The so-called generosity is just a thing that was thrown into the stinking ditch. To retaliate with tooth and take revenge is what the hunting people should do.

Su Shang: ...I understand.

287.Give you complete trust

It is not difficult for Zi Shu, who has special power, to help the Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce get out of trouble and even revive the economy here.

System, what kind of plot does this subplot belong to?

[Return to the master, it is part of the event plot, and the length is no shorter than the counterparts and ordinary branches. 】

It's a pity that the player's popularity points can no longer be collected.

[It doesn’t matter, just think of it as laying a solid foundation for 2.0. It is also a hidden gain and an investment in the future. 】

Seeing Zishu carefully planning the logistics route, Su Chang looked a little lost.

How could there be such a perfect looking man...

She considers herself not a superficial person and doesn't have much feelings for men. The foreigner named Rakshasa she met before was already handsome enough, and Zishu was even more handsome than him.

So much so that just looking at it gradually made me lose consciousness.

Realizing that she was in a daze for some reason, Su Chang quickly put aside the random thoughts in her heart and hinted that she still had to worry about the future of Jinren Lane.

Wanting to see if she could be of any help, Su Chang looked at Zi Shu's map. In just two seconds, her head was swollen by the dense markings and the lines that were more complicated than a spider web.

…Is that something that humans can understand…

At this point, Su Shang realized belatedly how impulsive her act of bravery on the pier was.

If she hadn't met Zi Shu and had taken over the bet with Scott on her own, there would have been no solution to the rent arrears in Jinren Alley.

I finally understand why my parents want me to read more books...

Xing suddenly became energetic, and a hint of gossip flashed across his eyebrows, Are you worried?

Oh, if it weren't for Zi Shu, I would be dizzy just by looking at these plans. I would definitely not be able to escape the end of barking like a puppy in front of many people...

Su Shang said in a low mood:

When the time comes, I will just tell the earth and the earth not to respond, and the sky will not work anymore...

...Uh. Xing twitched the corner of his mouth and said weakly: Is it because the sky is not responding and the earth is not working?

Ah... Su Shang's face turned awkward, That's right!

At this point, Xing suddenly understood everything, as if he saw the shadow of an old friend in Su Chang.

Like that old friend, there is a kind of beauty that is not contaminated by knowledge...

Seemingly feeling that it was not good to make blind suspicions, Xing felt that he needed to verify it, so he took out his phone, opened his notepad, and typed out the Bagua formula that Zishu had taught him.

Sushang, I don't know much about these Xianzhou characters. Can you read them again?

Qian, Kun, Zhen...

After reading the fourth word, Su Chang couldn't help scratching her head and stammered:

The fourth character should be...Kui? Or Gong, followed by Ci, Li,, Liang, Dui, that's how it should be pronounced.

Xing Momo took back the phone, with a speechless expression on his face. After thinking for a while, he finally had an idea and gave Su Shang a thumbs up.

Xianzhou's writing is profound and profound. You know so much more than me. It's really amazing.

Su Shang was embarrassed. It didn't matter whether she accepted the answer or not. Her expression was so wonderful. Her culture couldn't bear such praise...

Blinded by her shortcomings, she had forgotten about the synesthetic beacon...

After some time passed, Zishu handed over the logistics planning route to Ming Xi and said: Let's proceed as follows. This requires a certain quality of ingenious creations responsible for transportation. Don't use those that have been in service for many years and have been repaired for a long time.

Mingxi checked the route carefully, and the more she looked, the more surprised she became.

Many route plans are very tight, and the air transportation routes are very close together. Once there is a problem with the planning, transportation accidents may occur, resulting in continuous sittings.

No wonder you want good quality transport equipment.

It's okay to place a batch of orders with the Engineering and Manufacturing Department, but all reserve funds will be used...

The Chamber of Commerce has no choice. You have no choice but to burn the boat. Zi Shu didn't have so many worries. In addition, the design of the smart transportation program can only be done by us, and people from your Chamber of Commerce are not allowed to intervene.

Somewhat unable to keep up with Zi Shu's strong and domineering attitude, Ming Xi frowned in thought and quickly figured out the reason for his actions.

Yes...since many people from the shops have been in contact with the company, who can guarantee that there will be no dissent within the chamber of commerce?

The people in the company are so confident, which means they must be fully prepared.

The shopping mall is like a battlefield, and you have to guard against those things hidden in the dark.

Although there are rules against allowing outsiders to have access to the core of the chamber of commerce, if there is no chamber of commerce, what is the use of regulations?

You are a smart person. Even if you are not, the president of the Chamber of Commerce behind you should not be a fool. I don't want to explain the reasons for doing this. If you don't trust-

No, Mr. Zishu, we will give you complete trust. I will arrange the order and check all transportation skills.

After thinking about it, Mingxi was in a state of fighting against the odds and no longer acted sloppily.

Xing, you go with Miss Mingxi and keep an eye out for anyone suspicious.

give it to me!

Xing agreed immediately, she liked Zi Shu's trust in her very much.

Seeing the two leaving, Zi Shu looked at Su Chang.

As for Miss Su Shang, the work of the cargo terminal will be left to you.

Ah? I...I...I will try my best to do a good job! Su Shang mustered up the courage and said firmly.

Don't be so nervous, I have the planning.

Seeing her expression as if she was about to embark on a life and death battle, Zi Shu smiled dumbly and threw a jade omen to her.

There are transportation arrangements for all types of goods in Jinren Lane. Just follow them. Don't worry about words you can't understand. You must know them all. There is also my mobile phone communication code in it. If you encounter any trouble, call me.

Huh? Picking you?

...It means contact. If you don't have a mobile phone, then use the other Jade Zhao communication code. You must have Jade Zhao, right?

Okay, thank you Zi Shu, I will definitely not let you down!


The girl swung her ponytail and ran towards the pier, and Zi Shu couldn't help but sigh.

To describe it in otherworldly terms -

He could deceive more than a dozen people in one night for a pure and innocent girl like Xixi Shang.

In order to ensure that he would not go on a business trip, Zi Shu thought for a moment and contacted experts to keep an eye on Coster, and also monitored whether the guys in the company were using other methods secretly.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

The company is located in Luofu Changletian Branch.

After receiving the report from his subordinate, Scott frowned slightly.

The chamber of commerce used all its last funds to buy a transport machine? Are you sure the information is correct?

It's absolutely true. The order was placed by the mysterious president, Zipi Lianyan, and Mingxi himself. Moreover, the former went to the Manufacturing Department to pick up the goods in person. He seemed to take it very seriously.

Oh, by the way, there is a gray-haired foreign woman accompanying Lian Yan. Do we need...

Don't worry about them. Keep an eye on the freight terminal in Jinren Lane. The situation there can be improved in just two days. This is not what I want to see. Keep talking and look for opportunities to add some materials to the transported goods. The Chamber of Commerce will never turn around.

288. Pierpoint swear words

Tianbo Division.

My benefactor, the batch of transport machines ordered by the Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce have all arrived, and there were no business trips on the way.

Tingyun's eyes were full of curiosity, his big tail kept wagging, but he wisely did not ask about the purpose, nor did he ask Zishu why he cared about this matter.

For such a wonderful man, just doing everything he says is enough.

Well, if you can help me, you can keep an eye on me personally. I'll treat you to tea later.

My kindness is true, your business is my little girl's business, um...can I ask what day it is?

Wait until you are free.

My benefactor is so thoughtful. The little girl is going on a business trip to Ongwak today. It is expected to take 4-6 days. The little girl knows that the benefactor is busy with business, so she won't bother her too much.

Tingyun put down his phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

Miss Tingyun, everyone is ready and ready to go at any time.

The staff at the rear respectfully conveyed the message.

Everyone boarded the ship immediately, notified the dock to request permission, and prepared to pass through the Jade World Gate. Tingyun said emphatically.


After reading the logistics reports from these days, Mingxi and Lian Yan looked at each other and saw excitement in each other's eyes.

The transportation route re-planned by Mr. Zishu is really amazing. Not only has it greatly reduced costs, but the efficiency has also been greatly improved compared to before! Ming Xi was full of praise.

Although it is not polite to say this, the fact is that the person in charge of route planning who fell into the devil's shadow is far less talented and capable than Zi Shu in this area.

You know, it only took Zishu less than an hour to plan all the new routes...

What's even more terrifying is that he and the star girl are responsible for the clever transportation planning of so many routes, and there is no third person.

Just a business freak.

If such a person belongs to the company, they dare not think about the consequences...

The brand-new transport machine ordered from the Engineering Department has arrived and can be put into use today.

Lian Yan said excitedly:

According to conservative estimates, at the current pace, logistics and transportation alone are enough for the chamber of commerce to earn the arrears of dock rent within ten days!

Yes, this is all thanks to Mr. Zishu!

Mingxi was very grateful for the trust she had chosen to give before. The rewards brought by this trust far exceeded expectations.

This is only the internal logistics and transportation of the entire Jinren Alley, and does not take into account the dock business and shop cooperation sharing.

The situation at the dock is also stable and improving. Miss Su Shang, who seems to be acting fickle on the outside, has no mistakes in her work after Zi Shu's guidance.

The planning of many items' transportation methods is similar to the planning of logistics routes. Just looking at it makes people shiver. However, in fact, we have not encountered any emergencies and are as stable as an old dog.

Everyone has what they need, it's not worth a cent. Zi Shu stood up, Now that a new batch of transport aircraft has arrived, it's time for us to set off, Xing, let's go.

Wait a minute, everyone, is today's lunch the same as usual?

As usual. Xing waved his hand behind him.

Mingxi agreed, then looked at Lian Yan with questioning eyes.

Everyone has what they need?

Neither the gentleman nor the lady seemed to have asked for anything in return...

The two of them didn't know that what Zishu needed was a different kind of foundation, and as a bonus, Aha's reward...

You only need to help the revival of Jinren Lane to get it. There is no need to fight and kill, it is as simple as using your hands. Why not do it?

Speaking of fun, it is true that you can also gain some fun by the way.

Aha's joyful powers to Zishu are all of the pleasure-seeking type, and the subtle influence they bring will cause him to occasionally want to do something for fun.

The subconscious mind can suppress things that have no lower limit and are too outrageous. However, it is not possible for some small fun. You may not even realize it before making it because it is at an insignificant level.

It's embarrassing to say that it's like watching Qingqiao being caught by Fu Xuan while trying to fish, and then just watching OMO and doing nothing...

Xiaole is also happy, and can even be used to refute Aha's criticism of his lack of performance.

Steamed buns, who stipulates that for fun people to have fun, it must be an earth-shattering event?

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