Jing Yuan said that Dan Heng's dragon transformation inheritance was incomplete, and so was Bai Lu's. But now that both of them are here, doesn't it count as a different kind of unification?

Dan Heng inherits the power, while Bai Lu inherits the special power of the Dragon Lord...it seems quite different.

If Zi Shu were here, he would be well-informed and might be able to find the correct answer.

Putting away the thoughts in his mind, Xing flicked his wrist, the bat with the blue light appeared, and turned around slowly.

Hey, it's fun. Bai Lu said excitedly, Dan Heng, please teach me other methods and see if I can think of anything else.

Wait, someone is approaching.

Dan Heng's eyes became wary, he turned around and found that Xing had already taken out his weapon, and he was even more sure that he felt right.

As if he knew he had been discovered, the person approaching in secret appeared, and the figures turned out to be masked people.

Cowardless rats hide their heads and show their tails. Xing casually put the bat on his shoulders, and his words were not without ridicule, Your horses will not give you a shameful and ugly look, right?

As she finished speaking, she keenly noticed that the corners of the seven or eight people's eyes were trembling, and she couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths.

Yellow-haired girl, feel free to be quick with your words. The brothers will cut off your tongue in a dozen pieces in a moment.

Actually, you all look like you are short-lived. It is impossible for you to live that long.

Smelly girl, I'm only 114 years old!

Talent? Looking at you, you are destined to have a rough life. You will be disabled as a young man and have dementia in middle age. It is better to go home and retire as soon as possible. I am afraid that I will be emotionally disturbed if I swing a stick against you, and I will lose interest in men for the rest of my life.


Except for the leader, the rest of the people's faces trembled violently under their masks, and the color of their skin changed visibly to the naked eye.

There are red ones, green ones, black ones, and pig-colored ones.

Gan (expletive from Xianzhou), how could this smelly girl have such a vicious mouth? Her words make people want to pull out her teeth.

Miss, can you please be more polite? The leader said with a confused look, We have tolerated you for a long time...

Xing curled his lips and said something that made Dan Heng look at him with admiration, but his expression was strange.

You were born to be scolded for your virtues. If you don't want to be scolded, just turn left and hit the wall to death.

Invisibly, there seemed to be bursts of green smoke rising from the heads of the assassins.

This is unreasonable and intolerable!

Kill her!

Seeing the group of people rushing towards Xing with murderous intent, Dan Heng felt complicated for a moment, and he swallowed the words he wanted to remind her to protect Bai Lu.

In this situation, who would even look at these two Vidyadharas?

More than ten seconds later——

The leader of the assassin pointed at the star with trembling fingers. He wanted to say something but could no longer speak. He fell backwards and could not get up again.

There were several corpses with holes on the ground, and Dan Heng couldn't help but cover his forehead.

Why is she more like the Messenger of Joy than Zi Shu?

These assassins probably never expected that before they could reach Xing, she suddenly took out a submachine gun and held on to the trigger without letting go.

What's even more unexpected is that the bullets fired from the gun can also turn...

Hmph, a bunch of rabble. Xing blew away the remaining smoke from the gun and raised his eyebrows: Have you never seen the Fairy Boat Renaissance?

He's so weak that he can't even withstand the power of bullets, so he still has the nerve to imitate others in assassination?

Although this gun is not an ordinary item.

...Where did you get this gun? I don't remember that the train was prepared with such a weapon... Dan Heng couldn't help but ask.

The one Zi Shu gave me is called the Ripple Speed ​​Thompson submachine gun. It not only has self-aiming and see-through capabilities, but also has unlimited bullets. It is a must-have for home and travel. Xing put away the submachine gun and smiled.

A reckless man has the style of a reckless man, but now, she just wants to be a beautiful girl who outsmarts her enemies.

To attack people, attack their hearts first. To learn from Zi Shu, you must first crush your enemies with intelligence. If that doesn't work, then use primitive methods.

Seeing the dead eyes of those guys, Xing only felt relieved all over. She glanced at the RPG and Barrett lying quietly in her backpack, wishing she could have some more assassins for her to play with.

278. If it’s open, it must be open?

The mess on the ground did not affect the mood of the three of them. Bai Lu frowned and asked, How did they appear near us without any sound?

Dan Heng peeled off the disguise of the masked man and discovered that there were not only vidyadharas but also human immortals among them.

Perhaps it's a trick to use Yunyin to control water mist and deceive vision. It's the same as when we came here. I'm afraid assassins have already been ambushed here. It seems that some people can't bear my appearance.

Assassins sent by Dragon Master?

Xing fell into deep thought, were these assassins really targeting Dan Heng?

From the eyes of those assassins, she vaguely read something strange, as if the primary target of these guys was not Dan Heng and herself, but Bai Lu.

Is it an illusion, or is this the truth?

Even if they are not, they have received tacit consent. The number of assassins is unknown. For safety reasons, we must leave quickly. Let's go! Dan Heng looked warily.

On the way, the three met a mirage from the past and learned a lot about unknown history.

Through the mirage, we also know why Dan Heng was expelled by Luofu.

He committed such a serious crime but was not put to death. It seems that the general had selfish motives... Bai Lu said in surprise.


Dan Heng didn't say anything. In fact, he didn't know what to say, so he could only change the subject abruptly.

The mirage can be used just right. As long as we collect them and drive the echo to spread, the echo can help us detect the assassin hidden under the water. While looking for the mirage, release the echo and move forward cautiously.

Why don't you use the water to leave by boat? Bai Lu asked curiously.

As mentioned before, we don't know how many dangers are lurking in the ancient sea today. The target of taking the empty route is too big and will be discovered 100% of the time. It is best not to do this kind of thing. The enemy is in the dark and we are in the light, but we still install light bulbs for ourselves to improve The existential thing.”

Dan Heng sensed the fluctuations around him and added: There is no movement nearby. Keep walking. I will alert you to threats in the dark in real time.

Xing suddenly said, ...it seems unnecessary.

Dan Heng looked sideways, What?

I seem to be able to see.

Xing picked up a huge sniper rifle, stared at a location in the distance with his eyes, and put away the sniper rifle the next second.

Sure enough, you can see more clearly with a gun.

Before Dan and Heng could be confused, she took out the gun again.

This gun...

What's wrong with this gun? Bai Lu couldn't wait to ask, Don't show off.

It's nothing. Xing wrote lightly, It's just that I can hit him on the head from eight hundred miles away.

As he spoke, he pulled the bolt of the star frame sniper, aimed at the pale figure in his field of vision, and suddenly pulled the trigger——

The figure in the scope was not unaware, and his reaction speed was extremely fast. Almost as soon as the shot was fired, a thick body of water formed in the path where the bullet must pass.

When a normal bullet enters water, its power will decrease rapidly, and even a sniper rifle will be affected to a great extent.


The hot weapon given to Xing by Zishu was one of the random rewards given by Aha. It was not serious, but it was guaranteed to be useful in certain situations. Yanxi transfer ① group: 250828444

For example, Barrett is now open.

Seeing the assassin being hit in the head by a bullet, Xing's mouth curled up in pleasure.

Steamed buns, have you ever seen a see-through lock?

A small opening does not count as an opening, a small lock does not count as a lock, a small penetration does not count as penetration, ≈——

If it's open, it must be open?

Staring at another location with eyes like those of prey, Xing pulled the bolt again and pulled the trigger. The bullet came out with a loud noise, killing another person.

Dan Heng had excellent eyesight and could roughly see what was happening in the distance, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

It turns out that thermal weapons are not outdated, it’s just that they are not lethal enough...

The longbow built by the Engineering Department can also lock on enemies when launching attacks, but its power is much inferior to the gun in Xing's hand.

A big question mark crossed the Assassin team's internal channel.

That little girl's gun is so evil. How can the ancient toys on display in the museum be so lethal?

Toys are nothing. I saw No. 8's head explode like a big watermelon with my own eyes. If this is a toy, I will eat it!

No. 4, how are you doing there?

Where are you? I heard the reply.

Stop screaming...his head just exploded, I think I have...

What do you want to say? Our second team can't even see where the person is. What's going on with the headshot?

Uh... the guy in front of you also had his head exploded...

An increasingly weird atmosphere has penetrated the team's channels, and some people have begun to feel fear in their hearts, and they can't help but want to withdraw from this assassination operation.

The people participating in the operation are all top-notch experts, and any Yunqi who can take out a team of hundreds of people can be killed.

It's not that Yun Qi is weak, but that the target has the power of the Dragon Lord to protect him. The person responsible for the assassination must be highly skilled. If he fails, it will be an assassination.

But now there is no news from one person after another. Even if the remaining people claim to have seen something, they will be followed within two seconds of speaking.

The situation repeated itself several times, and I couldn't even think about not panicking.

After more than a dozen people lost their voice, reliable news finally came back. The assassins further away learned that their companions had died at the hands of sniper rifles.

Thermal weapons...sniper rifles...ridiculous and far-fetched words.

After receiving the order, withdraw temporarily. The other party seems to be able to easily see through our hiding.

The panicked assassins all breathed a sigh of relief and quickly receded like the tide.

No matter whether Xing was observing through the scope or naked eyes, he couldn't help but feel regretful when he could no longer see half a pale figure wherever he looked.

I'm not happy yet...

Bai Lu was a little ashamed. She could see how miserable the dead people she passed were.

Aren't you satisfied at this point?

Look, Huanxi is there. We have walked out of the Ancient Sea Palace Ruins safely. Bai Lu pointed to the steps ahead.

The three of them stepped forward quickly.

Huanxi came up to him with worry on his face, Miss Bai Lu! Are you okay? I haven't seen you come back after waiting for a long time...

Xing scanned the surroundings, and his heart moved. He seemed to have noticed something strange, and a ray of vigilance surged deep in his eyes.

Thanks to Dan Heng and Xing for escorting them all the way. You have to thank them. Bai Lu didn't notice anything was wrong.

This journey was really dangerous, but fortunately we escaped. Xing answered calmly.

I didn't expect those assassins to be so bold, breaking into the Holy Land of Scale Abyss and chasing after you... Don't worry, young lady, I will definitely report to the elders and catch them all!

Huan Xi released his clenched fists and breathed a sigh of relief:

Fortunately, the three auspicious people are blessed by God. If anything happened, I would have failed in my duty.


Xing narrowed his eyes, his pupils dark under his long eyelashes, I don't seem to have said that Sinister was an assassin. How did you know that, Miss Huanxi?

Huan Xi was stunned, thoughts flashing rapidly in his heart.

Of course this is because... we were attacked once at the ferry... I, I am panicking, fearing that these guys will attack you again.

Stop pretending, I have a friend who is more proficient in the use of space power. You are as good as a three-legged cat and a smelly bird egg. How dare you show it off? Xing smiled coldly.

279. Even thinking about death is a luxury

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