What do you think? Jizi looked at the other three people.

Xing shrugged and held out two fingers, indicating that both he and Zi Shu had only experienced two pioneering journeys.

Zi Shu said casually: I can do it, you just make the decision.

Anyway, for him, the most important thing is whether there is a main line. As for the time, it doesn't matter.

Xing: Me too.

I think it's okay. Two months would normally be enough time for another trip. But since we accepted the family's invitation to attend the banquet on behalf of the pioneering faction, it's best not to break the appointment unless we have to.

Walter thought for a moment and continued:

Pioneering will never stop, but as Xiao Sanyue said, we haven't had a long break for a long time, so it would be good to use this time to take a good rest.

Xing's face straightened, The reason for stopping for a short rest is to be in a better state for the next new development journey!

It seems that everyone agrees. Let me ask Dan Heng for his opinion.

Ji Zi was about to send a message, but Dan Heng's voice came from behind her.

I agree too.

...Since everyone agrees, the train will stop in the Luofu star field and everyone can move freely. If you have any idea of ​​leaving the star field near Luofu, just report it to me briefly. Ji Zi finalized.

March 7 opened the interstellar map, and after a moment he spread his hands and said: There is not much fun nearby. It is good to stay in Luofu. It is also convenient to go back to the train to visit Pam from time to time.

Haha... Then relax your body and mind. Jizi smiled softly.

The train cannot be left unattended for a long time, so Ji Zi went back first in the afternoon, while the other five people took the Xingcha to meet Jing Yuan at the Changle Tian Shence Mansion.

Teacher Zishu, you are here.

Yanqing had been waiting early in the morning, and he felt refreshed when he saw the train group.

The general has asked me to welcome all distinguished guests here. Please come here.

[Enter the main line. 】

Zi Shu nodded and signaled Yan Qing to lead the way.

Inside the Shence Mansion, Jing Yuan put down the report document in his hand, stood up with a smile, and welcomed everyone in the train group to the reception area, taking their seats one by one.

“We are gathered here to reiterate Luofu Xianzhou’s gratitude to the anonymous train group for their righteous deeds.”

Jingyuan smiled sincerely and crossed his fingers.

I think Fu Qing has talked about this with everyone before, but I think Luofu is far from being able to repay you for everything you have done. Therefore, on behalf of the Luofu Yun Cavalry, I give you a jade symbolizing the friendship of the alliance. mega.

After saying this, Jing Yuan took out a talisman and floated it in the middle of the crowd.

Souvenir? Xing asked curiously.

It can indeed be regarded as some kind of souvenir.

Jing Yuan nodded slightly and explained softly:

“But it symbolizes something else, far beyond a small gift that outsiders can buy when they visit here;”

Thousands of years ago, when the alliance was established, all the immortal boats swore an oath together, and engraved the jade omen to prove it. The world was destroyed, and this oath will never change;

The same goes for this jade omen. It records Luo Fuyunqi's commitment to the train group. It is also a beacon. If you hold it tightly, it will send a message to the paired jade omen in my hand;

No matter how vast the galaxy is or how far the journey is, the Luofu Immortal Boat will come to meet the train and fulfill everyone's entrustment.

A glimmer of understanding flashed in Xing's eyes: I understand, you can shake people, no, it's a fairy boat.

Wow, it seems that this gift is really expensive... March 7 was surprised.

Uh, of course... Jing Yuan's words stopped, and he said helplessly: Please don't use such an important thing for trivial matters or things that violate alliances. Can everyone understand this?

The alliance between Luofu and the train is nothing to be trifled with.

After all, the favor owed to Zishu was not included here, but a personal relationship between the Star God's envoys.

The Luofu Fairy Boat represents the hunting party. It is large enough and cannot easily rush around for trivial matters due to emotions and reasons.

I understand, I understand... March 7 smiled awkwardly.

Zi Shu and Walter looked at each other, then put away the talisman with a smile.

The train crew will remember the general's kindness and will not thank you again.

Jing Yuan nodded, then turned his eyes, Dan Heng...

The general has something to say, but it doesn't matter.

According to the edict of the Ten Kings, I pardon your exile order. From now on, you can freely come and go on Luofu, but...

A look of seriousness appeared on Jingyuan's face, and he said in a deep voice:

I want to remind you that Dan Feng's sins are far-reaching, and some people's thoughts are like the tides in the Scale Abyss Realm, which will never be easily changed by a piece of paper;

I can only guarantee your freedom to come and go, but I cannot guarantee your safety. Please understand this.

Dan Heng was not surprised, I understand.

General Xianzhou has more responsibilities than rights. Many things are often beyond his control as long as they are based on the starting point of thinking for Xianzhou.

But Jingyuan still did a lot.

When he was privately exiled from the fairy boat, it didn't look good on the surface, but it actually helped him escape from eternal prison.

The decision to protect Zishu not long ago and hide his identity as an envoy of the Fengfu Order was based on the same reason.

As General Luofu, his responsibility drives him to put Xianzhou first. To be able to do this for Zi Shu is undoubtedly an unquestionable trust.

Dan Heng could understand why Jing Yuan said what he just said.

The fact that he was walking in Luofu these days, even if he kept a low profile, was still being watched from the dark, proved that what Jing Yuan said was true.

I am afraid that some people wish that he would never return to Luofu.

After giving the gift, I feel a lot more relaxed. At this moment, I should have recited a few poems to cheer up the cup... But I'm not as well-educated as Fu Qing, so let's forget it.

Jingyuan raised his glass and looked around at everyone with a smile.

The unknown guest still has a long road ahead. I wish you all a smooth journey. No matter when you return to Luofu, you will be a guest here. If your next trip is not tight, you are welcome to stay.

It does take a while.

Oh? That's good. After Jingyuan is busy with the important tasks accumulated during his recovery period, he will find time to arrange the banquet himself. I hope you will show your respect at that time.

Of course the general is here to treat us! Yue Yue Qijiao said with a smile.

When he heard that the train group would not leave so soon, Yanqing's eyes couldn't help but light up, and his eyes wandered to everyone, wondering when he could ask the teachers of the train group to discuss...

The best thing is to discuss with Zi Shu.

He and General Jing Yuan are both envoys of the Star God, so a little guidance will definitely benefit him a lot.

The general is busy with important matters, so I won't bother you any more. See you later.

Thank you for your understanding, Yanqing.

Yes, General, teachers, I will see you off.

272. The domineering Lan falls in love with the delicate pharmacist

A short period of time has passed since Zi Shu accepted the talisman representing the alliance between Train and Luofu.

Walter stayed in the engineering department for a few days, discussing the topic of finishing gold with the public transportation master, and then returned to the train to rest.

March 7 runs around Luofu and sends dozens of photos to group chats every day.

Xing was taken away by Dan Heng not long ago, saying that he wanted to visit the Vidyadhara clan.

Jizi wouldn't leave the train casually if nothing happened, but Zishu...

Tingyun gave him a luxurious mansion, located adjacent to Xuanye Avenue, the most prosperous Xingchahai Avenue.

The price is prohibitive even to locals.

The reason for the gift couldn't be simpler and doesn't require too much explanation at all. As for whether Tingyun has her own little thoughts, only she knows.

By the way, Tingyun's house is right next door to the mansion.

In the bustling area of ​​Xuanye Avenue, you can find yourself in a teahouse.

Okay! Mr. Shadow's battle to break the world is really exciting and makes people want to stop!

I wonder who will win the three-year contract between Xiao Miao and Nalan Yingying. Sir, will there be another time now?

One more time, Mr. Shadow!

Yes, this is much more exciting than Mr. Xi Yan's story!

At the tea table in the corner below the high platform, Mr. Xi Yan's face was a little dark. He glared at the white-haired man on the table whose appearance, hidden only by his mask, could firmly attract the attention of the beautiful women in the teahouse, but he was helpless.

I'm so angry that he, the number one storyteller in Xingchahai, would be upstaged by a stranger.

Every time that guy talks about books, his works will win a lot of applause.

According to him, that kind of writing style is just a relatively common style of cool writing. Xianzhou stopped using that style more than ten years ago.

But it’s so satisfying that I can’t stand it anymore, and it makes people feel more immersed in it.

Whenever news spread late at night that Mr. Shadow was coming to read books again, the teahouse would always be packed with people.

It can't go on like this...

Mr. Xi Yan silently glanced at the self-service tea machine next to him. He felt a strong sense of urgency in his heart and thought about how he should arrange the storyline to regain his popularity.

Hey, isn't this the famous Mr. Xi Yan, the number one storyteller in Xingchahai? How did he end up like a miserable cat in a corner now?

Hearing a somewhat mocking tone, Mr. Xi Yan turned his head in displeasure.

Hey, who am I to say? It turns out that the novel has been the sales champion for half a year, and it must be uncomfortable to be pushed out of the top spot by a novel about madness?

Mr. Xi Yan sneered:

The domineering Lan fell in love with the delicate pharmacist. Such a crazy novel can win the first place. It shows how powerful it is to have been the champion for half a year. Are you right, the great writer Dong Yun?

As soon as these words came out, Dong Yun's face suddenly turned livid, so ugly.

You bastard, you don't want to open any pot, just poke people's sore spots, right?

However, he also knows that there is no point in ridiculing each other. Everyone is frustrated, so don't laugh at fifty steps.

Damn it, who is that guy whose pen name is Aha414? His first novel can turn the novel market upside down. It's really outrageous... Dong Yun gritted his teeth.

He has read the book Domineering Lan Falling in Love with the Delicate Medicine Master. It smells like a novel written by a fairy boat female writer hundreds of years ago. Even this kind of thing can be popular. What kind of literary aesthetic do people nowadays have?

It turns out that it's not that the routines have lost their originality, but that the routines are not attractive enough. I dare say that if Mr. Shadow starts a serial fight to break the world, you won't even be able to be the second child. Mr. Xi Yan curled his lips and said.

Anyone who works in this business on the fairy boat will basically follow an unwritten rule.

Storytellers do not engage in novel serialization, and novel authors do not engage in live storytelling. They respect each other's jobs and do not expand the scope of the novel.

But one thing I have to admit is that when the quality is not much different, serialized works are better than storytellers.

Who in the history of Xianzhou Tongli has dared to write a novel using the name of Emperor Gong. The most outrageous thing is that he can pass the trial. What on earth are those guys from the Diheng Division thinking? Dong Yun rolled his eyes fiercely.

In the Diheng Department, Jingyan sneezed hard, muttered and rubbed his nose, wondering who was talking about her.

After looking at the latest serial volume of the domineering Lan falling in love with the delicate pharmacist, the complex arc at the corner of his mouth became longer and longer.

It's really terrible. Originally, this thing was going to be banned, but unexpectedly, General Jingyuan sent someone to send his autograph, saying that he must respect the free atmosphere in the literary world and prohibit the sale and serialization of this novel.

This is great. As soon as the novel came out, it set off a craze in most of Luofu in a short period of time. Now its popularity is frighteningly high.

Regardless of the delicate writing style, the description is bold enough and the R200 and other factors and gimmicks, both men and women, regardless of whether they are over 200 years old or not, can watch it with gusto.

The most important thing for becoming popular is breaking the rules.

Who in the past dared to write about the star god that the Immortal Boat Alliance followed? Not to mention the story of Lan falling in love with his real-life enemy, the pharmacist, which is simply outrageous and extremely courageous.

What's even more outrageous is that General Jingyuan actually allowed it...

You know, this novel was banned on the spot when it reached other fairy boats.

However, this also resulted in a large number of well-known people jumping over the wall to the Luofu network, and a sudden surge of more than one billion traffic almost burned out the Yuzhao server.

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