Little sister?

The pattern of the talisman was crooked and scrapped. Zi Shu didn't feel bad that the material was destroyed, but he was a little speechless.

...I don't know. How do you know the author of that novel is a woman?

Because I haven't seen any male authors writing about erotic themes in Xianzhou. Even though the Star Gods cannot assume gender, in this work, the author made the two protagonists male. Xing said.

March 7: Actually, there is nothing wrong with doing this. There happens to be records of the statues of Lan and Yaoshi on the immortal boat, and there is no injunction that the statues will explode if they look at them. Everyone knows that the two star gods look more like men. .”

Xing: I have been to the largest book store in Changletian, and I have seen two of the top three authors on the sales list doing book signings, but I did not see this teacher Aha 414, which is quite mysterious.

Would you like Zishu to help me with a hexagram?

That's it. How unethical is it to let Zi Shu peek into people's privacy when they don't show up and show off that they want to be behind the scenes?

Xing Wu said: Besides, it would be so embarrassing to let the mighty Star God's envoy do this, even if it's the strangest and most inexplicable envoy of joy.

Uh hehe... I just said it casually. I didn't really want Zi Shu to do that... March 7 laughed.

Zi Shu punched the mask on his shoulder without leaving any trace.

If you want me to serialize the book, just be honest.

I'm ordering you to rest assured, sir. Aha, just now, I definitely didn't want to tell them that you are the author of this novel.

Zi Zhi's expression was expressionless, It's best that you don't.

As the most honest and sincere star god in the universe, how could Aha lie to others? I never do anything like that, especially when it comes to the fun process of bringing together arch-rivals. It is even more impossible to lie to others~~

Stop talking nonsense, when did you become a woman? Zi Shu said quietly.


Aha seemed stunned, then smiled and said:

Is Aha's wooden messenger finally coming to his senses? No wonder you don't eat foxes or cheap apprentices, and you don't guard yourself. Feelings are like porridge, Aha?

If it's Mr. Lingshi... That's okay... Aha is so proud~~ Do you want to change here? I'm shy~~

...彳亍, go to my room.

Ten minutes later, Zi Shu walked back to the observation car feeling refreshed.

I never thought that Jinfu's skills would be so easy to use and so smooth.

No matter whether the extra damage takes effect or not, it is enough to flatten him with what Aha gave him.

Come here, Zi Shu, there is a mysterious letter here! March 7th waved to him.


Who still uses such old-fashioned contact information...

However, Zi Shu's eyes narrowed slightly the next second, thinking that this letter was probably sent without Pam noticing.

Then, there is something weird.

It's in the Xianzhou text. Xing handed the letter to Zi Shu, The content seems to be for Dan Heng.

[I heard that you have returned to your hometown, and I must have rekindled old memories. According to the long-lasting promise, we will revisit our hometown and relive the past events together. ]

It doesn't seem like it, or it's for Dan Heng. A figure flashed in Zi Shu's mind, And I know who is looking for him.

281. Wouldn’t a master-disciple relationship be better?

In the corridor of the guest room, Xing lightly knocked on the door of the think tank, received a response, and Zi Shu opened the door and walked in.

What's wrong? Seeing Zishu and Xing come to see him, Dan Heng asked in confusion: What do you want from me?

I received a letter that appeared on the train at an unknown time. Someone invited you to revisit your old place. Xing took out the letter.


Dan Heng glanced at the content and shook his head.

There is no signature, and there is no time and place for the meeting. It seems that the sender thought that I would remember these things. Obviously, I let the other party down.

Xing glanced at Zishu, remembered what he had said to him before, and guessed: Is it possible that it is a blade?

The handwriting of this letter has the style of a swordsman, but the man wants to be direct, and the way of invitation is also sharp and ruthless. The roundabout way is not like his style. Dan Heng denied.

Jingliu, do you remember this name? Zi Shu said softly.


Dan Heng's eyes were frozen, and he was silent for a long time before he touched his chin and said in a low voice:

Letter to me, it concerns Dan Feng's past, I must treat it with caution.

If you encounter trouble that is difficult to solve, remember to contact everyone.

After saying that, Zi Shu patted Xing's shoulder and signaled her to leave, leaving Dan Heng's private space.

Walking around the corner of the guest room, Xing couldn't help but ask: Is he the person you met at Liuyundu? Dan Heng's former friend? His lover, or... his enemy?

Except for my lover, everything you said may be possible. I don't know much. If you are interested, I will tell you.

Although it's not polite to gossip about Danheng's past, but...

But you're really curious, aren't you?

You still understand me.

Have you ever heard of Wuxiao on the Cloud?

It seems a little bit impressive.

General Jing Yuan was one of the great heroes in Luofu a hundred years ago, as was Dan Heng's previous life Dan Feng. Zi Shu said meaningfully.

I understand, Jingliu was once one of the Five Heroes on the Cloud. Later, due to certain things, the team fell apart. The former partners turned against each other or went their separate ways...

Xing played a lot of games and read a lot of novels on weekdays, and he immediately imagined a few bloody plots.

The general is so old and has not yet been married. Is it possible that Bai Yueguang in his heart is Jingliu, and Jingliu doesn't like the general, but has someone else in his heart, and the person she likes doesn't like her...

Listening to the messy relationship network, Zi Shu's eyes twitched slightly and he looked at Xing with a strange expression.

The book he wrote about the domineering Lan falling in love with the delicate pharmacist does not have such a messy relationship. In other words, it is not a relationship learning method learned from his works...

Uh... am I wrong?

Noticing Zi Shu's strange look, Xing tilted the back of his head in embarrassment.

I have met Jingliu, and I have also sparred with General Jingyuan's apprentice Yanqing. Based on this, I have come to the conclusion that the swordsmanship of Jingliu and Yanqing comes from the same source. What did you think of?

Ah this... Xing was not stupid and said in astonishment: You mean... Jingliu is General Jingyuan's master?

There is no irrefutable proof, and the general has not told me too much about Yun Shang Wu Xiao's past, but it is still close to ten.

Zi Shu said firmly: After all, most of Yanqing's swordsmanship was taught by General Jingyuan, and didn't you pick up the jade omen recorded by Yanqing and didn't you take it to the general?

Moreover, when Jingliu was at Liuyundu, the indifferent and ruthless temperament on his body became much lighter after seeing Yanqing draw his sword, and he obviously cared about the latter.

The subsequent public test actually served as a guide and confirmed his guess.

There are so many things that I have forgotten. By the way, wouldn't that kind of relationship be even better? A master-disciple relationship or something like that... Xing's eyes lit up, and an aunt's smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Zi Shu was speechless for a moment.

Damn it, children, don’t be poisoned by the dazzling array of ‘liberal’ literature on the fairy boat...

...In short, we don't need to worry too much about this matter. Dan Heng has already walked out of the past. Even if his body is left with an endless legacy, I believe he can handle the things left over from the past.

Well, how about we continue to visit Jinren Alley tomorrow night. There are a wide variety of delicious food there. If we have the opportunity, we can also investigate the reason for the lack of tourists. Just think of it as finding something to do.

Xing asked Zi Shu for his opinion, feeling a little nervous inside.

She hasn't invited anyone to the downtown area yet, not even her good sister March 7th.

If you have something important, forget it.

It's nothing important, so go ahead. After all, this is also a kind of pioneering. Zi Shu smiled.

Even if there is no main line and no popularity now, is there any guarantee that it will be possible to enter the side line?

The sub-line will enter players' vision in future versions. No matter how future it is, at least it won't be delayed all the time.

Therefore, he had no reason to refuse Xing's invitation.

Early the next day.

Zi Shu first contacted Xue Yi and handed over the guys caught in Linyuan to her and brought them back to the Ten Kings Division for interrogation.

Upon learning that the case involving the Mingchichi Tribe had made significant progress, almost all the senior officials of the Ten Kings Division had complex expressions on their faces, and they looked at each other speechless.

This fertility envoy helped Luofu solve a difficult case and gave the Ten Kings a reason to intervene in the internal affairs of the Vidyadhara clan.

Those dragon masters who were troublesome in the past now have a chance to control them.

Now do you understand why I said what I said in the first place? The boss glanced at the other nine kings.

The Nine Kings, who usually had a straight face and looked more poker-like than poker-faced, could only smile bitterly in return.

I have a proposal... King Bian Cheng said in surprise, Release the ray of consciousness that Mr. Zishu left in the judge's terminal.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed to varying degrees.

If you do that, you will completely lose the insurance of detecting whether a judge has a different intention, especially a judge who is also the envoy of the Order of Abundance...

I heard that the seal inside Jianmu was made by Mr. Zishu. Jingyuan did not hesitate to promise him a personal favor, which shows his high level of trust.

King Bian Cheng said in a deep voice:

Everyone knows that Mr. Zishu knows very well that he doesn't want to see me. Correspondingly, he doesn't want to see us either, but he can still help solve difficult cases several times;

Sincerity is relative, it's time for us to put aside our prejudices. You and I both know what Jing Yuan and the Marshal think, but we just don't want to believe it easily due to our prejudices;

From the perspective of the two of them, it is indeed beneficial and harmless to have a good relationship with an Envoy of Abundance who is not familiar with plundering and killing.

...What if? King Chakravartin hesitated: After all, it concerns the future of Luofu. If you are not careful, everything will be destroyed...

It is true that we should not get involved in unknown risks, but you must not forget that the Fengfu people of different races are also sworn enemies. To a certain extent, Xianzhou belongs to a branch of the Fenghuo people, right?

The kings were silent.

After a long time passed, the head of the department, King Yama, took a long breath and said calmly: If Zishu attempts to plunder, there will be plenty of opportunities when sealing Jianmu. I don't think Marshal and Jingyuan can stop it, so - release it.

282. Release the signal of friendship

Yujiemen Deck Pier.

Seeing Zishu suddenly stop on the spot, Xing wondered: What's wrong with Zishu?

...Nothing, I just noticed some minor changes. Zi Shu smiled.

To be honest, it was quite unexpected. I didn't expect that the Ten Kings would release the ray of consciousness he had retained.

Releasing consciousness means——

Whether he has any adverse intentions towards Luofu, Luofu can no longer detect.

It's unlikely that Jing Yuan would have enough time to mess with such a dead rule. In this case, he could only be the Ten Kings.

Thinking of this, Zi Shu couldn't help but look at them differently, and his courage was unexpected.

Releasing his consciousness is equivalent to releasing a signal that he wants to be on good terms with him, and giving him a great degree of freedom. The most important thing is to increase trust, and——

Take a big gamble.

But I have to say that Ten Kings made the right bet.

Zishu indeed had no motive to attack Luofu, and now that Luofu had formed an alliance with the train, there was no such reason.

Although the decision of the Ten Kings did not improve his attitude towards the Ten Kings, at least the uncomfortable knot buried in his heart was gone.

Xingcha is coming, let's go, the goal is to be happy~

Xingyanhan looked forward to dispatching a Xingcha, boarded the ship with Zishu and quickly disappeared into the sky.

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