Wow! Mr. Lingshi, are you crazy? Aha is just saying that it would be a big mistake to kill someone, okay? Nanook is so powerful, Aha and Medicine Master together can't protect you, and they can't defeat him at all~


Originally Zi Shu just mentioned it casually, wanting to see Aha's reaction, but couldn't help but sneer when he heard what he said.

Old Biden, together with the medicine man, couldn't defeat Nanook?

Don't think you are stupid because He can say such outrageous things.

A madman has the dignity of a madman. If Jiying was killed, Nanook would most likely not even glance at him from the corner of his eye, let alone raise his head.

In His eyes, any existence that is destroyed is treated equally, and the envoy is nothing, just look for it when it is gone.

Zishu knew very well that Jiying misunderstood that he was the arbitrator of Balance, but he was just short-sighted.

What happened here cannot escape the attention of the real arbiter or even the Lord of Equilibrium. He is not full of food, and there is no need to do anything to add weight to the equilibrium.

Even if it's just a slight tilt.

People who are familiar with cause and effect know better than to be contaminated by cause and effect. Now I am just a member of the star train, following the pioneering unknown guest.

That's all.

101. Your days of doing whatever you want are over

Belloberg, Everwinter Ridge.

Xing and his party finally passed through the cracked area of ​​the Reverberation Corridor and arrived at the bottom of the snow-capped mountains.

The road leading to the highest point of the peak was already covered with thick snow, and the biting cold wind swept through. March 7 couldn't help but sneeze twice.

It's so... so cold. I can't resist the low temperature with just a little bit of pioneering power...

Dan Heng silently took out his coat and put it on March 7, This means that we are approaching the core of the star... close to the center of the cold wave.

The target is above, she is waiting for us... Xing whispered softly.


Star core, you can also say... Cocolia.

Xi'er: Then what are you waiting for? I'm fast, so I'll open the way first!

Hey, wait—

Before March 7th could finish her words, Xi'er had turned into a small black dot on her back and quickly disappeared under the snow curtain.

Why is she in such a hurry? She doesn't know how many dangers there are on the road.

I'm in a hurry too, rush! Xing followed closely.


Seeing Dan Heng also taking steps forward, Yue Qiu had no choice but to grit his teeth and keep up.

Along the way, you can still see the traces left by Xi'er when she moved quickly, so you don't have to worry about losing her.

The higher you go, the more unbearable the coldness becomes. Gradually, you can see some scattered ice figures on the road.

Those are the remains of Xu soldiers that were frozen in ice, scattered all over the mountain road.

It seems that in the war seven hundred years ago, even the brutal anti-matter army was unable to withstand the power of the cold wave and was forever turned into an ice sculpture specimen.

Normally, Xing might still be in the mood to study those ice sculptures, consider whether to thaw them out, and see if the combat effectiveness of those virtual soldiers from hundreds of years ago was comparable to those in the Black Tower Space Station.


Not in the mood to pay attention.

There were no external obstacles encountered on the road. Apart from the blizzard that never stopped, not a single living world-splitting monster could be seen. However, this situation made several people more and more vigilant.

Logically speaking, the closer you get to the unsealed star core with self-awareness, the more boundary-breaking monsters there will be.

It's so abnormal now.

Until he got close to the top of the mountain, he still couldn't see anything except the frozen remains of the Xu soldiers.

Looking towards the higher stairs from a distance, I found a familiar figure standing there.

It's Xi'er.

What's wrong, Xi'er? March 7 gasped slightly, missing Zi Shu's wind-chasing technique, Why did you stop here?

Look. Xi'er pointed to the high place ahead and frowned: What is that thing? Is it the relic left by the builders of the city?

Dan Heng: “It’s completely different from the stereotyped buildings in the city.”

It looks like... March 7 put aside the snow falling on her bangs and said uncertainly: It looks like... like a huge mechanical hand?

Don't worry about that for now, the star core is within five hundred meters. Xing took out his weapon with a solemn expression.

Everyone's expressions froze.

So close!

The highest point of Yongdong Ridge is a platform that covers a large area.

At the deepest part of the platform, Cocolia and Bronya stood in front of an altar-like building, staring at the floating object emitting light above the altar.

Cocolia waved her hand, and a look of pain immediately appeared on Bronya's face behind her.

She heard countless murmurs ringing in the depths of her mind, as if something was trying to penetrate into the depths of her soul and erase what was unique to her.

no, do not want…

Cocolia turned around, her face neither happy nor sad, Don't resist, Bronya, accept the common will!

Bronya covered her forehead and gritted her teeth, No...this, this - is not what I want...

Have you seen the future they promised, Bronya? A world without poverty, coldness and pain, a world where people no longer have to pray for eternity like prisoners, a world that we can protect forever!

Cocolia stared at the luminous suspended object high up, and said in a cold tone, For seven hundred years, the great guardians of all generations have been trying and fighting, thinking that the light of humanity will guide us to revival, but the result is a complete failure!

“Why is it that when faced with an irresistible force, the first thing we think of is always to resist, to close our ears and deceive ourselves, instead of listening to its appeal?”

Those are the indelible foolishness and cowardice entrenched in the depths of people's hearts. Abandon them! Bronya, untie the shackles that bind you, and the star core will lead mankind towards evolution——

Speaking of this, Cocolia, who had a bit of fanaticism in her eyes, suddenly had a cold expression on her face, condensed an ice spear in her hand, and swatted it in the direction of the strong wind.

There was a dull collision sound, and a bat-like weapon was shot away and fell into the snow.

With a move from Xing's palm, the bat that was knocked away returned to her hand accurately as if summoned, and she suddenly pointed at Cocolia and shouted:

Old woman! Your days of doing whatever you want are over, give me the star core!

At the same time, Xi'er turned into a purple afterimage and passed over the platform, going back and forth like a spring stretching and retracting. When she reappeared, she held Bronya in her arms.

I came as promised, Bronya.


Seeing that Bronya was taken away, Cocolia was not in a hurry. She put away the ice gun in her hand and crossed her arms around her chest, looking at everyone with a neutral look.

Is it finally here? I thought this blizzard would bury you.

What a beautiful idea! Xi'er let go of Bronya, and a huge scythe appeared in her clenched hand, We will not fall before we defeat you!

Don't be in a hurry, just say what you want to say, I'll give you time. Cocolia looked at ease.

Xi'er stared at Cocolia closely, looking wary.

Bronya, I don't understand mysterious things, and I don't know what happened between you, but there are two things I know very well!

First, the guy behind me worked hard to get here just to seal that thing called the Star Core!

Second, I said that if anything happens to you, I will definitely come to save you. Even if you are brainwashed by the woman over there and forget all about our agreement, I will still knock you out. Then take it back!

As Xi'er finished her words, Bronya felt that the things that had penetrated into her mind were quickly disappearing.

She felt less pain.

Xie'er...and...everyone who came from outside the world...

Is that okay? Cocolia looked at all this with cold eyes and said indifferently: I have given you enough time to say goodbye. Bronya, it is time to tell you another reason for bringing you here.

... Bronya clenched her fists.

Cocolia turned to look at the star core, I have told you all the truth, about the transaction with the star core, about the wish I made to it, there are no more secrets between our mother and daughter.

102. You are just a poor guy running away from your fate.

Many years ago, the voice of the star core sounded in my ears for the first time, and like the great guardians of all generations, I closed my eyes and listened. At that time, I was you now, struggling to guard what the builders called Preservation...

My belief was once extremely firm, until a sudden variable disrupted everything, and another choice appeared in front of me, which meant subverting the old order and welcoming the arrival of a new world...

But - compared to the illusory, more and more distant protection, it is so real... I have been thinking hard about how to convey all this to you...

The promised tomorrow will always come, but if you can't stay by my side to watch that new world together, then I will fall into pain, Bronya, that pain is indelible!

After hearing a lot of words from Cocolia, Xing couldn't help it anymore. He took a few steps forward and came to Xi'er and Bronya, raised his eyebrows and shouted coldly:

Have you said enough? If the protection is illusory, do you think Belloberg can persist until now? No one really thinks that this city can stand for seven hundred years because it relies on the earth's core for heating, right?

You don't really think that the bloody battle with the world-splitting monster gave you the strength to persevere, right?

Xing's grip on the bat became stronger and stronger, and he frowned coldly, Betrayal of the protection is so high-sounding in your mouth, and it sounds so nice. If the future promised to you by Xinghe is really that good, those who died in the world will be What do the countless silver-maned iron guards in the monster’s hands count?!”

Those residents who are locked up in the lower area by you and live a life like a prison, not to mention have to face the threat of monsters that split the world, what do they count?!

On our way here, what does that group of world-splitting monsters that can slaughter the entire Iron Guard restricted area and finally destroy Beloberg mean to you?!

You are just a pathetic person escaping your fate, I look down on you!

Those Iron Guards who did not know the truth and served loyally did something wrong. They were even deprived of the right to choose life and death.

What did those lower-class people and even children who chose to persevere even though they were living a difficult life do anything wrong?

What did Zi Shu do wrong again?

Why should he, who has nothing to do with Beloberg, shoulder the responsibility of guarding the Iron Guard restricted area for the mistakes made by Cocolia?

After causing so much mess, why should the train crew come to help wipe the mess? Are the unknown passengers who pioneered the road destined to owe someone?

Xing found that he had never been so angry and wanted to tear Cocolia apart.

Looking at the trembling Xing in front of her, March 7 looked at her with admiration, her eyes full of approval.

well said!

That is just the necessary sacrifice and price to welcome the new world!

Cocolia's face was cold, and she suddenly said hysterically:

Seven hundred years, seven hundred years of despair, what do you outsiders know? What can you understand?!

How has Cuanhu ever seen a human being or a city builder? If He had, why did we fall into this situation? Put away the ridiculous and ignorant justice on your face!

Cocolia smiled coldly.

Perhaps I would also like to thank you outsiders. Due to the pressure you brought, I was finally able to face my last weakness;

Bronya, since you were a child, I have never forced you to obey my will, but no matter what, you will always have to choose one day. This was the case in the past and still is today...

Cocolia's expression returned to calm, and she looked at her daughter softly, Choose, my daughter.


Bronya was silent for a long, long time.

Lord Cocolia...Thank you for raising me, thank you for leaving me the right to choose, but...I'm sorry, mother...

Bronya pursed her lips, walked slowly to Cocolia and stood facing each other, her eyes filled with unshakable determination.

This last time, I can't stand by your side.


Cocolia closed her eyes, and the breath exhaled from her mouth was a silent sigh.

Bronya's tone was full of determination, You said that the depths of human nature are stupidity and cowardice. Maybe it's true. Desperate situations will reflect the darkest side of people's hearts, but...

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