There are even a small number of other people above the fairy boat who have spread the word on the Internet that they want to go to the Luofu offline bookstore in person to purchase the physical collection of the book.

After finishing the matters at hand, it was time to get off work in another hour. Jingyan glanced at his colleagues around him and saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he quietly opened the latest volume of Domineering Lan's Fall in Love with the Delicate Pharmacist: Pharmacist's Counterattack

...It’s not like the Shouwen Fuzu who suddenly attacked... Hehehe...

The author is so understanding that he even provided illustrations. This is simply disrespectful to Emperor Gong and Siming and is completely unconscionable!


Still can’t hold back my anticipation, I really want to see the follow-up!

Half an hour later, Jingyan put down the book with unfinished thoughts, as if there were countless ants crawling above his heart.

Who will knock her out for a while and travel directly to the release review date of the next volume?

Urgent, urgent, urgent, I really want to tie the author to a small dark room and train him hard so that he can update non-stop.

But Jingyan was just thinking about it, and of course it was impossible to actually do it.

Before midnight, Zi Shu, who was wearing a half-face mask, drank all the fine tea, fluffed up his sleeves and left under the eager gazes of many people. No matter who tried to persuade him to stay, it was useless.

Today's tasks are up to standard, and it's impossible to work overtime.

Since the main plot of entering with Tingyun ended, the popularity level of 1.0 has reached the top.

The system has no choice but to open the popularity collection branch. As long as it is popular on various channels in Luofu, it can be stored no matter how it is used, and it will be converted into player popularity points at a certain ratio in 2.0.

Upon hearing this, Zi Shu, who seemed a little idle at first, immediately stopped feeling sleepy.

273. The first sight of a favor leads to a lifelong misunderstanding.

It's not easy to be popular.

Directly refer to the time-travelers in the novel for copying. Adaptation is not random editing, and random editing is not random modification. It is full of entertainment content with enough tension, so you don’t have to worry about popularity, right?

As a result, Mr. Shadow, a storyteller who quickly became popular, appeared overnight.

In the bookshop, a writer named Aha 414 appeared, with a serialized work The Domineering Lan Falling in Love with the Delicate Pharmacist

Storytelling was Zishu’s own plan, while serializing novels was promoted by Aha.

Let him sort out the works of Lan X Pharmacist. Why is the pen name Aha 414?

Byd's Aha is really born. There is nothing he dares not to do, only things he can't think of.


So delicious.

Not only did the novel explode in popularity, it also gained two transformation opportunities from Aha.

Transform into what? Transform into the Order of Destruction.

Although it is not genuine, it is absolutely impossible to tell unless someone is stronger than him.

The famous card collector Wang Xiaoming once said that to deal with destruction, we must use the power of destruction.

If you encounter Nanook's pawns in the future, you can look forward to their wonderful expressions by pretending.

My benefactor, my little girl has been waiting for a long time.

Hearing this, Zi Shu turned his head and looked.

The graceful and charming little fox girl stood aside, her charming eyes flicking her eyes, releasing the temptation that makes people fall into her.

wait for me?

My benefactor is really good at teasing people. You promised my little girl yesterday that you would go to the surrounding shops. After all... you are now a shareholder~

That's the case, but you're too polite. I'm destined not to stay in Xianzhou for a long time. Just give me a house. Giving me shares is really unnecessary. Zi Shu waved his hand.

He didn't take these things too seriously just because he had saved Tingyun and helped her settle her grudges.

If there was no profit motive in the first place, it would not be possible to become so obsessed with it.

A hint of resentment flashed across Tingyun's face.

The little girl has no way to repay the kindness I have shown you. If you don't want the little girl to give me your kindness, then the little girl can only choose another way to repay...

Zi Shu smiled helplessly.

He was destined to wander for a long time. Even if Tingyun was willing to leave his family, career and hometown to board the train with him, he would not have the heart to suffer.

People who wander the sea of ​​stars should not have too many worries. If you use that method of repayment, you are destined to miss it for the rest of your life.

However, the little girl has already missed her benefactor for the rest of her life... Tingyun covered his mouth with a fan and smiled, Only the benefactor can rescue the little girl from this~


My benefactor, please don't feel any pressure in that regard. The little girl knows that her benefactor has no self in his heart, but it is a little girl's right to admire her benefactor. You can't deprive her of this right...

Zi Shu chose to avoid this topic.

It's not that he's impotent or playing hard-to-get.

Zishu knows very well that game characters really have their own lives. No matter what the interpersonal relationships are in the real world, even if he opens a harem, it has nothing to do with the player world, and it will not have any impact.

Because it's impossible for players to know that.

The reason why he avoids it is because those who are involved in his fate are destined to be accompanied by countless uncertainties.

It is not his principle to tie others to himself when he has not even decided where his future will be.

It is not his principle to leave the romantic debt without caring about the future.

It's okay to be a scumbag, but at least scumbags must be held accountable, and they can't be ignored if they are accepted.

Marriage between a man and a woman is possible, but it is not a necessity. It depends on whether the time is ripe.

Zi Shu has always been clear about what he wants.

Becoming stronger, strong enough to control one's own destiny, strong enough not to repeat the mistakes of the deceased Star God, the goal is that simple.

When can he become the master of the spider web of fate instead of being a prey to be slaughtered? When can he truly determine his own future?

That day is still far away.

...Let's go. Zi Shu said calmly.

Tingyun put away the sadness in his eyes, quickly cheered up and said with a smile: I am very flattered to be able to be my benefactor's guide~

In the poker pavilion, Qingque pouted her little mouth and looked like she had big eyes.

Use your delicate thumbs slightly to feel the patterns on the cards in your hand.

The next second, her eyes lit up.

Hey, Hu La!

Oh, what a green bird you are, you actually killed us all.

How can anyone always lose in poker? It's always my turn, haha, the next one is the next one.

Taking advantage of the gap in shuffling the cards, Qing Que glanced at random and couldn't help but blurt out when he saw a familiar figure not far away.

Zishu! Why do you have time to come to the poker hall today? Why don't you want to do something big?

It's Qingque. Zi Shu smiled and walked towards the card table, It's not like you work on big things all the time. How are you lucky today?

Okay, okay, do you want to come for two games? Hey, Miss Tingyun is here too. It's not easy to meet you, a busy member of the Minghuo Merchant Group.

Seeing Zishu and the two of them standing so close, Tingyun looked like a little bird clinging to someone, and Qingque couldn't help but have a hint of gossip in his eyes.

Zi Shu waved his hand and declined:

We won't fight today. Speaking of Qingque, today seems to be the routine maintenance day of Taibo Division's Qionguan Formation. Every diviner has to check whether there is any fault in the section at hand. How dare you sneak out?

Hey, I'm just doing my job. The small section I'm responsible for hasn't had any problems in hundreds of years. It won't be too late to check again when I get to work tomorrow.

Qingque smiled nonchalantly and played the cards skillfully.

Zi Shu raised his eyebrows, What if?

Okay, there's nothing wrong with that. As you know, apart from her height, Taibu is very good at everything else. With her in charge, if there is any small problem in the formation, she will definitely notice it immediately. If so, I'm not the same as me...Hey, wait, eat!

When the cards were played, Qingque didn't notice that the three card players were secretly winking at her, and still said to herself:

Taibo Si is like a green bird without a green bird for the time being. Everyone has things at hand so they won't notice me. This is a good opportunity to fish;

Taking a break from your busy schedule is all about stealing. The excitement, excitement and satisfaction of sneaking off to get off work is the second greatest pleasure in life.

It turns out that Miss Qingque is still a fortune teller...

Tingyun's big furry ears twitched slightly, and he slowly shook his folded fan and said with a smile: I wonder what is your first greatest pleasure?

Of course - Di Yuan Qiong... Huh? Come on! Another fool, Men Qing, General Eyes, Dudu, Fourth Edition, this is called the first pleasure!

Qingquexi's little face was smug. He raised his head and found his poker partner winking at him, and couldn't help but wonder.

Is there sand in your eyes? But there's no wind blowing outside.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, a chilling and familiar majestic voice came out from behind him.


274.What does my benefactor do?

Qingque's scalp suddenly exploded, and he shuddered hard. The hairs on his body stood on end, and he stiffened his neck and slowly turned his head.

Uh haha...Master Taibu...Why are you here...

Weird thing, how did Taibo calculate that she is here? He has obviously already prepared countermeasures...

Fu Xuan's face was dark and green, and his gaze was like a knife, gouging Qingque's body mercilessly.

If I didn't want to relieve my fatigue, I happened to bump into Zi Shu and Ting Yun while shopping in a dessert shop. I chose to follow them out of curiosity. I really didn't expect Qingque to be hiding here playing cards.

I'm short of height, but I can't do it without Qingque, so I'll go back to work with you.

At first glance, the tone seems to be quite calm, but everyone here is not a fool, how can you not understand what is happening?

Taibu's expression even caught the general's eye, and given his temperament, he probably had to go around a bit to avoid any bad luck.

In response to Qingque's look of help, the players simply pretended not to see it, left the patrol behind very simply, and then disappeared in a hurry.

...Well, Master Taibu, please listen to my explanation...

Well, I'll listen and let's talk as we walk.

Fu Xuan hooked his fingers, and invisible force involuntarily grabbed the green bird and drove it out.

Qingque showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and asked Zi Shu Tingyun for help with the eyes of a savior, but both of them responded with helpless eyes in tacit understanding.

It’s over…

What Taibu-sama is holding in her hand is a dessert, which is the recently popular toffee dumpling. Now even if she wants to use dessert to calm her old man's anger, it won't work.

...I was caught first and got caught at gunpoint. I was really unlucky today.

Qingque is like a salted fish that has lost its life dream, letting itself be dragged out, preparing to face the storm in the near future.

Fu Xuan glanced at Zi Shu, his expression softened a lot, he lightly tapped his white chin at him, and when he turned to leave, he returned to his dark and blue complexion.

This Qingque is really getting better and better at taking some time off.

In the past, she would just turn a blind eye, but today was an important day to observe the inspection, how could it be a child's play?

The most important thing is that the master is here, and he sees the shameful appearance of his subordinate. She, the boss, puts her face there, making it seem like she has no control over her subordinates and cannot control her subordinates.

This matter was just a minor incident for Zi Shu, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

Although he and Qing Que have some friendship with each other, Fu Xuan, the cheap young disciple, is obviously serious about his anger, and there is no need for him to get involved and be a scapegoat.

Not to mention, I'm a little envious of Miss Qingque...

Why do you envy her? Zi Shu asked doubtfully.

Master Taibu's reprimands always have a special flavor, and the little girl quite likes it.

Zi Shu: ???

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