
Bai Lu reacted belatedly, took half a step back cautiously, and stared at Huan Xi warily.

Her explanation was too pale.

Recalling the previous encounters and even the details of the assassination before the ferry, Bai Lu's pupils trembled, and some kind of answer came out from the bottom of his heart.

The assassin’s main target——

Maybe it was never Dan Heng...


Huan Xi sighed, shook his head helplessly and said:

Nothing happened to the three of you from the beginning to the end. Then I, as a maid, have failed in my duty...

Have you finally stopped pretending? Xing didn't waste any more words and took out the bat.

Guns are good at long range, cold weapons are good at close range.

So, the elders sent you to eliminate the unqualified Dragon Lord? Dan Heng said calmly after his previous guess was confirmed.

Hmph... This matter is just my own opinion, so how could it be the intention of the dragon masters?

Huan Xi stretched out his index finger and shook it.

Looking at me personally, the Vidyadhara clan only needs one Dragon Lord. The one who is weak and useless and who steals the throne should be removed.

Violent folds appeared in the surrounding space, and figures hiding in the void stepped out, with sharp blades in their hands that pierced the bones, surrounding the three people.

Roughly speaking, there are more than twenty people, most of whom are in the demonic state.

From these people, Xing felt a familiar aura——

The secret biography of the King of Medicine.

Unexpectedly, there are still remnants of this organization, and they are even mixed with the Vidyadhara clan.

Miss Bai Lu, the bond between master and servant ends here. Goodbye. Huanxi suddenly made a gesture.

The faces of the three stars darkened, and they were about to strike first, but the assassins around them did not make any move.

Dan Heng frowned slightly, but Xing didn't care so much. The blue light of the bat in his hand flashed, and he flashed his body and used the stick to knock the two assassins more than ten meters away as if they were balls.

When I was looking for my next target, I realized that the guys jumping out of space were as motionless as sculptures.


Facing Huanxi's puzzled gaze, Xing remembered the person who contacted him not long ago, a flash of light flashed across his head and he blurted out: Is it you, Zishu?!

Really quick response.

A clear voice came from a high place. Everyone looked up and saw a figure standing at the highest point of the ruined wall.

The white hair and clothes are fluttering, like a banished immortal, and the calm smile on his face slightly dilutes the otherworldly atmosphere, making him more approachable.

Xing was pleasantly surprised, It's really you!

Zi Shu stepped forward and appeared in front of Xing. With a snap of his fingers, the assassins around him fell to the ground uniformly.

In an instant, all the accomplices lost their ability to fight, and Huanxi seemed to have fallen from heaven to hell.

Although she had no idea based on her vision and identity, Zi Shu was an envoy-level figure that the entire Xianzhou Alliance did not dare to despise, but she could tell that this person was extremely powerful.

Thoughts flowed like lightning, Huanxi tried her best to attack Bai Lu, hoping to catch everyone off guard, but before she could make her move, several Bagua Spirit Stones appeared at an unknown time to form a large formation, depriving her of her gravity control.

What sorcery?! Let me go!

...Stop screaming, you're just like a bitch who has to get lunch if he doesn't survive half the episode. Zi Shu said lightly.

With one word to clear up the panic, Huanxi gradually understood that the situation was over, and laughed at himself: What a pity...hehehe...

It's nothing to regret. You don't think that no one knows about the little tricks of the dragon masters. Even if the person standing here today is not me, there will be another ruthless character waiting for you.

Zi Shu raised his hands and said calmly:

I really don't know if those so-called Dragon Masters are really stupid or are they driven by power and are attacking the Dragon Lord, fearing that the unforgivable crime of killing their clan members will not fall on them?

It is not easy for foreigners to interfere in Ming's internal affairs, that's just because the crime is not serious enough.

When Dan Feng created such a big problem, was it difficult for the Ten Kings to intervene?


Furthermore, attacking the Dragon Lord would also destroy what little prestige they had left.

The whole thing was planned by me alone, don't try to frame it at will...

Huanxi simply stopped struggling and took the pot with a resigned expression like a dead pig not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

You're right. The reward will be included in the trial package of Judge Siyou of the Ten Kings. It's a one-stop service that guarantees your satisfaction.

No! Huan Xi said in horror: I would rather die than go there!

It's not up to you.

If he died like this, wouldn't the subplot he entered be very boring?

As soon as Zi Shu finished speaking, Huan Xi rolled his eyes and foamed at the mouth, seemingly committing suicide.

Really, it's not up to you.

Not to mention that he is the messenger of fertility, not to mention the power of perfection, the power of cause and effect alone is enough to drink a pot of Huanxi.

As a result, Huanxi died twelve times.

When I woke up again for the thirteenth time, the severe pain that penetrated my body and bone marrow was not worth the mental torture.

Alive again...

This white-haired man, this white-haired man——

The Eight Formation Diagrams were withdrawn, and Huan Xi fell to his knees slumped on the ground, looking like he had completely given up on struggling.

Zi Shu looked indifferent, restrained him with a wave of his hand, and put him and the rest of the people on the ground into the prison space inside the judge's token.

Xing put away the bat and said with a bright smile: As expected of you.

However, Bai Lu couldn't laugh anymore, and her face was filled with sadness.

Well, I know that in the eyes of the elders, I have always been a redundant existence, a pseudo-dragon that failed to inherit the power of the Dragon Lord. It was not until today that I confirmed that they did not hesitate to use such means in order to expel me.

Luofu has lost the Dragon Master for too long, and the Dragon Masters are reluctant to bear the power of the sky. However, hereditary rules are here. Regardless of whether you have the Dragon Master inheritance or not, the title is a deterrent.

After casually touching Bai Lu's head, Zi Shu said softly:

Only when you die will the shock completely disappear. At that time, the entire Luofu Vidyadhara will be in charge of the Dragon Master.

Bai Lu sighed worriedly, not knowing what to say.

Not all the people in the Mingzhu clan are like Dragon Masters. Go find General Jingyuan. With his temper towards..., he will definitely care about your safety.

Thank you, Mr. Wuming Kezishu. Bai Lu cheered up and managed a smile, Thank you for your trouble.

Everyone has what he needs, no need to be polite.

Bai Lu didn't understand what he wanted to say, so she turned to look at Dan Heng, Mr. Dan Heng, I also want to talk to you about Vidyadhara and the power of Dragon Lord...

Go ahead and wait for them. There won't be any danger here.

Zi Shu patted Xing's shoulder, and the latter nodded obediently and followed.

Dan Heng and Bai Lu didn't chat for too long and soon left this palace ruins full of history and complicated battles.

Near the ferry, Jing Yuan opened his eyes and looked at Zi Shu and the other four, nodding slightly.

General? Why are you in the Danding Division? Bai Lu said in surprise: Hasn't your injury been healed?

The physical injuries are almost healed, but - Jing Yuan chuckled: Luofu's injuries are not yet serious, so I am here.

280.When did you become a woman?

Zi Shu understood the meaning of Jing Yuan's words and nodded secretly.

No matter how the Star Core Hunters used their methods, I am very grateful to them for putting Luofu and the train group on the line. You are indeed Luofu's nobles, helping Luofu solve one trouble after another.

Jing Yuan said sincerely:

Now, the troublesome issue of power struggle within the Vidyadhara clan finally has a reason to intervene and solve it, and the help of the train group is still indispensable.

...I didn't help much. Dan Heng said calmly.

Jing Yuan smiled and didn't say anything more in this regard. After all, Bai Lu's changes couldn't be deceiving.

Hahaha, I know how much I've helped you. I'll be a host in two days and invite everyone in the train group to show your respect.

General, treat me to a treat? Then I won't do it. Xing Shuang raised his eyebrows slightly, You will also come, Zi Shu, right?

That's natural.

Two days later.

The group of people ate and drank enough and left Shang Ziwei with satisfaction.

Not to mention, although the stores here are not as luxurious as those in Xingchahai and Changletian, the taste is very down-to-earth, which is perfect for our taste!

March 7 touched Xiaogu's belly and praised with satisfaction:

I didn't expect that General Jingyuan, who is in a high position, would know about these authentic folk food restaurants.

The store is good, but there are too few people in this area, and it is a bit out of place with the bustling area of ​​Xianzhou. It's really weird... Ji Zi said softly.

It's strange. The location is obviously not remote, but it is so desolate. Walter pushed up his glasses habitually.

Ah, are you bleak? March 7 was stunned.

She turned back to look at the night-lit streets, wondering how many pedestrians there were.

It is indeed desolate. According to some locals, Jinren Alley used to be the first night market in Luofu, but now for some reason the number of people has dropped several times. Zi Shu said the information he learned.

Maybe there's something wrong with the business methods... right? Xing guessed uncertainly.

Who knows, these are not things we should worry about. Jizi put on her coat, I'm going back to the train first, what about you?

March 7: I'll go back too. I've been traveling and sightseeing in Luofu for a while, and I miss my big bed so much.

How do you steal my lines?

Hey? Why did we steal your lines...You mean you're going back to the train too?

Otherwise? I know you tend to have nightmares when you sleep, and you need a good sister to coax you to sleep.

Hey, it's okay sister, is it just you?

The two girls bit each other's ears and laughed, and the atmosphere was harmonious. A soft color flashed across Jizi's elegant and beautiful face, and she looked at Zishu.

As for you, even though Pam doesn't have much communication with you, she actually misses you a lot. It happened to be his rest time before you returned to the train. Do you want to go back first?

Yeah. Zi Shu agreed.

The last time the train crew returned to the train together was the day the trip to Yaliluo ended.

Pam was very happy and wanted to entertain everyone with a big table of delicious food.

But everyone just came back after eating, so they had to give up and make up for it with a rich breakfast the next day.

No matter how much fun we had on the Luofu, when we returned to the train, the feeling of being at home came to my heart, full of warmth.

Zi Shu didn't expect that Xing and March Qi would read a novel together.

And... I still see the domineering Lan falling in love with the delicate pharmacist.

Why does the author know so much, my dear... There are not even a single sentimental word in the tens of thousands of words, but the story of falling in love and killing each other is still written vividly and full of ambiguity.

Well, although I'm not very interested in this subject matter, the writing style is really great.

Xing affirmed, and when he saw the author's pen name, he suddenly became curious and turned to look at the man tinkering with the talismans not far away.

Zishu, the pen name of the author of this Xianzhou novel is Aha 414. Do you know the lady who wrote it?


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