Su Shang came back to her senses and recognized this man who had left a deep impression on her by punching the devil's body to death in front of the judges of the Ten Kings.

How come someone comes out to hunt for rats again?

Scott felt that he couldn't bear it any longer, and he slapped his forehead with a speechless expression.

It shows that even dogs can't stand the behavior of rats, let alone humans. Zi Shu raised the corner of his mouth.

You Xianzhou people are really friendly, supportive and loving to each other...

Sorry, did I say that I must be a fairy boat person?

Then what do you have to do here? Get out of the way! Scott squinted at Zi Shu, arrogantly. 「」

The rats are biting people. Isn't it right to help people fight the rats?

Zi Shu crossed his arms across his chest and said with a smile:

You said that if the Chamber of Commerce can exchange for rent, it will bow its head and apologize in front of everyone and imitate the barking of a dog. Are you serious?

Is that still false? Scott looked like an idiot and said loudly: If they can return the favor, I will immediately kneel down and apologize, barking like a dog, and then climb twice along the Golden Man Alley. Are you satisfied?

sounds good.

Ha, if you still can't, you and this wild girl will have to apologize to me in front of your father and fellow villagers, and imitate the barking of dogs in front of me. Of course -

Scott's voice changed:

I am a kindhearted person, so I don't need you to kneel down and crawl around the Golden Man Alley twice.

Su Shang originally wanted to grit her teeth and accept, but she didn't expect Zi Shu to intervene and immediately gave up her original idea.

She didn't want to implicate innocent people.

Promise him! Xing's voice sounded from the crowd.

Bai Lu was completely speechless, You really don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement...

We will know if Zishu is there as soon as he makes a move. Anyway, he will definitely not be the one who becomes lively.

Xing showed an intriguing expression. Her trust in Zi Shu was absolutely 100%.

Su Shang was not carried away by the blood. Instead, she calmed down, took two steps forward and approached Zi Shu and whispered:

Mr. Foreigner, the other party is from the company. It's better not to get involved. We don't want to implicate you.

I have some friendship with your leader, don't worry, he will take care of anything. Zi Shu said with a smile.

Jing Yuan, who was sleepy, sneezed unexpectedly, scaring away the little sparrow sitting on his shoulder.


Su Shang's brain circuit shut down for a moment, and she couldn't decide which one he was talking about.

You know, there are quite a few leaders in the Yunqi Army.

She didn't think of Jing Yuan, let alone Marshal Hua, her little face was still full of hesitation.

What? I thought you were so capable, and now you're giving up? Scott tsked and taunted.

Oh, I agreed to the bet. Zi Shu smiled faintly, I hope you won't break your promise, otherwise...

Ouch, you are a foreigner, are you qualified to make decisions for others, wild girl, I want you to say it yourself. Scott sneered.

I...Okay! Just bet! But...

Su Chang turned her head and glanced at Zishu. Just when she was about to continue, her eyes widened and she found that her little mouth had moved without permission and said what she didn't want to say.

But the maximum period is ten days. That's okay. Ten days is nothing to you short-lived species.

Oh? Ten more days?

Scott laughed out loud and waved his hand, Don't say ten days, I'll give you a month. If Jinren Lane can improve its operations during this period and repay the dock rent, I will lose!

Okay! It's a deal!

Ha, everyone has heard it. I'm just waiting. Jie Jie Jie Jie, let's go!

Scott waved his hands and left, seemingly in a very good mood.

When Scott's back completely disappeared, Su Chang, who had been holding back for a long time, found that she was finally free to speak. She turned around and looked at Zi Shu with an apologetic face.

I'm sorry, Mr. Foreigner, I...I don't know my own mouth either...

My name is Zishu, not Mr. Foreigner. Zishu smiled slightly, naturally not saying that he had just used puppetry on Su Chang.

This girl is too upright. She considers others and neglects herself in everything. It is useless to persuade her.

I...hey, Mr. Zishu, just don't come here until then. Anyway, you are not from Xianzhou and have nothing to do with this matter. That guy can't do anything to you.

Zi Shu laughed and shook his head, That won't work. I still have to watch that guy imitate a dog's barking.

Ming Xi, who was next to her, was full of apologies and sighed: Mr. Zishu, little girl Sushang, this kind of bet will do you no good at all. It's us who have caused you trouble.

Su Shang: That domineering guy makes me feel uncomfortable just looking at him. He should do something. I can't do it if I just stand by and watch, but...

It's nothing good. Just like you, I'm unhappy with that guy. Zi Shu interrupted her.

Xing walked forward at this moment, stood up on his tiptoes slightly, hugged Zishu's shoulders and said with a smile:

Originally, I wanted to beat that guy up, but now... don't worry, we are the righteous people of the Galaxy and there is no way that guy can win.

286. The savior who can save you is here

Mingxi: How can we not know the good intentions of these people, but...

Just don't, I know what you want to say.

Zi Shu interrupted her and said bluntly: Su Shang has been implicated, and we are also involved. At the moment, it is better to avoid unnecessary polite words and talk about business.

Everyone in Mingxi: ...

So, has the rent really not been paid yet at the dock? Bai Lu asked a question that was almost unasked.

Sigh... Judging from the current situation, Jinren Lane Wharf is not operating well and the rent cannot be paid for the time being. Just by renting this port, the Chamber of Commerce has already owed a huge debt to the company.

Mingxi sighed and said honestly:

The snack business is quite busy, but other businesses, including the operation of the terminal, are stretched to the point of being stretched.

Su Shang: If we improve the situation, wouldn't we be able to make money, and then we could pay off the debt?

That said, in fact, currently increasing revenue and reducing expenditure can increase the revenue of the terminal. The problem is that it is difficult to increase revenue. Many Jinren Lane shops refuse to cooperate with the freight terminal... Mingxi said.

What about throttling? Su Chang paused suddenly and asked in confusion: What is throttling?

Reducing costs means reducing costs. As you can see, the terminals are not all open now, and the workers...

As soon as these words came out, the workers at the rear who were already in a bad mood suddenly became anxious.

Hey, hey, your chamber of commerce, don't even think about laying off people!

...Don't worry, I don't want to lay off people. The efficiency of sending orders is too low now. If we can improve this aspect, we will definitely save costs. The person in charge of transportation route planning...

Xing: Can't you just finish what you have to say? I'm worried for Su Shang.

The person in charge fell into the devil during the Jianmu recovery disaster...

Ah this...

Everyone fell silent.

Well, this is a universal explanation. It has the same effect as he has snake spirit disease, so he kills people or something. It is even more irritating than snake spirit disease.

Normally speaking, re-planning the route won't save much, right?

Xingzhi had a pessimistic view and turned his head to look at Zishu. Seeing that his expression was like a rippleless lake, he couldn't help but smile.

As expected of him, he already thought of a way.

It's better than doing nothing, Xing. After your trip to the Scale Abyss Realm, I think you are very good at using your brain, probably better than Su Chang. How about you give it a try?

Bai Lu didn't care that saying this would make Su Chang embarrassed.

From her observation, the little girl Su Shang has the passion and sense of justice of a young person, but there is too much clear beauty in her eyes, and she is prone to suffer the consequences of being uneducated.

Xing O_o said: Where did you diagnose that I have a brain? If you let me try it, there is a high probability that I will die. At that time, you will lose my free meal ticket.

Uh haha... What if it works out on the bright side? Our future consumption in Jinren Alley might be fully covered by the Chamber of Commerce.

Come on, the savior who can truly save you is here.

Xingfeng came to Zi Shu's side and bowed slightly at the waist, making an introduction gesture with his hands.

How dare he agree to that company's... er, company's what, prepare to bark like a dog?

…His name is Scott.

Oh, if Zi Shu dares to agree to that, Scott must know it well. Why don't you listen to his thoughts.

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on him, Zi Shu didn't waste any time and went straight to the point:

The premise of my help is that your chamber of commerce dares to trust me and hand over the internal core freight planning, store operation planning, logistics planning and other information to me for review.


Xing: Think about it, now there is no turning back for everyone, including your Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce, if you continue to stick to the rules-

Okay! Mingxi gritted her teeth, I will get this done! Everyone, let's talk as we go and add some information to you.

Not long into the conversation, Zi Shu directly extracted the most fundamental cause of the conflict.

In other words, the company wants to build this place into a large-scale logistics transfer warehouse, completely abandon the snack shops, goods shops and other self-employed businesses, and force them to move out of Jinren Lane, right?


Mingxi's face was full of surprise and she glanced at Zishu again.

No wonder you dare to agree to bet with people in the company, you have something to gain...

Bai Lu's focus was relatively simple. She widened her eyes and said, Abandoning the self-employed does not mean that Jinren Lane is going to disappear?

Correct. Zishu nodded, Even if the land here is still there, the characteristics of Jinren Alley, the tourists, and people's memories of its prosperity will become history, or even cease to exist.

Hearing these unabashed words, Ming Xi felt a growing sense of crisis in her heart, and even her steps quickened a lot.

After waiting for some time, Zi Shu got the information he wanted and leaned aside to read it casually.

Xing came over to take a look, and within two minutes he couldn't help but scratch his head.

My head feels so itchy, I feel like my brain is about to grow.

Su Chang couldn't help but came forward curiously, but when she saw the dense words, her eyes immediately became dizzy.

She was confused and could not see this.

Your Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce has been tricked by people from the company. Zi Shu suddenly pointed to the logistics record.

Mingxi was stunned, What do you mean...

The previous farce was deliberately caused by people from the company, in order to spread the news that they were planning to take over Jinren Lane in a high-profile way.

Zi Shu said categorically:

You don't need to ask to know that the company has most likely promised many shops in Jinren Alley that it will provide preferential policies after taking over Jinren Alley, and hinted that they should not use the Chamber of Commerce's terminal logistics, thereby squeezing all the opportunities for the Chamber of Commerce to turn around. possibility.

Mingxi: ...

The loss caused by the Chamber of Commerce's failure to pay the dock rent will be trivial. The seeds of dishonesty will be imprinted in the hearts of all individual shops. To put it bluntly, the Chamber of Commerce and others will exist in name only.

Without the Chamber of Commerce, the company will have no competitors in Jinren Alley. At that time, the company will have the final say on what the land in Jinren Alley is used for;

After a period of time, you can find any reason to drive out unnecessary self-employed people. For capitalists, this is just a convenient method.

Having said this, Zi Shu looked away from the information and looked at Ming Xi with a smile.

Is what I said right?

...Can't refute.

Su Shang said in disbelief: You actually set up a trap for the shop in advance. That guy is so despicable?

If you don't do it for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth. Being mean is a way to climb up. Shopping malls are like battlefields. Only the winner deserves to write the ending. Miss Sushang, there is something I want to say to you.

Well, you say.

Don't believe a word of what Scott says next. Also, the other party doesn't treat you as a human being, and you don't need to treat the other party as a human being. This is Xianzhou, the force that pursues the hunting lan;

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