I benefited a lot from listening to Zishu's one-night lecture.

Fu Xuan's meaning was still not finished. He could see the bright sky outside the window. He suppressed the surging desire for knowledge in his heart and bowed in salute.

Thank you, Master Qingye, for teaching me. My disciple feels that he has benefited a lot.

Don't worry about so many red tapes. Zi Shu gestured and said with a slight smile: The time has come to test your results. Try to peek into the thoughts in my mind.

That disciple will be very offended next time.

Fu Xuan's little face was solemn and solemn, and he quickly made mysterious seals with his hands, carving the miniature Qionguan Formation that Zi Shu had used in Taibo Si into his palms, and then slowly reflected it on his forehead.

The Dharma Eyes on her forehead sparkled. This was her advantage. It could be well supplemented with the required knowledge, so she could use it naturally.

Under the observation of Fayan and Qionguanzhen, the fog shrouding Zishu's fate seemed to gradually reveal a path, leading to the unfathomable depths.

His consciousness followed the path deeper, and soon, Zi Shu's conscious voice sounded in Fu Xuan's heart.

Why is Baisi a god? Before talking about the answer to this question, I would like to first talk about how other stockings are different from Baisi.

The first is the lace stockings that are guilty of arrogance. They show off a disdainful smile with just a hint of interest. Such arrogant stockings are destined not to go far, and this is also the case...

? ? ?

Fu Xuan's eyes darkened, and he almost couldn't maintain the Qionguan Formation in his palm.

Her slender eyebrows couldn't help but frown, and she forced herself to relax and continue listening, focusing her energy even more.

After all, it is the master who tests his teaching results, and there is the possibility of disguise. No matter what you hear, you have to distinguish between true and false and see his true thoughts.

The second is the crime of jealousy, the black stockings, because the audience is not as good as the knee-length black and white stockings...

Then there's Heisi who committed the crime of laziness...

Finally, the erotic and translucent flesh that commits the crime of lust...

Fu Xuan's expression became more and more complicated, and the blush spread all over his face without realizing it, even his earlobes were flushed.

Could it be...this is what the master really thinks?

The tone is full of emotion...


There's a 70% chance that it doesn't look like the acting, what about the remaining 30%...

However, Zi Shu's voice hasn't stopped yet.

That's why white silk stockings are the eternal charm. The looming outline of beautiful legs against the white stockings is like fine jade, which makes people admirable. After gently taking off the white stockings, you can see those warm, white and graceful little feet. It was heart-pounding, and tears of excitement left the corners of my mouth...

If I could put such a pair of little feet into my mouth and lick every beady little toe with my tongue, ah... the soft and delicious taste would be the pinnacle of every foot lover's life!

If I could be rewarded by being stepped on by such a pair of white stockings, that would really be...

Ah~~ah~~I really want to take off Xuan'er's white stockings like this, hold her legs and feet in my arms and lick her until they are broken...

...You...Master...Master you...

So bad, the big bad guy!

After all, Fu Xuan still couldn't maintain the poor posture. There was a bit of anger on his blushing face, but he didn't dare to say more due to Zi Shu's identity. He had a cute air of being resentful.

Hearing the strange tone, Zi Shu raised his eyes in shock, and became even more confused when he saw Fu Xuan's expression that turned red at the base of his ears.

What's going on? Is this?

However, it was not easy for him to ask Fu Xuan directly. He looked as usual and said:

How about it? Did you successfully find out what I just thought?

It's as simple as memorizing the Bagua formula backwards, and you can react even if you only hear the first half.

...report back to master, we found out...

Seeing Zi Shu's calm and indifferent expression, Fu Xuan bit his lower lip and suppressed the tenderness in his heart.

The complete version of the Book of Changes is indeed profound and profound. I would like to thank the master again for his one night's teaching...

After saying this, she bit her silver teeth and actually took off her shoes under Zi Shu's puzzled gaze, and slowly took off the white silk on her legs...

270. Are you calling Aha?

What stunned him even more was what was coming.

Master, if you like these... I'll give it to you, please. Please don't covet other Xianzhou women. I'm going to leave now, and I won't bother the master again tomorrow night...

His face was as red as dripping blood. Fu Xuan gently put down his pantyhose, then walked away from where he came, and his back disappeared in the dawn light.

Zi Shu hesitated to speak and wanted to stop her and ask, but he could see her shyness as if she was running away.


Did she hear something wrong because of something wrong during the spell casting process?

But one can hear a person's voice by spying on his thoughts. If he hadn't heard his voice, Fu Xuan would have known it and would have re-examined it.

Regardless of how old you are, you are still so easy to be shy. Just relying on those gossip formulas, you can't even associate the word shy.

Wait a moment--

As if he had thought of something, Zi Shu lowered his face and calculated, looking for a timeline review of the recent past.

After learning what Fu Xuan heard from his mind, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

Old Biden——!!

?(???)? Mr. Commander is calling Aha?

A gift box popped out without warning, and a brown-red mask with a strange smile jumped out of it.

You are very self-aware and know that you are an old man.

What a big deal, every time Mr. Lingshi calls Aha Laoden, it is equivalent to scolding himself. After all, you are also an Laoden who has lived for hundreds of Amber Epochs, Le.

Zi Shu's eyes widened, You are worthy of being old but without dignity. Don't compare me with you.

Oh, look at what you said, does Mr. Ling make you feel that you are old and respectable? That's not the way you act when teasing others. It's hard not to love that look of you with no limits. You take out the joy order to make him unruly. Come on, my sir.

The curve of Aha's mouth almost spread to the edge of the mask.

If cutie Hanabi were here...

Stop, let's talk about how to compensate me first. Not to mention how many times you made me embarrassed in front of my cheap disciples, people almost regarded me as a pervert. Zi Shu said coldly.

There is so much joyful power in his body, and if he gets excited from time to time, it will have a certain subtle influence on him.

Damn it, the broken mask really only has an AC number.

Be more confident and remove the word quick. Mr. Lingshi wants rewards without showing off the beautiful girl jailer. Haha, it's very difficult...

It's difficult, isn't it? Then don't do it again!

Don't - Aha, I'm just joking. Hey, rewards are being distributed. Please sign for them, Mr. Envoy. There's a lot of fun over there in the tavern. Let's run first!

The mask retracted into the gift box and disappeared in the next second.

[Skills acquired: arrogance on the battlefield, subjugation, strong hands and skull splitting, breathtaking. 】

[The power of the wrist hero is passively activated. When attacking females with exclusive skills, the damage is increased by 100%. When beating XXN, boxer, green tea and other targets, the damage is increased by 300%. 】

[Remarks: Jinfu Jinfu, the whole audience cheers, Setis Seti, the female natural enemy! 】

Zi Shu sighed.

Aha, the old man brought up a lot of things from his memory, and then came up with various rewards. It would be useless to say that it was useless, but that's not the case.

Doubling the damage to females is actually quite powerful, but more powerful targets cannot be defined by gender, such as... the Star God.

However, it is still easy to use for some orders, but it is the kind of Huanhui who does not know that his true body is Suiyang, and he is not considered a female.

Glancing at the sky outside the window, Zi Shu took out a large pile of talisman paper and started carving talismans to replenish his inventory.


Today's virtual climate in Luofu is cloudless, the sky is blue, and the warm sunshine is pouring down, which is quite pleasant.

After the disaster passed, most ordinary people in Luofu returned to their former leisurely lives.

For immortals, quickly adjusting their emotions after a disaster is an essential skill. After all, no one wants to fall into the devil's shadow so quickly.

Xing and March 7 slept until the sun was shining on their buttocks, feeling refreshed.

Feeling something stuck on my forehead, I reached out and took it off and found that it was a familiar talisman.

No wonder he slept so well even when he was drunk and woke up so energetic.

Zi Shu is considerate.

After simply washing up and enjoying the lunch provided by the inn, the girls arrived at the door of Zishu's room and found that he was not there.

Through information inquiry, I learned that he was in the open-air rest area on the highest floor of the Chenchen Inn.

Walking up, I found that not only Zi Shu was there, but Walter and Ji Zi were also there.

The three of them sat on the edge and looked at the bustling bustle below, laughing and sipping the famous tea in the store from time to time.

March 7 couldn't help but pick up the camera and click the shutter, then jumped forward.

Good afternoon, everyone!

Are the two little slackers finally willing to let go? Ji Zi teased.

Uh haha... March 7 smiled awkwardly and winked at Xing.

Last night, San Yue and I accidentally drank too much. It was San Yue who insisted on dragging me to drink tea. She also said that the Xianzhou wine has a mellow flavor and that it should not be missed.

Xing didn't seem to notice March 7's hint, and his words made the former look more guilty.

Xiao Sanyue, you know you are too drunk...

...I heard that the Xianzhou people drank that kind of fine wine, and even seven or eight-year-old children never got drunk. Then... Yue Yue Qi pouted, pulled out the chair next to Ji Zi and sat down, her big eyes twitching. of.

We've all said that we are not immortal boat people, and other people's laws do not apply. Xing walked behind Zi Shu and stretched out his hands to knead his shoulders, How about this strength?

You can use more force.


The strength from the soft little hands was quite comfortable. Zi Shu squinted his eyes, and suddenly felt the sight of a caring little cotton-padded jacket relieving his father's fatigue.

It's not in vain to be so good to the children.

By the way, where is Dan Heng? Xing asked.

He got back on the train and said he was going to a think tank to find some information.


Luofu has passed the crisis safely, and our goal here has been achieved. Walter said: Jizi, when do you plan to go to Pinoconi? Count the time, the banquet will start soon, right?

Normally yes, but...

Ji Zi took out a gorgeous and exquisite music box and changed her voice.

Mr. Sunday, the family spokesman, issued a notice this morning, announcing that the date of the Harmony Ceremony has been postponed due to force majeure. The time will be... two system months.

Is this happening? Walter frowned, Didn't the speaker say the reason?

There are many forces invited to the Harmony Ceremony, so everything must be prepared well in advance. How can it be postponed just like it is?

Unless... something goes wrong with someone important involved in or even hosting the ceremony.

Zishu was also a little surprised. He heard Jizi mention the trip to Pinoconi before, but he didn't expect that the date would be postponed.

I didn't go into details.

Himeko shook her head and put down the coffee cup she was holding.

We originally planned to leave in a few days, use a month to make the jump, and perform maintenance on the train halfway. Now that such a force majeure factor has occurred, we have nothing to do in the past two months.

271.Me too

How about staying in Xianzhou for the time being? March 7th suggested: We have made five consecutive pioneering trips, and this one is the most tiring. It is not a bad idea to rest here for a while.

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