The company deliberately leased the terminal operating rights to the Chamber of Commerce, and then waited for the Chamber of Commerce to mismanage it in order to completely destroy the credibility accumulated by the Chamber of Commerce. Is that what you think?

Su Shang: Don't you think so?!

Hey, girl, are you admitting that the Chamber of Commerce must not be able to run the dock well?

Uh uh uh...hateful guy...

Su Shang gritted her silver teeth.

Before Xing could repeat Zi Shu's words, Scott said again:

The company specifically leased the operating rights to the Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce in order to seek common development. However, the Chamber of Commerce refused to cooperate with the major shops in Jinren Lane, causing the once prosperous dock to become deserted. Isn't this your problem?

Who said that? The Chamber of Commerce has never refused to cooperate with shops. Xing retorted.

Scott: No rejection? Then let me ask you, how many stores have joined your logistics network now?

Zi Shu picked up a piece of information with two fingers and threw it towards the other party.

Sorry, there are currently more than 570 shops in Jinren Alley. Most of them except for the number seventy have been included.

Hahahaha, you are making fools laugh. Even the Golden Man Alley in its heyday was not... huh?!!

Scott didn't look at the information for two seconds after receiving it. The sunglasses on the bridge of his nose were almost shaken to the ground. The pupils behind the lenses were filled with disbelief.

How can this be?!

He knew about Zi Shu's fiddling with logistics and transportation routes, and he also knew about the purchase of a large number of new transport planes, but he never knew that they had even discussed it with the shops!

There are corporate spies everywhere in Jinren Lane. It’s impossible for all the spies to be just spies, no eyes, right?

Seeing Scott's expression as if he had swallowed a few kilograms of foul-smelling flies, Xing glanced at the disguise talisman in his backpack and directed his adoring eyes at Zi Shu, who had hidden his merits and fame.

Unexpectedly, I have a perfect identity disguise tool.

The economy of Jinren Alley is in decline, but that does not include the catering industry. They pretend to be different foreign tourists every day, eat and drink while visiting other stores. Their behaviors and motives are very normal, right?

It doesn't matter if you have too many eyeliners. If you can't recognize people, it's useless to have more eyeliner.

Thinking of this, Xing admired Zi Shu even more.

It's not enough to just pretend to be good, you also need to be able to talk to the store and convince those who have secret contacts with the company.

Unfortunately, for each chamber of commerce that he needed to contact, Zi Shu had formulated his own words and knew how to cater to their preferences.

The combination of eloquence and the promise of a big cake, coupled with a huge reassurance, has a triple effect. As long as those shop owners are not stupid, it is impossible for them to choose to hang out with the company.

What reassurance pills are most effective?

That is naturally related to patrols, credit points, or two more direct words: interests.

This is the benefit of Zi Shu directly eliminating the staff of the Chamber of Commerce and personally taking charge of the revitalization of Jinren Alley. There is no need to even control the insiders.

No matter how safe you are, if you can find out how many things Zi Shu has done and how much money he made, you will win.

Zi Shu - she is a hero!

He is really great!

Do you need to send someone to confirm, this guy from the company?

Xing raised the corner of his mouth and waited with interest for the other party's next reaction.


Scott really didn't want to believe it, so he made a communication call in front of everyone and asked his subordinates to investigate.

You can't even pay the rent for the pier. Who knows if you used some unknown and dirty tricks. The company has many efficient investigation methods.

Then let's compare who has more confidence. It's just a dock rental...

What do you want to rent? Aren't you very tough just now? Is it the rent? Do you still have to pay it? Ah? Scott mocked.

God knows how much Xing and Su Chang wanted to refute immediately, but when they thought that Zi Shu had not given instructions yet, they held back.

Laugh, laugh, just laugh, there will come a time when your laughter will be uglier than crying.

Hey, do you know why you still don't pay the rent? It's not because the transportation efficiency of Jinren Lane Terminal is low, the transaction volume is low, and there is no value created at all. This is evidence of poor management!

Is this what your company has observed? Zi Shu asked meaningfully.

What else could there be?

That's really embarrassing.

Zi Shu took out a report and a credit card, and said with a smile: The Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce can pay back the mere debt.

The curve of Scott's mouth froze, his face trembled, and he took the report and credit card, the more he looked at them, the more frightened he became.

You didn't expect that, did you? Xing crossed his arms across his chest, outlining the curves under the loose lining.

Mingxi: The rent of the Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce and the interest accrued from the arrears are worth every penny. The Chamber of Commerce has turned a profit and can pay these arrears.

Xing: Do you need to confirm it too? But I think it's not necessary anymore, is it? The report will clearly remember the purpose of every account, clearly.

Scott's arms began to tremble.

As one of the company's business representatives, how could he not understand this report, or rather... a type of planning document.

The most lengthy part is the plan, but next to the plan, everything is marked with how much revenue each step of action will generate, or how much investment will be made.

This even so detailed that it even has the execution date of each step.

To put it bluntly, anyone who knows only a little bit about business operations can prosper if they execute this plan.

And having the courage to throw the plan in the face shows that the chamber of commerce is indeed confident and can really repay its debts.

Actually... I actually did it... Why... Why?!


Everyone in Zishu made a soft nasal sound in unison, taking time to appreciate Scott's ugly appearance.

Scott has lost the bet, but it's not over yet!

Tingyun gently shook his folded fan and said with a smile: The information provided by the Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce is authentic and credible. According to the lease contract between the two parties, the Chamber of Commerce still holds the right to operate the terminal;

Then the next step is the debate raised by the Chamber of Commerce. Representative Scott has been secretly sabotaging the operation of the terminal. Does Mr. Scott have anything to explain about this?

Scott slapped the operational report on the table and yelled somewhat hysterically:

Stop spouting nonsense! Why should I do something small? Your shabby terminal has no shops to cooperate with and accidents happen frequently. What does this have to do with me?

Xing Yile looked at him like a pig, Someone is in a hurry, but I won't tell who it is.

PS: I can’t write the current plot of Pinoconi, or I would have to play with snakes if I did. After all, there are a lot of riddles, and it’s easy to backstab the new version.

I have some idea of ​​Huang Quan's identity, the five major families, the Fruit of Destruction family and the Butterfly family, but I can only speculate on the details.

I even suspect that the fruit family refers to the watchmaker. The watchmaker is not dead, but is imprisoned by the other five families to maintain the dream. He may have even fallen into a dream since the train jump (I did not refer to the dream-within-a-dream setting in Inception). Do not believe it)

It's fun to guess the plot in advance, and being backstabbed is actually nothing. The biggest thing is that the plot of Pinoconi can only be ended in version 2.2 or 2.3.

This means that my outline has to be patched according to the new plot every time. If it is not marked as a private design, it will look boring. If I change it, the previously written plot will have to be rewritten.

For example, I guess that Liu Ying faked her death and her true identity is related to Sam. She was once a member of the Butterfly family that became history.

The Butterfly family is related to the Grammer Galaxy on the Sky Front, and Queen Titania, the ruler, uses this setting to advance the entire Pinoconi-related plot.

Yes, everyone is happy, but if it's not right, it's just a matter of time. To put it bluntly, the problem lasts for 42 days in each version. Some speculations want to be confirmed, but it's too long.

I'm going to work on the plot of Pinoconi now. The current amount of plots can't last for a month, and the subsequent plots will take another two to three months to come out.

Once you finish writing the 2.0 plot, it will be awkward and you will have to abruptly switch to other plot sections, such as Xianzhou Space Station or something like that, and the story timeline will be completely messed up.

I'm in a dilemma...

293.Are you done?

Who is in a hurry? Scott glared.

Xing smiled strangely, You, we never told anyone about the transportation accident on the dock. How did you know about it?

I... Scott's eyes flickered, I also use terminal logistics, and the express delivery I send out always gets damaged on the road. I also want to ask you if you have any clues!

Stop pretending to be confused! Su Chang raised her eyebrows and said, Isn't this all a good thing you did?

Scott: Still slandering others and still speaking harshly!

Xing: You introduce yourself quite frequently.

I'm not involved in the dock delivery, could it be that I bribed the dock workers? How funny! Scott said loudly, as if he had been wronged.

Is there a possibility that you are blowing yourself up again and really bribed the dock workers?

It sounds like a rhetorical question, but in fact anyone can hear the certainty contained in it.

Xing Ke didn't listen to the opponent's sophistry. Zi Shu said in the team's voice that he had bribed him, so it would be 10,000 percent.

For a moment, the people around them cast their eyes on Xing or Zishu, expecting them to come up with evidence to slap Scott in the face again.

And Scott also knew this, and shouted: You are just talking without proof, show me the evidence!

I've been waiting for you to say this for a long time. Isn't the evidence right here?

Zi Shu flicked his fingers, and a small talisman shot out from his fingertips and was accurately pasted on a dock worker's throat.

Your name is Afon, right? Come forward and tell everyone everything Mr. Scott has told you.

Seeing Afon really coming forward, Scott's pupils trembled sharply, and he stared at the former with a strong warning.

However, the little tricks were ineffective. A Feng Feng had a reluctant expression on his face, but what he said in his mouth made the whole place uproar.

Some time ago, Mr. Scott came to me and promised me eight million credits to secretly sabotage the normal operation of terminal logistics...

Not only Scott looked ugly, but the faces of the people watching were also darkened, especially Su Shang and the hard-working workers.

Afeng?! You actually——

Okay, let's just say that under the command of Miss Su Shang, the dock had a few good days before transportation accidents occurred one after another. It turned out to be you!

Damn capitalists, secretly resorting to such despicable means!

Everyone questioned and insulted him, and Afeng's expression was distorted. He tried his best to control himself not to speak, but no matter what his brain ordered, it was to no avail, and he dropped a bombshell again.

Scott also instructed me that if I could blow up three cargo ships transporting treasures in one accident, he would give me another eight million credits...

You, you - I don't know you at all, why do you want to denounce someone's innocence out of thin air?!

Scott's lungs were about to explode.

Damn old antique, haven't the people of Xianzhou always preached about loyalty? After receiving so much money from him, they actually betrayed him in such an occasion. It's extremely abominable!

Afon: Everything I said is true!

It's nonsense, it's still nonsense. This is just your one-sided statement, maybe...

Scott blushed, his neck thickened, and pointed at several people's noses one after another.

Perhaps you were bribed by this pretty boy and this girl to come here to string together testimonies, distort the facts, and pour ten tons of dirty water on me!

In broad daylight, under the clear sky, using one-sided words to frame people, is this the way of the Xianzhou people? Scott's subordinate screamed.

That's right!

You, Xianzhou Luofu, are going too far to deceive others!

After these people stopped talking nonsense, Zi Shu took out a mantra charm again and said with a leisurely expression:

Have you finished, let me remind you that this is Changletian, Jinren Lane, and the virtual climate is set to eternal night. With such a big full moon hanging in the sky, how can there be broad daylight?


The words that were incompatible with the debate made the crowd laugh, and some even laughed outright.

Indeed, it can be seen that the people in the company are anxious, and their anxiety leads to guilty conscience, and they are panicked because something secretly hidden has been exposed.

The smile on Tingyun's face slowly faded, and he folded his fan in his palms.

Mr. Scott, if the testimony and evidence provided by the Chamber of Commerce are true, this is an unfair business practice that is strictly prohibited. Not only can the Land and Scale Division have tea with you, but the Tianbo Division also has the right to intervene in the investigation.


Scott was like a desperate gambler, biting Afon to death and spitting blood on everyone.

Who can prove that what he said is true? No, if he said that I bribed the worker, he could check the credit transaction records between the worker and me. If nothing can be found, it is not something that an apology can solve.

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