Let's go open his express delivery now. There must be something fishy! Su Shang was about to take action.

Scott: You have to think clearly, if my things are broken, can you afford to pay for it?

Xing: What if there is something wrong with your express delivery?

Scott: Laughing, you said there was a problem with my express delivery, and I said you had a problem.

Stop being so weird there, we'll demolish it now!

Having said that, Su Chang still looked at Zi Shu and saw him nodding slightly, and then she felt relieved to open the package sent by Scott.

Scott didn't stop him, acting like he was free to do whatever he wanted. Instead, he kept staring at Zi Shu with a hint of provocation from the corner of his eye.

Zi Shu seemed oblivious to the provocative eyes and glanced at the workers on the dock.

Stared by his intriguing gaze, the workers seemed calm on the surface, but in their hearts they felt like everything was being seen through, making them uncomfortable.

Not long after, Xing dug out a Dark Cloud Golden Toad from the piles of fragile goods.

Most of the time, this kind of ingenuity is just used as an incense burner, but she has seen many enchanted ingenuity in Xianzhou, and has broken many of them herself, so she is very familiar with them.

On the surface of this Nongyun Golden Toad, there is an aura that is like being possessed.

It poses no threat to people, but it is another matter to those fragile items.

Just when he thought of this, the Nongyun Golden Toad made a move and crashed directly into the precious porcelain next to it. Fortunately, Xing was always vigilant and stopped it in time.

This guy from the company, don't you want to explain something? Xing stared at Scott with an unkind expression.

Humph, I still need to explain. Those damaged goods before had other tricks, and they must have been damaged in this way! Su Chang said angrily.

Huh? Scott smiled mockingly, Speak louder, I can't hear you clearly.

The evidence is conclusive, and you still want to deny it?

Conclusive evidence? Denial? Scott suddenly put away the smile on his face and said gloomily: Look carefully, this antique monster is not mine at all!

Su Shang's expression froze, What?!

If you don't believe it, you can ask the dock workers around you. If you don't believe it, I'll notify you people from the Xianzhou Diheng Division to investigate and see if this thing has passed through my hands?

The dock worker next to him, who looked a little timid, said weakly: Yes, that's the case, this Nongyun Golden Toad is not owned by Mr. Scott...

Su Shang didn't believe it and retorted: Then why is this thing placed here?

That's your own problem, it's none of my business, right?

Scott sneered and said: I want to ask, my vase was packed well, but suddenly there was such a dangerous thing in the package, which almost smashed the vase. What's going on, ah?

Isn't this...isn't it broken yet?

Huh——? Did I hear correctly?

Scott didn't care about his image either, so he pressed his ears with his little finger in front of the people around him.

It doesn't make sense for you to make such a fuss with me and not apologize to me.

Su Shang's expression changed, Do you have to apologize?

Huh——? If this is not apologized, it won't sound good if it gets out... Scott glanced at the people watching around him, and the meaning was self-evident.

Xing's expression darkened, and he wanted to say something but was stopped by Zi Shu.

Seeing him shaking his head slightly at her, and seeing the strategizing in his eyes, she felt a little at ease.

Su Chang clenched her fists, then tightened them, and said extremely uncomfortably: ...Yes, I'm sorry.

Listening to this involuntary voice, Scott could not push further and said leisurely:

It doesn't matter, just think of it as practice in advance. Apologizing once is not enough, hahahaha!

Players who have reached this point in the plot have their fists hardened when they hear such a tone that demands a beating.

He's so mean, I want to hit him!

291. Is he suitable to be a pretty boy?

[Clenched fists already! 】

[The dubbing is really bad, but I have to say it’s really awesome. I don’t know which teacher did it. 】

[I can’t wait to see this guy being defeated. The way my adoptive father looks at Scott is no different than looking at a monkey. If he doesn’t grasp something that makes him uncomfortable, I don’t believe it anyway. 】

Perhaps hearing the inner thoughts of the players, the camera suddenly showed the back of Scott leaving.

Tingzishu finally spoke, and the expectations of the players were instantly raised.

I'm tired, my adoptive father is finally going to take action!

Where do you want to go, Mr. Scott?

What, you still want to invite me to tea? Scott sneered.

Zi Shu smiled slightly, I do want to ask you to do something, but it's not for tea.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, do you want me to be merciful and cancel the previous bet? I'm sorry, I am a small-minded person and I will never agree.

Is it true? Zi Shu looked strangely.

It's truer than pearls. If you promise to cancel the bet, I will lick your shoes until they shine in front of everyone here! Scott's voice was a bit louder, still so afraid of being heard by the people around him. not see.

Young people are so impulsive...

Zi Shu snapped his fingers, and Bai Lu, who had arrived at the crowd not long ago, emerged from the crowd and presented some information.

Here, what you want.

I have Lady Long, please run for me on your behalf.

It's a small matter, after all, I don't like this guy in the company. Bai Lu said with her hands on her hips.

As soon as he finished speaking, several more people squeezed through the crowd and walked into the inner circle.

Seeing the uniforms of these people, the onlookers immediately whispered.

It's from Tianbo Division...

Why are they here?

Nonsense, where do you think the freight star license for transporting goods comes from? It must have gone through the procedures of the Tianship Division.

I have seen that little girl Yunqi work diligently and methodically these days. Although she has a fiery temper, she has never had any accidents at work or damaged goods. Just think about it and I know there is something fishy.

Hey, maybe even the cargo ship has been tampered with by people from the company, so the people from Tianbo Division are here.

Have you not recognized the identity of the leader? That is Miss Tingyun, the chief of the Minghuo Merchant Group, one of the major business groups!

Hey...it turns out to be a rich woman, hungry and hungry!

Go, go, go, I heard that I might take over Master Yukong's class in the future. How can people like you and me climb up so high? Don't let your daydreams stand in the way of me!


No matter what the onlookers guessed, no one could guess the reason why the Tianbo Division staff and Tingyun appeared here.

Tingyun's charming but not vulgar blue eyes glanced at a few people, and he glanced at Zishu slightly, and then a professional smile appeared on his face.

She didn't expect that she would catch up with things related to Zi Shu just after returning from business outside.

Then everything needs to be done!

Ouch, isn't this Miss Tingyun of the Minghuo Merchant Group? Are you here trying to save your colleagues from the siege?

As a company representative, Scott naturally recognized Tingyun's identity and immediately changed his expression.

It's a pity that justice prevails. The Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce, as the fault party, slandered me as a tourist who sent the mail. You Tianbo Company can't...tsk.

Want to piss yourself off?

The smile on Tingyun's face was full of color and his red lips parted slightly.

Mr. Scott misunderstood. I am here today to represent Tianbo Division to mediate the rental dispute between the Interstellar Peace Company and the Fool's Lane Chamber of Commerce. The shipping dispute is another matter. You should contact the Land and Scale Division.

Hey, it turns out they are friendly forces? I'm sorry, I was too loud earlier. I'm really sorry...

Scott raised his eyebrows, then pointed at Zi Shu and others.

Actually, this doesn't require any coordination. Let me put it bluntly - the Chamber of Commerce should have gotten out of Jinren Alley long ago. Whether the rent owed to the company can be repaid, I will mercifully leave it aside for the time being, but if Jinren Alley is here Is this really good for Luofu if it becomes history in the hands of the Chamber of Commerce?

These words were no longer a weapon, but an outright insult.

Su Shang is not a bad-tempered person, but her straightforward and innocent temperament cannot bear to be looked down upon like this.

“Can’t the company send a normal person over to negotiate?!”

Huh——? Scott raised the corners of his mouth and made the gesture of picking out his ears again and said in a strange tone: Speak louder, I can't hear you clearly.

Su Shang's chest rose and fell violently, the corners of her eyes beat violently, and she took a deep breath——

I said - the company doesn't have anyone else!!!

What a loud voice!

This is the first impression on everyone who hears it.

Scott, who was the closest and had his ears close to him, covered his ears and gritted his teeth on the spot, gasping for air and shuddering at the same time.


This girl's voice was so amazing that he felt like his eardrums were about to be perforated...

After a while, Scott finally showed a smile on his face.

I hope you can apologize to me in public later and bark as loudly as a dog!

What a joke, didn't you think it was you who had to apologize? Xing smiled coldly.

Scott was not annoyed and turned to look at Zingyun.

Since we need to coordinate, Jinren Alley should at least send a decent guy to the battle. Could it be that they are the passing Cloud Cavalry Army, righteous people, and minions from the Chamber of Commerce? Where is the coward president who has been hiding without a trace? or…

Is this the gray-haired girl who was temporarily pulled over by you and looks like someone owes her fifty credit points? Or is it the soft-faced guy next to you who is very suitable for being a pretty boy at first glance?

Although Tingyun really wanted Zi Shu to eat his soft rice, when he heard his benefactor being so insulted, although the smile on his face was still there, a fleeting coldness flashed in his eyes.

Representative Scott, since you think they are unprofessional people, please go straight to the point and explain the company's demands.

Player perspective.

[There is a lot of fun in the dubbing studio, and the CV teacher is working too hard. 】

[But...it feels good to be scolded by Su Shang. I really want to be Scott and let her scold me a few more times...]

[6, I can only say that Cheng is good at playing. 】

[I have to say that the performance is so expressive that just by listening to it, I can’t help but raise my fist and want to punch this Scott. It’s so shameless! 】

[50 credits, right? Who’s the connotation? 】

[You actually dare to say that your husband is a freeloader... This is really... who is the freeloader? He is the envoy! 】

[Tingyun's eyes turned cold. He said Zi Shu was wrong in front of her. I bet Scott didn't consume any juice next time. 】

The screen enters the debate perspective. People who are familiar with it can tell at a glance that this performance is a copy of a certain game, and they can't help but sigh that Lao Mi is still sewing.

Scott: The company specifically leased the operating rights to the Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce in order to seek common development...

292. He is really great!

Jian Zishu established the team voice with himself and motioned for him to come forward. Xing nodded slightly, raised his chin and looked down at Scott's head.

With Scott's height of only about 1.63, she has the capital.

That sounds nice. If that's the case, why couldn't the company operate the terminal by itself in the first place?

Oh? Do you want to say that the company is setting a trap for the Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce?

Scott curled his lips and said lazily:

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