Xi left for you. It's so interesting! !

Who would have thought that the power he left behind would be so terrifying when used in a fight. Even the destructive power of the Commander-in-Chief can be ruthlessly crushed. If he survives for a long time, he will be able to see Mr. Commander again. He is the leader of hundreds of Aha This is the luckiest thing since the Amber Age~~

... Zi Shu was silent.

Mr. Lingshi, that kind of power has returned. Do you know what this means, right?

of course I know…

Xi, the star god in charge of the perfect good destiny.

At the end of that world disaster, He was too weak to maintain the stability of his destiny, and was automatically swallowed by the pharmacist who had a broader concept of destiny.

Since then, Medicine Master has been promoted to the star god of fertility.

After Xi died, the pharmacist, out of guilt, forcibly separated and merged most of the power of the supreme good destiny into Fenfu, and returned it to the last representative.

That is the true envoy of the Supreme Good Order thousands of years ago, also known as the Blesser of the World, now Zi Shu.

Most of the characteristics of the power of goodness are retained, except that the need to pay the price for others no longer exists, because——

The concept of the highest good no longer exists.

At the price of complete annihilation, the believers in all worlds who have received favors and respect the best are exempted from sorrow.

But the only remaining Blesser is an exception. He has gained all the power for good that is no longer pure.

No matter how much power the pharmacist returns, in a sense, it is already a fertile branch.

The concept is similar. If the identities were switched back then, and the weak Star God was the Medicine Master and Xi was not the Star God, then the person who was automatically swallowed would definitely be the Medicine Master.

And this... is also the reason why the pharmacist feels ashamed of Zi Shu.

He also has great kindness in his heart and cannot bear to see the decline and illness of all worlds. Devouring Xi is not His original intention at all.

The fates of the two are too similar. Whoever cannot stabilize his fate will be devoured.

The Supreme Good passed away, the faith of the Savior collapsed, and he fell asleep with all the past.

And now, the power of goodness appears again in this galaxy, planting the seeds called 'cause'. But unfortunately, the 'result' that will be produced in the future is destined to be unpredictable, and it is destined to be impossible to repeat the same mistakes.

The power of supreme good has been dormant for thousands of years. If the scale of the envoy level is mobilized, the pharmacist will definitely notice it.

Zi Shu raised his head slightly.

A figure opened its six arms and came down with a beautiful figure.

His hair is like crane feathers, blooming in the universe of thousands of stars. It is extremely beautiful and exudes an aura of eternal life and full of vitality.

The Sanskrit sounds of the Great Dao are filled with compassion and pity.

Blesser of the world, I rejoice in your awakening.

The presence that comes is none other than the Fruit Star God——


The fusion of memories after thousands of years became clearer at this moment. When he visited the pharmacist again, Zi Shu felt mixed emotions in his heart and had no other choice but to remain silent.

Xi will not hold a grudge against anyone, and neither will the Blessing One.

The Star Gods are in charge of their own destiny, but they are also bound by their destiny. There are only positions in front of the right and wrong of cause and effect, and no one is right or wrong.

Happy, why are you doing this?

The brown-red mask with a strange smile popped out of the gift box and spun around the pharmacist.

Pharmacist, pharmacist, we don't need to be so formal with each other. Why is Aha here...Yes, why, Aha is also looking for the reason...

I understand.

The pharmacist looked at Zi Shu with loving eyes.

His expression was like that of a Buddha statue, bowing his head in compassion. His long hair, like crane feathers, covered his face. His skin felt as cool as silk and as soft as cotton wool.

So light, not even heavier than a feather.

How can a boundless body help you cross the boundless sea? May you give up your heavy burdens, be free from future consequences, and be liberated and at ease.

After saying this, He gave a bunch of wheat ears to be integrated into Zi Shu's body, and then left.

The power pouring into the body is strange yet familiar, as full of contradictions as Zishu's own existence.

The vision brought by the medicine man's arrival has now disappeared without a trace.

Aha, is it easy for the Star God to crush me now? Zi Shu asked an unclear question.

Look at what you said. If you die, Aha, won't you lose the greatest happiness in the entire galaxy? Besides, Mr. Lingshi has the answer in his heart, doesn't he?

Yes. Zi Shu was relieved.

If he wants to control his own destiny, he is not strong enough now. He needs to become stronger and even stronger.

The indifferent expression of the past reappeared on Zishu's face, and he returned to Yaliluo No. 6.

Lao Deng, did I do something wrong just now?

What's wrong with Mr. Lingshi?

I was wondering if it would have been better to listen to you before. Killing the little pawn of destruction might attract Nanook's attention, and then he would come over and try to crush me.

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