This is indeed the case.

Less than ten minutes after continuing forward, I once again saw the reverberation of the world split left by Bronya and Cocolia.

She closed her eyes.

Cocolia: The first guardian commanded the Silver-maned Iron Guards to fight here, making huge sacrifices in exchange for a short respite. However, the legions of the other world were tireless. She soon realized that flesh and blood could not survive. Possible to contend with such a formidable enemy...

When she was almost desperate, she chose to set her sights on the star core and made her first wish. You should have seen what happened after that from historical records.

Bronya: So...the cold wave is actually a disaster caused by human beings' wishes...

Cocolia: Isn't it ironic? The star core only fulfilled the wishes of mankind, but we tabooed it in the next few hundred years. We even tried to use the suppressors built by the old-era companies and city builders to destroy the star core. Contain...

I know you have many questions, daughter, be patient, you will get all the answers soon...

After learning about these conversations, Xi'er couldn't help but slash the afterimage of Cocolia with a knife.

Damn it, she is the one who is truly arrogant and short-sighted!

There's no need to be angry. She just believed in the cake drawn by Xinghe. Apart from using some high-sounding words to help Xinghe brainwash others, what else can she do? Xing glanced coldly at the dissipating shadow and continued without saying a word. Forward.

Even as a strategy blogger, I couldn't help but praise the plot after seeing it.

Wow, that expression on my face just now was so handsome!

Although I didn't have much impression of the plot in the closed beta, the protagonist's personality is not very three-dimensional. Most of it is shaped by the disease copywriting, giving people a bit of a dark underbelly.

Zi Shuxian is different. I think she is very reliable. She has Zi Shu's acting style. She is decisive and does not procrastinate.

[If you teach well and learn well, under the influence of your reliable adoptive father, your initial IQ will rise no matter how low it is. 】

[I love this reliable adult man, but it’s a pity that his condition was greatly reduced in order to send everyone out of the restricted area, so he could only stay there to recuperate. 】

[Young, everyone knows Zi Shu’s hidden identity. He has a high probability of having command-level power. It is impossible for him to wither after opening a portal. 】

[Is it possible that Zishu has lost a lot of memory and his strength is not at its peak? It is true that he is the envoy of a dead star god, but there is no way for Stone Hammer to make the envoy happy! 】


Xing led the three people through the long ruined stairs. Except for the monsters from the cracked world, there was no phantom of Cocolia anymore.

Until you reach the long steps leading to nowhere.

Everyone's eyes were slightly focused, staring at the figure in front of the steps. When they first arrived here, they could hear the figure that looked like Cocolia issuing intermittent warning sounds.

[Intruders...are not approach...the star core! ]

The moment Xing heard the word Xing Core, she rushed towards Phantom Cocolia, swung the bat in her hand towards its head, and extremely urgent words came out of her mouth.

Kill! This must be a fake copied by the star core through the split world. It is trying to stop us from moving forward, which means we are very close to the location of the star core!

98. It’s not an illusion

Everyone reacted very quickly. March Qi raised her slender hands to create a nearly transparent six-phase ice shield, covering everyone's body surface.

Dan Heng and Xi'er moved their positions relative to each other, forming a triangle surrounding the welcoming Cocolia, and launched fierce attacks towards its fatal parts.

Sensing movement high in the sky, he quickly jumped back.

The hail-like six-phase ice material fell around Phantom Cocolia and exploded, but the effect shocked March Qi.

Why can't it freeze?

Xing: As long as you are marginally OB, you can replenish our shield at any time!

... March 7 stomped her feet angrily, but there was nothing she could do.

The people in the battle circle were too fast. When firing arrows to support them, not only the hit rate, but also the possibility of accidentally injuring friendly forces had to be taken into consideration.

There was not much joy on his face when he saw Phantom Cocolia being beaten by three people and falling into a disadvantage.

How could he be so difficult to deal with? Is that guy really not the real person? !

Dan Heng, please use your hidden power!


Dan Heng's figure paused for a moment, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

There was no need for any hidden power to deal with the fakes created by splitting the world, and besides, he didn't want to use the kind of power that involved too much.

Hit it on the head! Star shouted.


Seeing the two women flanking and compressing Phantom Cocolia's retreat, Dan Heng keenly sensed the flaw, jumped up into the sky with his feet slightly bent, gripped the cloud-shooting spear tightly, and launched a piercing strike towards a certain coordinate!

Seeing that it was about to hit the ground, the phantom Cocolia, whose other escape routes were blocked by Xing and Bronya, happened to appear at the coordinates——


As Dan Heng's cold harmony echoed nearby, the Cloud-Striking Spear pierced the head of Phantom Cocolia, turning it into a headless corpse and black smoke that quickly dissipated.

Seeing this, Xing stuffed the bat in his hand back into the special space of Xing's core in his chest.

March 7 breathed a sigh of relief and clapped his hands: What a beautiful blow! The fake has dissipated...

That section of stairs... Xi'er stared at the direction where the black smoke dispersed, This is the only road nearby.

I have sensed the location of the star core. From the time I arrived here to now, the star core has not moved. Xing said.

Dan Heng nodded slightly, I think that's where the journey will end.

In other words, the fate of Bronya and the upper and lower areas is ahead, and it is in our hands! Xi'er tightened her grip on the sickle.

Xing recalled the expectation in his eyes before he separated from Zi Shu, and suddenly a smile appeared.

Is this a pioneering journey... It seems I'm quite used to it...


March 7th was surprised, We used to rely on Sister Jizi and Uncle Yang, and we went through several pioneering journeys before we got used to it... You're actually used to it now?

Maybe this is the gap between people...

Uh... March 7 twitched the corner of her mouth and quickly changed the subject, Anyway, we have finally gotten here. What do you think?

Dan Heng recalled the previous pioneering journey and said softly: The train passed through one world after another, and we were just passers-by, witnesses of a story...

We always avoid being involved in the waves that determine the life and death of the world, but there are always times like now when we can't help ourselves...

March 7 nodded in agreement: Speaking of Ah Xing, you were so lucky on your first pioneering journey!

Yeah...fortunately everyone...

We are always like this, helping people in need, making trustworthy partners, and saving the world a few more times - March 7 smiled, as if thinking of something, raised the camera, found a good angle and pressed the shutter.

This is all about the pioneering spirit! Of course, we can't forget to take commemorative photos of our mileage.

Xing and Danheng shook their heads helplessly. March Qi liked to take photos and had taken many photos in the lower area. They were not surprised by this.

Have you finished filming? The next step will definitely be a life-and-death fight... Xing took a deep breath.

As Zi Shu said, if Cocolia completely becomes Star Core's puppet, it means that things are irreversible.

If you want to save this dying world, Cocolia must die!

Feeling the old world-breaking atmosphere in the air, Xing recalled the words Zi Shu left when he parted with the army in his mind, and stepped onto the stairs first with firm eyes.

Let's go, everyone!

I - the beautiful girl March Qi - Even in this atmosphere, March Qi is still full of energy, I want to fight for the beauty of this world, let's go!

The forefront of the Iron Guard's penalty area.

Jeppard, who was leading the army in a bloody battle, suddenly changed his expression and was almost hit in the chest by the world-splitting monster.

what happened?

The power of protection in the body is fading, even if it is very slow, it is fading.

Before he could think about the reason, an exciting shout came from the distance.

The army of world-splitting monsters has no backup! Brothers, charge forward and kill all the remaining ones-

Jeppard looked into the distance and found that of the black monster army that he had seen before, only the front was visible to the naked eye.

He grasped the barrier in his hand and was about to rush to the forefront to fight when the tall figure who had disappeared for a while suddenly appeared in front of him.

He has white hair and gray clothes, his side face exudes an indescribable ethereal meaning, and his temperament is unparalleled.

Zi Shu!

I have destroyed all the rift space channels connected to Belloberg, and the monster army has no help.

Very good!

By now, Jeppard's doubts about Zishu had long disappeared without a trace. Without Zishu, even if Shiluva temporarily took command and allowed him to go to the main battlefield, the iron guards who participated in this bloody battle would not have been able to go to the main battlefield. Know how many people will be sacrificed.

If such a person wants to subvert Belloberg, why bother to beat around the bush?

At this rate, I guess...huh?!

Before he finished speaking, Zi Shu's expression instantly turned extremely cold, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving behind a stunned and puzzled Jeppard.

It was indeed not an illusion before.

In the dead star field extremely far away from Yalilo 6, there is a dead planet floating.

Zi Shu walked out of the sky of the planet and stared at the figure in front of him with a calm expression.

It was an extremely handsome humanoid creature, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman.

Interesting... I didn't expect someone to break into this place.

Even the voice of a handsome person is difficult to distinguish between male and female, and it carries an impulse that makes people worship her when they hear it.

Of course Zi Shu would not be affected and asked calmly: Where is this place?

Ha...some forces call this place Syracuse No. 3, but I don't care. This is just one of my outstanding collections...

Zi Shu looked at the world on the ground, which was in ruins. There was no trace of intelligent life in it.

I will not be concerned about the guilt of breaking into my collection for the time being, but - you are nosy in Yaliluo No. 6, which is about to become a collection. Do you need to give me an explanation?

Speaking of this, the handsome figure's originally friendly face suddenly turned into a ferocious one that looked like it had emerged from the most terrifying netherworld in the world.

Oh, explain? Zi Shu raised the corner of his mouth and said lightly: You are worthy of it?

99. Are you the arbiter of equilibrium? !

The ferocity on the handsome figure's face suddenly solidified, and the next moment instead of being filled with anger, it turned into a strange face, and he suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.


Even the seven-day general who is the most mad dog under the Hunting Seat dare not provoke me easily. I am curious about how you have the confidence to say such arrogance to me, who is under Master Nanook of Destruction. words.

Zi Shu raised his chin slightly and looked at the handsome figure with a condescending squint, as if he were looking at an ant.

You, one of the extermination kings under Nanook, follow the concept of destruction based on cannibalization. You are used to letting the anti-matter legions invade the target world, slowly advancing the front, building advantages, applying pressure, and using this to cannibalize the resisters...

And you yourself like to observe the slow structural collapse of suffering civilizations like observing a colony of ants...

Red Babel, Ogul Star Ring and other death worlds are all created by you, Jiying.

As Zi Shu finished his words, the smile on the face of the handsome figure, no, should be said to be silent, slowly faded away, and a bit of interest emerged from the depths of his eyes that no one could observe.

Several Lords of Destruction didn't know that he had done these things, but the strange guy in front of him knew this, and even knew his original name.

Does that mean that the other party also knows the name of destruction that he is using now?

He just saw the world-splitting creations retreating steadily, and his emotions fluctuated for a moment. He was actually noticed by a white-haired man far away in Yaliluo, and he arrived at his location in a short time...

His identity and origin are unknown, his abilities are unknown, and he does not have the aura of an envoy, but he can locate his galactic coordinates and tell the story of his past actions and secrets...

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