After visiting the last clothing store with Tingyun and enjoying dinner in a leisurely and pleasant atmosphere, Zishu wanted to say goodbye and leave on the pretext of going back to think about the content of the next chapter.

Go slowly, little girl is also looking forward to the continuation of the story of our benefactor~

It's not a big problem. I'll be able to do it in two days... huh?


The sudden commotion made the two of them startled, and they both looked sideways.

The two figures seemed to be in a situation of chasing and escaping.

Some pedestrians on the road were knocked down, and some were frightened and avoided it in time. In short, it caused quite a chaos in this bustling street.

It's the devil's body! Get out of the way!

Run quickly, everyone, be careful not to get hurt!

It is not uncommon in Xianzhou to suddenly fall into the evil spirit. It is impossible for people in the Ten Kings Division to be watertight. With so many people in Xianzhou, accidents will always happen.

The Xuanyuan Sword in Su Chang's hand dragged out long sparks on the ground, and she chased after him with a sullen face, and a sweet shout came out of her mouth from time to time.

Thief! Where to run?!

I'm an idiot not to run!

Xili's face was terrifyingly gloomy.

As the secret disciples of the King of Medicine, since the fall of the headquarters, they have been living a life that is worse than a dog, hiding everywhere in fear for fear of being embedded in the neck by the hook of the Judge of the Ten Kings.

But even so, people were still arrested one after another and taken to the Ten Kings Hell Prison for interrogation and punishment.

She was careful enough, but the judge still came to her door.

If it weren't for her being a fox tribe, her extraordinary agility and the help of medicine, she would never have been able to injure the judge and escape here.

I thought I could escape by breaking Judge Yan Ou's legs, but I was unlucky enough to bump into Yun Qi in action. What was even more unlucky was that Yun Qi, a little girl who looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old, turned out to be extremely talented.

The unknown heavy sword in his hand has a terrifying pressure and carries a strong sense of threat.

She herself was wounded by the judge, so she couldn't tangle with him, so she had no choice but to run away. Unexpectedly, the terrain was complex and there were many people, making it difficult to keep distance.

It seems... we have to capture a hostage and find a way out!

Xili's cold and anxious eyes kept scanning, and when she saw something, her pupils shrank violently, and her face became uncertain.

I actually met her...

Seeing the six-bone stacked fan in his hand, Xili's eyes flashed with fear, and her eyes turned to the other man who was suspected of being a foreigner, with a plan in mind.

He's fine.

If the thief doesn't get caught quickly, Yunqi will soon surround this place, and then you will be... unable to fly!

It was originally a cold drink full of authority, but the pedestrians around him almost fell to the ground.

It’s hard to fly with your arms stretched out?

…Does this word exist in Xianzhou culture?

However, passers-by nearby gradually realized something: the demonic figure only escaped and did not violently injure anyone. It seemed that it still maintained its rationality.

Option 1: Pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger. Find an opportunity to counterattack after being restrained. Reward: Random hero skills.

Option 2: Push Ting Yun out as a hostage. Reward passive skill: Destroy Flowers with Dangerous Hands - Every time a beautiful woman is pushed out as a scapegoat, the throwing of tiles will be permanently increased by 0.1%.

Choice 3: My Qin QA is gone. Temporarily gain Sona skills and 5000 AP to help kill the demon body instantly. Reward: Your charm will be improved.

Charm is high enough, no need.

Seeing the demon's Yin body running towards this side with great momentum, Tingyun raised his slender eyebrows slightly, and the folded fan in his hand flashed with lightning arcs.

But before she could take action, she suddenly realized that Zi Shu had secretly pushed her away from the place.


What are you doing?

As soon as the doubts emerged in his heart, Tingyun discovered that Zi Shu had fallen into the hands of Mo Yin Shen, with a sharp elbow knife stuck next to his neck.


Tingyun was even more confused, but she was smart and quickly realized that Zi Shu was caught on purpose.

A bold thief, how dare you commit murder?!

Su Shang's face looked a little ugly, and she stopped for a moment without daring to advance.

The feared thing still happened.

You know the consequences of one crime plus another!

Humph, precisely because I know it, I absolutely cannot fall into your hands.

Xili was like a hungry wolf forced into a desperate situation, her eyes were extremely fierce, and the weapon in her hand shone coldly on the side of Zishu's main artery.

If you don't want Luofu stall to cause a diplomatic incident, then get away from me. If you dare to catch up again, I will kill this foreigner!

At this time, Xue Yi, who had finished replacing the machine parts, came chasing after him with his colleagues. When he saw this scene from a distance, his eyes darkened at first.

However, after seeing clearly who the person who was caught was, even if the expression was not rich enough, there was a strange look on his face.

275. He was beaten to death?

With his strength, it's hard not to imagine that he didn't do it on purpose...

Ever since the day when the Medicine King's secret lair was destroyed, Xueyi had never seen Zishu in the Ten Kings Division, but in this situation, he would have to take action even if he didn't want to, right?

I'm sorry, Lord Judge... that old man ran too fast, I couldn't catch up in time...

Su Chang really didn't want to admit that she was being slowed down by the heavy Xuanyuan Sword in her hand.

No problem, thank you for your help.

What should we do now? Do we really want to let her go?

Su Chang's little face was full of worry, but after seeing Zi Shu's expression, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

His life was threatened, why did he act so calm?

Just watch.

Xue Yi put away the two swords in her hands, and even the chains wrapped around her wrists and arms disappeared, and signaled the other judge to also put away their weapons.

Seeing the three people in Xueyi throwing rat weapons, Xili's eyes became more alert than before. She wanted to draw a blood mark on the hostage's neck to give them more shock.

She also did so, but because she was too nervous, her attention was almost entirely on the judge, and she did not notice that the neck of the hostage in front of her was intact.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she seemed to see a faint hint of ridicule in the eyes of that damn Judge Yan Ou.

Before Xili could think about it, the hostage in front of her suddenly sighed and spoke.

Why bother…

Shut up! Be honest—ugh!

Before she finished speaking, Xili felt that she suddenly lost weight, her head seemed to have collided with something, and she was so painful that stars appeared in her eyes and she almost lost consciousness.

Zi Shu opened his bow from left to right and punched twice in succession. He leaned back to gather strength for a moment, and then punched out.

Under the extremely shocked gazes of many passers-by, Xili was blown away more than 20 meters by that punch, and fell to Xue Yi's feet in a state of embarrassment. After twitching twice, there was no movement again.

It was deathly silent.

One after another, their eyes stayed on Zi Shu blankly, as if they were shocked by his power.

The demon body may not know it, but they can see it clearly.

The handsome man who was originally restrained suddenly appeared beside Xili for some unknown reason, stretched out his right hand to grab his head, and collided with the stone bench he grabbed with his left hand.

The stone bench was torn into pieces, and then the demon's Yin body was punched twice hard on the head.

And the last punch carried an oppressive momentum, vaguely accompanied by the might of a dragon, making people feel like they would feel so good after just one punch.

Xue Yi knelt down to check Xili's condition. As soon as his hand covered his neck, he realized that the other party had completely breathed his last.


Yunxia next to her also noticed something was wrong, and her expression was very exciting.

The vitality of the demonic body is so strong that everyone in Xianzhou understands it.

But now, he was beaten to death with his bare hands by a man who looked like a foreigner in his clothes and looked like a fairy boat man?

Su Chang was stunned, and the Xuanyuan Sword in her hand unknowingly let go, and the heavy sword hilt hit the instep of her foot, causing her to grin and hurriedly regain her consciousness.

So... such a fierce and handsome boy...

Tingyun put away his folding fan and took out a soft silk pajama book to wipe his palms. Seeing that his slender green fingers showed no signs of injury, the corners of his mouth raised a slight arc.

“My benefactor’s skills are as good as ever~~”

Strange, why is he dead... Zi Shu didn't reply, but murmured in slight surprise.

...Huh? Tingyun was startled.

It's probably his own fault.

Zi Shu shrugged, glanced at his hand held by Ting Yun, but did not take it out, looking indifferently towards Xue Yi.

How powerful it is to kill the devil's Yin body. I'm afraid no one on the fairy boat knows better than him.

Normally, the force he used just now would not kill him, because he had already taken the female factor into consideration.

The more immortal you are, the higher the damage you receive from Jinfu's skills... If the opponent dies, it means that this type of additional damage effect has been triggered.

Luofu is democratic enough and egalitarian enough, and he also punches, so he has to spit and whip the corpse like a meow.

[Skill acquired: Step forward and slash. 】

Luck is not very good, but it is still useful. E can gain happiness by moving forward.

It looks like you need to catch someone alive? Zi Shu said casually.

Xue Yi nodded.

Then...I'll resurrect it and let you take it back for trial?

Xueyi: ...

Passers-by: ???

Good guy, this kind of joke is not fun on the fairy boat, and it's in front of the judge of the Ten Kings Division. Are you willing to kill yourself?

Yunxia, ​​you go back and recover first.

…I see.

Yunxia glanced at Zishu curiously and saw that the other party's identity was unusual and that she knew Xueyi, so she quickly disappeared in this area without any delay.

The support from the Yunqi Army patrol team arrived late. No wonder they were chasing and escaping too quickly, and the matter was resolved faster.

Seeing the Yunqi Army coming, the nearby passers-by gradually dispersed.

Every Xianzhou person has seen with his own eyes the treatment of people who suddenly fell into the devil's shadow, not to mention a hundred and eighty times in their lifetime, but there are still some thirty or twenty times, so it's not surprising.

Xue Yi did not shy away from Ting Yun when he spoke, and said bluntly: You killed Xili, the remnant of the King of Medicine's Secret Secrets. I will report the credit for you.

Okay, there is a list of rebels. According to the normal process, the arrests should have been completed. Why are you still working on this matter now?

Zi Shu didn't quite understand and couldn't help but want to question the ability of the other judges.

The penetration of the Medicine King's Secret Tradition is far greater than expected. They have many hidden connections in the Danding Division, the Tianbo Division, and even the Diheng Division, which is why it is so difficult. Xue Yi replied.

This way... Zi Shu suddenly realized.

The implication is that there are still some rebels among the Six Imperial Guards who are not on the roster. These guys may be the last protective umbrella of the Medicine King's secret biography.

Probably only Danshu has the true identity of those people, but Danshu is dead, and even the Ten Kings will not be so happy to investigate. Although it will be a matter of time, the process will definitely be prolonged.

Unless he takes action.

However, the old men from the Ten Kings Division would not be grateful to him easily, so there was no need.

If you have the time, wouldn't it be nice to update more novels and talk about the book a few times to gain reserve popularity?

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