
Zi Shu made a hexagram casually.

Tens of seconds later, Xueyi got a list of suspects related to Tianbo Division and started preparatory work vigorously and resolutely.

To make sure nothing goes wrong, she needs to go back to the Ten Kings Division to check the extent of her body damage and dispatch more judges.

Zi Shu also left. Ting Yun stood at the door of the store and stared at his back until he disappeared, then looked away, his big fluffy tail wagging happily.

Her benefactor actually had a personal relationship with the judge of the Ten Kings Division, which really surprised her.

Recalling the name and information Zi Shu had said earlier, Ting Yun's heart was pounding and his eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

My benefactor figured out the information about the ghost in Tianbo Company. It must be because of her that he decided to take action. I’m happy, happy, happy~~

He must have me in his heart!

It's just because of some reasons that I can't respond to her, that's absolutely right!

A man who doesn't make promises casually, who makes promises worth a thousand dollars, is indeed the man she falls in love with.

276. Jing Yuan: When will the novel be updated?

The next day, Zi Shu woke up and found that Xue Yi had left him a message.

[Xia Xue Coat: Zi Shu, last night the judges of the Ten Kings raided the Tianbo Division and arrested all the remnants of the Medicine King's Secret Tradition inside. ]

[Xia Xue Coat: My little sister dreamed of the prisoner and learned about a plan against the descendants of the Vidyadhara clan. ]

[Xia Xue Coat: If I remember correctly, you once mentioned that you know the descendants of Vidyadhara, but my little sister has incomplete information and does not know who is being targeted. I hope you will remind your friends to be careful. ]

Zi Shu suddenly became energetic.

[The most important thing for people is to be happy: please elaborate? ]

Xue Yi seemed to be not working, so she replied within a few seconds.

[Xia Xue Coat: There is too little information. I suspect that there are people within Chi Mingchi who colluded with and took in the remnants of the King of Medicine's secret teachings. This is a big matter. If there is not enough evidence, our judge's rash investigation will easily alert the snake. ]

[Xia Xue Coat: Can you try divination? ]

[The most important thing for a person is to be happy: Divination also has to give me enough information. Although the Vidyadharas cannot reproduce and their numbers are small, compared to the immortal boat humans, just one Vidyadhara clan has been targeted. Nothing comes out. ]

Who knows if the person being targeted is a small shrimp or a big shot? Is the reason for personal enmity or a big conspiracy?

But speaking of it, you can try the elimination method.

After calculating whether it was related to Dan Heng, Zi Shu's eyes narrowed and his movements paused.

It's really related.

Coincidence or...are you going for him?

But the hexagrams are not considered serious disasters. At most, they will encounter certain dangers.

[Xiaoxue Coat: There are still a dozen people who have not yet been interrogated. If we find new clues later, I will contact you as soon as possible. ]

[The most important thing for people is to be happy: 彳亍. ]

Zi Shu stared at the chat history on the screen and fell into deep thought, his gray and black eyes slowly turning.

It is certain that Dan Heng's identity is not favored by some Vidyadharas. If someone within the Vidyadhara clan wants to take action against him, this is a foreseeable development.

However, when it comes to the secret transmission of Medicine King, it is a bit strange. Why leave the internal affairs of Vidyadhara to outsiders?


Zi Shu realized it later, and an idea flashed in his mind.

It’s convenient to take the blame if something unexpected happens later!

Zi Shu opened the chat history with Xing. She said that she and Dan Heng were going to the Danding Division to meet the contemporary Dragon Master.

A simple meeting wouldn't have caused her to miss the train for two days. Something must have involved her.

[The most important thing for people is to be happy: Ah Xing, where are you and Dan Heng? ]

[Xing (Galaxy Bat Man): We are in the Scale Abyss Realm, and together with the contemporary Dragon Lord, we are preparing to strengthen the seal at the entrance of Jianmu. ]

Seal at the entrance…

Thinking of the seals that Dan Henglu had unlocked one after another before the battle with Huanwu, a look of surprise appeared on Zishu's face.

When he woke up, Jingyuan only asked him to help seal the internal building wood to prevent its resurrection, ignoring the external entrance.

Thinking about it, it is the responsibility of the Vidyadhara clan to take care of Jianmu Cave, and the seal is also a bridge to maintain the alliance between the two parties, so he does not need to worry about it.

[The most important thing for people is to be happy: Have you encountered any dangers or accidents along the way? ]

[Xing (Galaxy Bat Man): When I went to the Scale Abyss Realm, I met the assassin who assassinated Dan Heng. General Jing Yuan was right. There were indeed many people in the Vigilant Mind Clan who couldn't tolerate him. ]

Is there really no room for Dan Heng...

Zi Shu narrowed his eyes slightly and curled his lips meaningfully. When he saw the words Contemporary Dragon Lord, he doubted something else and immediately began to make divination predictions.

The results came out after a while. To ensure accuracy, he sent another message asking if the contemporary Dragon Master was really named Bai Lu. After confirming that it was correct, he already knew it.

Vidyadhihara does have an internal intention to target Danheng, but it is just incidental.

It seems a trip is necessary.

[Xing (Galaxy Bat Man): Don’t worry about us, I’m a woman on the road to protect my life. Those humorous assassins can’t hurt us. Besides, Dan Heng is using his hidden strength and the weapons you gave me. . ]

[The most important thing for people is to be happy: don’t set up flags randomly. ]

[Xing (Galaxy Bat Man): Yes... Let's not talk about it for now. We have arrived at the entrance of Jianmu Cave. ]

Zi Shu changed his clothes and set off immediately.

Danding Division.

Jing Yuan sat on the stone platform quite casually, leaning on the side of his face with the back of his fingers and pretending to be asleep.

When he noticed the movement, he slowly opened his eyes and couldn't help but smile when he looked at the person coming.

I think your appearance here is not as simple as revisiting the old place. How much does it count?

Zi Shu didn't expect that Jing Yuan would be here, and after thinking about it for a while, he understood the reason.

Yes, after all, it concerns the two previous and present Dragon Lords of the Vidyadhara clan.

Even if it's just a little bit, I missed you. It seems that my trip was in vain. Zi Shu smiled.

With Jingyuan watching, those little guys are destined not to make any waves.

Jing Yuan smiled and said, How could it be in vain? You and I have the same purpose, but for me, your coming here is still helping Luofu stabilize the situation. I am very grateful for your thoughtfulness.

There's no need for us to be so polite. Besides, aren't you considered to be protecting our Star Dome Train?

Hahahaha, the train crew owes a great debt of gratitude to Luofu. You are walking around on my territory, how can you let your benefactor step into a trap and remain indifferent?

Zi Shu smiled casually and did not dwell on this tacit topic, and changed his tone.

It seems that the contemporary Dragon Lord is not very popular with the Vidyadhara clan because of the issue of dragon transformation inheritance.

Oh, she is a miserable person, and she is also someone we owe something to... Jing Yuan sighed, But no matter how unpopular she is, we will not allow those guys to mess around...

Zi Shu spread his hands and said, You have old friends on one side and allies on the other. It's hard for you to do this. Let me come forward later.

In a sense, Jing Yuan and he had a life-long friendship. In this matter, there was no need to put him on the stage of meddling in Ming's internal affairs, lest people catch this as an excuse.

He is different. Anyone who touches the Star Train is tantamount to touching him, and the reason is justifiable.

It's very cool to help a friend out of trouble and at the same time give a hand to the contemporary Dragon Master.

Thank you. Jing Yuan chuckled.

Both of them were calm people, and before the time came, they started chatting about other things.

Well, in two days it will be Shangziwei's Creative Thursday. I heard that some new dishes have been launched, such as oil-fried flying sea anemones, fruit wood-roasted Chatan moa wings... Want to try something new? I'm treating you.

Uh... that restaurant in Jinren Lane is delicious? Zi Shu's eyes twitched slightly.

Innovation is innovation, it’s the taste of those new dishes...

The bottom is super ghost, the top is super god.

That's right there, but I heard from the person in charge of the commercial department of the District Hengsi that the economy of Jinren Lane has been getting worse and worse in recent years, and many merchants have found it difficult to do business...

Hey, let the experts worry about this. Speaking of Zishu, I can't wait for the next volume when the domineering Lan falls in love with the delicate pharmacist.

Zi Shu: ???

No...why are you watching too?

There hasn't been such a refreshing literary work in Luofu for many years. It has to be tasted and appreciated. Even Yanqing, who was extremely resistant at the beginning, now enjoys it...

277. Miss, can you have some moral integrity?

Oh, by the way, there's also the fight to break the universe. Can we give it about the same amount of time?

Zi Shu: ...To be honest, I thought you would never read this kind of novel.

Hahaha, Immortals spend most of their lives in boredom. As long as there are any novel things, there will definitely be no shortage of people who are eager for them. Most elderly people can only kill time by hunting for novelties.

I mean disrespecting the Emperor Gong and Siming.

That's not a problem anymore. Xianzhou was not thousands of years ago during the Cultural Revolution. Today's freedom of literary creation does not go online just because of these. After all, works are works after all, not reality. Jing Yuan smiled. explained.

Zi Shu thought about it for a while and figured it out.

That's right.

As a long-lived species, it does not have the trouble of being poisoned by so-called bad literature like short-lived species.

Even if there is, there is still plenty of time to correct it. After three or two hundred years, even a pig can become normal.

The less afraid of something, the more we will let it develop.

Emmm, let’s talk about why those abstract abstract works I saw at Liuyundu when I first came to Luofu were able to pass the review. Emotional people make a very clear distinction between reality and literature.

We will talk about the next part of Fighting the World in a few days. As for the novel, I think it will be reviewed in the next few days, unless the review is heavy.


...Nothing, cough, it's almost time, see you later.

When he noticed that Zi Shu gradually disappeared from his perception, Jing Yuan closed his eyes again and took a rest while enjoying the sea breeze.

Build a wooden entrance to the cave.

Dan Heng frowned slightly as he looked at the sealing medium that didn't give any reaction.

It's different from when the seal was unlocked, why is this happening...

Huh? Bai Lu noticed that the former's expression was not good, and couldn't help asking: What's wrong with you? You look embarrassed.

Dan Heng didn't reply to her, and just started reciting the mantra.

As long as the wood is revived, the longevity plague will cause disaster...

Hearing this, Bai Lu found that something seemed to flash through her heart. She couldn't help but read along, and at the same time, she had a sense of knowing what was going to follow.

The water of the ancient sea, under the command of the Dragon Lord, is here to suppress the mysterious roots!

As soon as the formula came out, the light burst out from Bailu's fingertips and quickly merged into the sealing medium, causing the water of the ancient sea to suppress the seal entrance.

The sudden scene made the two of them stunned.

This wonderful feeling... Bai Lu seemed to realize something.

You... did it! Dan Heng slowly lowered his arm and said solemnly: No outsider's approval is needed. This alone is enough to prove that you are a genuine Dragon Lord.

Bai Lu: ...

Did you remember anything when you rebuilt the seal?

Hmm... It's like a tide is rushing through my mind. I seem to have become very, very huge. The whole cemetery street is responding to my voice and resonating with me. Bai Lu replied.

Seeing this, Xingxian rubbed his chin with his fingers, thoughtfully.

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