Aunt Gao got three more cans of soda bean juice. She didn't see what happened before.

Hey! Bean juice? Uh, no need for this...

It's okay, it's okay. Lady Longnu treated me for a minor injury for free last time. I haven't thanked you yet. You three, sit down quickly. I'll give you several portions of all types of snacks!

Facing the enthusiastic Aunt Gao, Bai Lu twitched the corner of her mouth, unable to bear to brush off her kindness.

Two quarters of an hour passed.

Bai Lu touched her belly with satisfaction and let out a long sigh of relief.

I also said that I would fill my stomach first, but I ended up being full at the food stall... Can your stomach still support the next arrangement, although I don't recommend that you do this...

I can't move anymore. I can't stand Aunt Gao's enthusiasm... burp——

Xing didn't want to burp in front of Zi Shu, but he couldn't help it.

Well, why don't Shang Ziwei go? Let's go shopping in Jinren Alley for digestion. I can also go to Qingwanzhai in front to buy some medicine jars. Bai Lu suggested.


Before leaving, Zi Shu left a note on the table.

It's not a good thing to eat for free. Even if Aunt Gao said she didn't want money, it wasn't for his and Xing's sake.

After buying what Bai Lu wanted, the three of them wandered around the pier without realizing it. They heard noisy discussions and vague quarrels.

The company people seemed to be quarreling with the dock workers. A passerby looked over there.

At the same time, a strong female voice came from the dock.

Speak politely and don't bully others!

Mr. Xing felt that the voice sounded familiar.

...How about we go to the dock first to see what's going on? Bai Lu asked for advice.

Star: “It’s better to do less than to do more.”

If Zi Shu hadn't been there, maybe she would have been happy to join in the fun.

What if someone gets hurt? Let's go -

284. At this time, you should lick with your tongue

PiLi PiLi platform, Ranran live broadcast room.

Huh? This...

Ran Ran went to Zishu as usual to receive the daily blind talisman, and during the conversation, she discovered that there was an additional option.

[The food in Jinren Alley is addictive. I want to go shopping again. Do you want to come with me? I’ll treat you. 】

Can I invite my husband to go with me? Ran Ran was stunned and clicked on the option to enter the conversation.

Zi Shu: ...

Seeing Zi Shu's stunned expression, Xing quickly added.

【forget it…】

[If you have something important to do, forget it. 】

The options here do not affect the follow-up, Ranran thought for a while and clicked the second one.

Zi Shu smiled softly: It's nothing important. If you want me to go with you, then I will go.

[No, just kidding...haha...]

【Think about it! 】

At this time, the barrage encouraged Ran Ran to choose a joke. For the sake of the boss who paid to leave a prominent message, Ran Ran chose one without thinking too much, and then found that she had been fooled.

Zi Shu: Well, I wish you a happy shopping.

After saying this, no matter how he talked to Zi Shu, he would repeat those fixed dialogue options.

What would happen if I choose 'Think about it'? Ran Ran asked.

The words Zi Shuhui will accompany you to participate in the event plot were flashed across the barrage one after another, which made her roll her eyes.

Niang Xipi, these water friends love to cause trouble.

Fortunately, she had a backup account, but it was a pity that the male protagonist chosen for the protagonist would make her feel less immersed.

However, what happened next caught Ran Ran completely dumbfounded.

Why is there no option just now in Dialogue Book?

Shuiyou reminded her that she didn’t accept the Golden Man Alley activity task, but after she accepted it, she talked to Zishu again, but she still didn’t receive it.

When she was scratching her head, Ranran found out that March 7th was on the train, and she couldn't help but be startled.

You should know that March 7 and Dan Heng will not stay in the observation car permanently. Apart from Pam, the only train group members that can be seen in the observation car are Zi Shu, Ji Zi and Walter.

Thinking of some possibility, Ranran ran over to talk to March 7th, and sure enough, she found the option of inviting her to Jinren Alley.

nyaaaa - I don't want to date the sales girl, I want to date my husband! Who asked me to choose one just now? I'll be beaten for being stupid!

A bunch of people stood up and admitted that Ran Ran was completely helpless.

Unexpectedly, the screenwriter made a distinction between the male and female protagonists.

I had no choice but to activate my backup plan: borrow a water friend account.

In the scene about drinking soda and bean juice at the food stall, the heroine in the static picture sprayed all over Zishu, which made the familiar anchor of the live broadcast room return.

Are you licking the gods and demons? You should lick it with your tongue at this time. How can anyone use the hem of their clothes to wipe their husband's body?

My special meow transformed into a double-tongued licking demon and made my dear prprprprpr wet. Then we went to take a bath together, and then took off him... Hey, hey hey hey...

8 Okay, just thinking about that sexy scene makes me lose weight again. I'm so stupid and have poor endurance. The flood is flooding down there again...

[You are right, but if the adoptive father comes down with a water-cleansing talisman, nothing will happen. 】

[Xiatou anchor show show way! 】

[Hello, I’m new here. Is the host playing B game? 】

[Yuyou has already released a CG-faced doi special doi. How can it be this kind of 9+ picture that is not even considered as a borderline? 】

【ah? Are all B-games this big now? 】

[It’s so big, and it’s still shaken and guilty, so I’m asking you whether it’s 6 or not? 】

[Single move is a 9, and the 6 is turned over. 】

[Beng Tie is not a B game. The character ML protagonist, or the Lily selling point is already the limit. If you are looking for that kind of plot, my suggestion is to use the blue or pink small software to find it yourself. 】

[Xinsuo blue and pink small software. 】

After leaving the food stall and heading to the next mission location, most players could immediately tell that the strong female voice was Su Chang's.

There was a sarcastic voice in his voice: Hey, where did you come from, a wild girl? What does it have to do with you here?

Su Shang: As a Yunqi, there is no reason for me to just sit idly by and do nothing when there is a conflict on the pier. Also, my name is not Hey, nor is I a wild girl, my name is Su Shang!

Okay Chu Yuxun. Ran Ran smiled subconsciously.

Walk up and trigger a conversation.

A person who looked like the secretary of the Chamber of Commerce: Girl, let us, the Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce, handle this matter.

Are you... from the Chamber of Commerce? Su Chang was startled.

You guys are going to handle it? The company's sales representative stared wide-eyed, and then said with a pinched voice, It's really hilarious!

Good guy, this yin and yang dubbing is so expressive, it made my fists harden.

Company salesperson representative: There are many people watching here. Who doesn't know that the Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce is poorly managed and incompetent? Now that the rent of the pier is in arrears, who do you think is to blame?

——This is all your fault, Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce!

Mingxi's face darkened and she whispered, ...I don't deny this.

Then speak louder and say, 'Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce is sorry for the shops here and messed up the dock. The people of Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce are all trash!

The company's business representative raised his voice and his tone was full of sarcasm.

Then, kowtow loudly to me for the date of rent arrears and apologize to me on behalf of the company!

The dubbing was too real, and Ran Ran felt that her blood pressure had begun to rise.

Fuck, you're so aggressive and have a bright blood bar. It's up to you to see if I do it or not.

Xing's eyebrows twisted into a small Chinese character, That guy's words were too unpleasant.

Le, let's fight, let's fight!

Zishu couldn't stand Aha's noisy talk on his shoulders, so he had to put forward a bad idea to prevaricate.

Why don't you go up and beat us up first? Since we are foreigners, the people in the company can't take advantage of the situation. Besides, Lady Dragon is here and she is good at treating the injured.

Xing's eyes brightened slightly, and he raised his sleeves with his arms, I think it's okay...


Bai Lu was startled and quickly grabbed the hems of their clothes.

Aren't the three of us here to watch the crowd, and we have to try to prevent anyone from getting hurt before we come here. What does it mean for you to go up and beat someone up?

Xing: We may start a fight even if we don't take action. Either the Xianzhou people are injured or the corporate capitalists are injured. You choose one.

This... Bai Lu's little face became tangled.

Su Shang's willow eyebrows stood up, she put her hands on her hips and said indignantly:

Hey, your attitude is too arrogant. Can't we discuss the rent arrears?

Scott sighed and shook his head, and his tone softened:

I'm not bullying anyone. I'm just giving you a friendly reminder. Can the company recover the rent?

...Not now. Mingxi looked embarrassed.

The company has transferred the management rights of this terminal to your chamber of commerce, and hopes that Jinren Lane will prosper from now on... Look at it now, such a good cargo terminal has been wasted!

Scott's body movements were exaggerated, looking distressed.

285. I can’t even stand dogs, let alone people.

Who said the Chamber of Commerce will definitely pay back the debt? What if... what if it can be paid back? Su Shang raised her neck.

Ouch, I can't even think about it. Scott put away the weird look on his face and spread his hands, Let's do this -

Let's make a bet. If the Chamber of Commerce can pay back the company's rent, I will bow my head and apologize in front of the folks in Jinren Lane...

I want to say it loud and clear, I am a blind idiot! I don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, I only know how to bark! Then I can only bark like a dog in front of you, how about that?

Su Chang hesitated for a moment after hearing the terms of the bet.

In this moment, Zi Shu looked at the several options that appeared in front of him and couldn't help scolding Aha for making trouble.

Option 1: It is impossible for the Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce to pay back the rent. They will simply stop doing it and kill people to silence them. Kill everyone in the company responsible for the Jinren Lane commercial project and reward the avatar: Gate of Heaven: You can change the target to into a book, read all the information about the target on the page, and control its body movements.

Option 2: The little girl in plain clothes who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth must be educated. Secretly sabotage the execution of the Golden Man Lane revival plan. Reward: Slaanesh Whip: The target who is whipped by this whip will have a certain probability of becoming yours. Exclusively for little Guaiguai, the more a person has a strong sense of justice, the higher the probability.

Option three: As a passing messenger of joy, it would be no fun to make things lose suspense. Get involved personally and witness the person who loses the bet accept the punishment. The reward skill is: Tianxing (2-life version).

Okay, okay, you really want to see him ruin the plot or make a fool of yourself, right?

I won’t talk about the first two, but the third option doesn’t say who must win, as long as someone carries out the punishment for losing the bet, it’s something Aha can do.

Want to see him bark like a dog?

Not to mention there are no doors or windows.

Zi Shu squeezed through the crowd and stepped forward under the suspicious gazes of the two stars.

Suddenly, a man with an appearance and temperament that made the women around him lose their minds came up, and the tense atmosphere involuntarily froze for a moment.

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