Le, you are the only one among the masked fools in the universe who can secretly change the concept of passiveness and sabotage into something so fresh and refined.

Have I ever admitted that I am the Masked Fool?

Hey, you have the mask of the mourning actor's little messenger in your hands. Whether you admit it or not, your colleagues in the tavern will admit it~~

Zi Shu recalled the special mask that Ahas gave to him in Beloberg.

No matter how big the deal is, I have a way to make people disbelieve it.

Huh? I'm curious, curious, curious! Aha said impatiently.

Call me daddy and I will show you mercy.

Dad, hurry up. Hey, don't be a mother-in-law.

It's very simple. Just tell the truth. You stole the mask to me. You wanted to have fun by slandering a good citizen of the galaxy who is neither a fool nor an actor. If I say this, your followers will definitely believe it. After all, you They know best what it is like.”

Is honesty the most powerful nirvana? This is so much fun. I wonder what kind of lies you would use to deceive Yuanyuan.

The operational status of the Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce has improved, and many parties have noticed it.

Scott began to sit still.

You guys, hurry up and secretly collect a batch of ingenious creations ranging from brand new to second-hand, and do some tricks to mix them into the logistics and transportation goods. Make them eye-catching and beautiful, otherwise you will understand the consequences——

The company's hierarchical system is strict, and those who hear orders do not dare to neglect and immediately start to do it.

Then, Scott sent someone to investigate again, and soon, a report was sent.


Seeing the girl at the pier who was skillful in directing transportation and doing things in an orderly manner, Scott looked like he had seen a ghost.

How could a reckless wild girl have such ability?

Scott turned to look at the logistics and transportation route plan, and found out that the person in charge was the handsome foreigner. He couldn't help but sweat.

(Pierpoint expletive)! Who is that guy?

His business planning ability is a genius, shouldn't he...

Is he the boss of the company's P44 or even P45?

Thinking of this possibility, a few drops of cold sweat broke out on Scott's forehead. With trembling hands, he dialed his superior's phone number and cautiously inquired for information.

When his superiors confirmed that there was no such person as Zishu in the company and that the portrait was extremely unfamiliar, he heaved a sigh of relief.

It’s not just a flood that washes away the Dragon King Temple, or competition between departments.

Hmph, it turns out that ordering a new transport aircraft is just like this... you need to invest more in planning the route, right? I'll send someone to manipulate the preset program to see how many pots you can eat...

However, less than a quarter of an hour after the order was issued, the news that came back instantly made Scott dumbfounded and said in disbelief:

What?! The Chamber of Commerce dares to hand over one of its economic lifelines to outsiders. Am I crazy or is that coward crazy?!

289. Two-dimensional egg killing

From the player's perspective, no one expected that choosing protagonists of different genders would lead to such a big difference in the plot of this event.

Even, it's so big that it has a rhythm.

The male protagonist player does not have the option to invite Zi Shu, only March 7th.

Players quickly guessed that this was similar to the original 1.0 plot. After defeating the Doomsday Beast and waking up in the space station, Xing saw Zi Shu and Qiong saw March 7th.

On one side is the young girlfriend of the male pioneer, and on the other is the... old father of the female pioneer.

It's not that he can't be a boyfriend, it's just that in the plot line of Xing Zai Zi's book, he looks too much like a baby girl who is well taken care of.

Of course, the vast majority of female players who chose Xing only regarded Zi Shu as their love partner. After all, the ML attribute in the plot is not light.

In contrast, some male players who chose Qiong also quarreled with March Qi or hurt her in the plot, which was almost like flirting.

But at least these are not too different, and the general plot direction is still very similar.

However, in version 1.3 of Jinren Alley, from the male protagonist's perspective, he basically solves the problems, while from the female protagonist's perspective, Zi Shu solves most of the problems and she assists with a small part.

After learning about the differences between protagonists of different genders, players began to think about version 1.1 and some joint feedback after the Yaliluo event plot.

The original questionnaire survey suggested that the screenwriters differentiate the plot lines of the male and female protagonists in the same way as the plot lines of the sub-books.

Looking at it now, the screenwriter took the suggestion into consideration, but the magnitude of the difference was far beyond expectations.

But to say it's unsatisfying would be too much.

After all...it fits the character very well!

Judging from the performance of all the previous main and branch plots, the shaping of March Qi cannot support her to do what Zi Shu did. She just doesn’t have the IQ.

The converse is also similar. Yi Zishu's shaping makes him the same as March 7. Isn't that equivalent to giving him a weakening patch and cutting his brain?

Upon understanding this level, most people feel relieved.

Bird food, this difference seems very river.

But not everything can satisfy everyone's taste. Mijia games have never been short of two-dimensional egg-killing. Playing the devil's advocate, trying to find fault with others, and finding fault with others are the things that these people like to do the most.

The biggest rhythm starts here. No matter whether you choose a male or female protagonist, it will be the woman who takes advantage of the punching skills.

It's a pity that in this kind of event plot that is not considered poisonous at all, and it coincides with the free delivery of children's books, you can imagine how miserable this group of people were.

Even if Zi Shu is not given away for free, from the perspective of four words of character logic, the balance of war is one-sided.

[I didn’t expect that the male and female protagonists could quarrel with each other depending on their companionship and performance. It’s really outrageous. 】

[The boxers on the cesspit platform are all fighting against the wind, which shows that there are still more normal people. 】

[It’s weird if you don’t go against the wind. Oh, March 7th is demeaning women by giving the male protagonist a hand. It’s typical not to look at the character and substitute randomly. I doubt that those guys have even registered for Star Rail. 】

[Normal female players said that they are not familiar with the naysayers, so please don’t get involved. On behalf of all female players, thank you. 】

[Let’s not talk about whether we should blame the official for not giving free invitation options. Even if the male protagonist can invite Zi Shu, according to the character design, it must be the male protagonist who does it! 】

[First of all, you can not invite anyone to the event plot. In that case, both the male and female protagonists will be the ones to save the situation. If you invite people, you will inevitably give more space to the plot. Otherwise, why would the screenwriter waste so much time giving players choices? 】

[I am also a female gamer. I don’t think there is any discomfort in the heroine’s actions after listening to Zi Shu’s words. He is just smart and reliable. Is there anything wrong? So far, is there any plot that has stumped him? No. 】

[Correct, to the point. 】

[1.1 I don’t like to kowtow to Belloberg’s female ketone. Now I give you kowtow to the opposite sex. It satisfies the Galgame and B game groups at the same time, but is not satisfied. I can only say that some people are really difficult to serve. 】

[It’s really hard for the screenwriter to differentiate the plot in a turn-based game. I really feel that I can’t listen to the advice of groups that shouldn’t be listened to in the future, otherwise the character design of any version in the future may collapse into pieces. 】

[This is all caused by the lack of permanent gameplay content and excessive idleness. 】

Stop arguing, and don't ask me what I think. I'm just a crooked person.

Ran Ran's custom-made leather case cost a lot of money, and her expression was so rich that she could even roll her eyes fiercely, and she complained in a scolding idiot tone:

Don't confuse me with a boxer. All my old fans know that just because I like Qiami on live broadcasts doesn't mean I'm short of rice. My mother's family has a mine. She just understands that only by making money on her own can she have a say in the family. That's why she chose to start her own business.

As V with the largest fleet and most flow, I can be considered a woman with a successful career. Can you find one like me among the 10,000 boxers?

[Be confident, you can’t find one out of a hundred thousand. 】

Then as a successful woman like me, even if I put aside the filter of Zi Shu's asshole, I will be impressed by his reliability and fall in love with him, even if he is a virtual two-dimensional character.

If there is such a perfect man in reality, I would have fallen in love with him a long time ago.

Most normal women will be attracted to take a few glances at strong, reliable and handsome women, just like normal men are attracted to sexy, beautiful women with good temperament and figure;

Don't blame me for speaking too bluntly. Since ancient times, Mu Qiang has been engraved in women's DNA. If you want to refute, you have to ask those leftover women who are not willing to be backward compatible in the dating market;

Why don't you want to? Put aside those who are not married and those who are soul mates, most people don't want to find a man who is stronger than themselves?

As for these groups, except for the few who are really capable of making money, the vast majority are boxing masters who have no skills but have high self-esteem, and are destined to reap the consequences.

I tell you from a female perspective, most of the people who set the pace are this type of people!

It is not difficult for those who are sober to see the reality clearly. How can the plot of Little Star Dome Railway come with so many complex rhythms? The screenwriter must have been laughing when he saw these rhythms. The whole office is filled with a happy atmosphere inside and outside;

Only people with low self-esteem would consider themselves to be from a female perspective and see a small plot of a female game character attacking a male character as a microcosm of reality to stir up the rhythm.

With all due respect, I just overeat and was spoiled by Guinan. Brothers, please promise me not to be a licking dog or a turtle. This will lift some idiots to a height that they shouldn't stand on.

Ran Ran's many words can be said to have shocked countless fans in the live broadcast room to look at him with admiration.

【What a curse! 】

[A Ran who doesn’t generate electricity normally turns out to be so handsome? 】

[Originally, the main focus was to be a companion anchor who never beat rice, but now I have to join the ship. 】

Thank you captain, brothers. Don't let the unlucky rhythm of not being able to ride any waves affect your mood. Wouldn't it be great if we continue with the plot? I can't wait to hear Scott bark like a dog.


Zishu didn't know what was going on in the player world, and was almost hit by a star.

Why are you so anxious?

He held her steady.

Since the new machines from the Engineering and Construction Department were put into use, so far, there is only less than one million credit points left to pay off the rent arrears at Jinren Lane Wharf.

Xingya knows this and has no reason to be irritable.

Something happened. Xing's face darkened, Do you remember a few days ago, Su Shang Mingxi reported that the goods at the dock were damaged during transportation?

People from the company are causing trouble?

Have you figured it out...? Xing Yi was startled.

Zi Shu shook his head slightly, It's not hard to guess why I have to do it myself, is it just to prevent the company from planting moles in the Chamber of Commerce?

That's true, someone must have been lax in the inspection of cargo transportation, otherwise... Xing's face didn't look good.

It's not that she didn't guess that the company would place people in the Chamber of Commerce, but she didn't expect that it would penetrate so deeply and even such an important review position would fall.

Zishu: I think someone has been arrested and they are facing off at the cargo terminal. Let's take a walk.

The person who was caught was Scott. He actually did such a thing himself. I have to say that he was really brave.


Su Shang's face fell completely as she blocked the man in company uniform.

Hmph, don't go anywhere now, otherwise I will tacitly admit that there is something wrong with you.

What the hell, I get stopped when I come to send some goods. Is this how the Chamber of Commerce treats customers? Scott shouted loudly, for fear that people nearby wouldn't notice.

How does the Chamber of Commerce treat customers?

A rhetorical question rang out from behind the crowd. Recognizing the conspicuous man next to the gray-haired girl, the onlookers made a tacit agreement to make way.

Su Shang's face lit up, You guys came just in time, everyone is asking for an explanation from this guy in the company!

You are talking about this guy from the company. Isn't it too rude?

Scott said with a bit of disdain, I don't represent the company today. I'm just a tourist in Jinren Lane. You can call me Scott.

Xing: Hello, this guy from the company.

...I don't care about you either.

Scott glared at Xing, crossed his arms and looked confused, I said, I'm just sending a courier, what do you want to do by surrounding me?

Huh, you're asking even though you know it.

Su Shang wanted to point at Scott's nose, but she held back and said angrily:

There is something wrong with this guy's goods. It will damage other customers' goods. The terminal has been paying compensation for the past two days!

In the words of your fairy boat, if you want to inflict a crime, why bother?

Xing Jianshu's face was calm and he didn't speak. He raised his eyebrows and said, If this is the case, let us check your express package and we will find out.

I thought Scott would find an excuse to refuse, or show some tricks, but his attitude became even more arrogant. He put his hands next to his ears and leaned over, saying in a sinister manner:

Huh——? Say it louder, I can't hear you clearly. Again, is this how you treat tourists in Jinren Alley?

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